Lines Matching refs:fgetcsv
2 Test fgetcsv() : usage variations - with default enclosure, line without any csv fields
6 Testing fgetcsv() to read a line without any csv fields from a file
10 echo "*** Testing fgetcsv() : with default enclosure, line without any csv fields ***\n";
45 echo "\n-- Testing fgetcsv() with file opened using $file_modes[$mode_counter] mode --\n";
47 // call fgetcsv() to parse csv fields
49 // read the line which is without csv fields, provide delimiter and see the working of fgetcsv
51 var_dump( fgetcsv($file_handle, 1024, escape: "\\") );
65 *** Testing fgetcsv() : with default enclosure, line without any csv fields ***
67 -- Testing fgetcsv() with file opened using r mode --
75 -- Testing fgetcsv() with file opened using rb mode --
83 -- Testing fgetcsv() with file opened using rt mode --
91 -- Testing fgetcsv() with file opened using r+ mode --
99 -- Testing fgetcsv() with file opened using r+b mode --
107 -- Testing fgetcsv() with file opened using r+t mode --
115 -- Testing fgetcsv() with file opened using a+ mode --
123 -- Testing fgetcsv() with file opened using a+b mode --
131 -- Testing fgetcsv() with file opened using a+t mode --
139 -- Testing fgetcsv() with file opened using w+ mode --
147 -- Testing fgetcsv() with file opened using w+b mode --
155 -- Testing fgetcsv() with file opened using w+t mode --
163 -- Testing fgetcsv() with file opened using x+ mode --
171 -- Testing fgetcsv() with file opened using x+b mode --
179 -- Testing fgetcsv() with file opened using x+t mode --