Lines Matching refs:bitmap

409 >2	ubeshort	>0		AmigaOS bitmap font
435 # Note: called by TrID "Amiga bitmap Font (var.2)"
439 >2 ubeshort >0 AmigaOS bitmap font (TFCH)
475 # bm_flag; bitmap flag, -1 means VALID
476 >0x138 belong !-1 \b, bitmap flag %#x
477 # bm_ext; first bitmap extension block (Hard disks only)
478 >0x1A0 ubelong !0 \b, bitmap extension block %#x
4782 # skip most uncompressed DEGAS med-res bitmap *.PI2 and GEM bitmap (v1) *.IMG
4785 # skip DEGAS med-res bitmap DIAGRAM1.PI2 by test for valid length of download
7336 # display information for intergraph raster bitmap
12202 >4 lelong 0x10000042 multi-bitmap image
12221 >4 lelong 0x1000008A exported multi-bitmap image
12225 0 lelong 0x10000041 Psion Series 5 ROM multi-bitmap image
14257 # Originally a bitmap:
15285 # Reference:
15289 # GRR: line above is too general as it catches also DEGAS low-res bitmap like:
18482 # display tga bitmap image information
18618 >>>0 string x \b, bitmap
18620 !:mime image/x-portable-bitmap
18646 >>0 string x \b, rawbits, bitmap
18648 !:mime image/x-portable-bitmap
18988 # called by TriD ImageMagick Machine independent File Format bitmap
19084 0 string yz MGR bitmap, modern format, 8-bit aligned
19085 0 string zz MGR bitmap, old format, 1-bit deep, 16-bit aligned
19086 0 string xz MGR bitmap, old format, 1-bit deep, 32-bit aligned
19087 0 string yx MGR bitmap, modern format, squeezed
19090 0 string %bitmap\0 FBM image data
19111 # Note: by bitmap-awbm-v1x1009.trid.xml called "Award BIOS logo bitmap (128x126) (v1)"
19121 # Note: by bitmap-awbm.trid.xml called "Award BIOS logo bitmap (v2)"
19123 #>4 uleshort <1981 Award BIOS bitmap
19149 >12 uleshort 1 Device independent bitmap graphic
19161 # image size is the size of raw bitmap; a dummy 0 can be given for BI_RGB bitmaps
19174 # defs/b/bitmap-vbm.trid.xml
19175 # defs/b/bitmap-vbm-v3.trid.xml
19180 # check for VDC bitmap and then display image dimension and version
19181 0 name bitmap-vbm
19182 >2 ubyte 0xCB VDC bitmap
19206 # check for magic and version 2 of VDC bitmap or BMP with cbSize=715=CB02
19209 >>>0 use bitmap-bmp
19210 # VDC bitmap height or maybe a few OS/2 BMP with nonzero "hotspot coordinates"
19212 >>>0 use bitmap-vbm
19213 # check for magic and version 3 of VDC bitmap or BMP with cbSize=971=CB03
19215 # check for reserved value (=0) of VDC bitmap
19217 >>>0 use bitmap-vbm
19220 >>>0 use bitmap-bmp
19221 # cbSize is size of header or file size of Windows BMP bitmap
19223 >>0 use bitmap-bmp
19224 0 name bitmap-bmp
19225 >14 ulelong 12 PC bitmap, OS/2 1.x format
19240 # offBits; offset to bitmap data like:
19243 >14 ulelong 48 PC bitmap, OS/2 2.x format (DIB header size=48)
19244 >14 ulelong 24 PC bitmap, OS/2 2.x format (DIB header size=24)
19246 # Note: by bitmap-bmp-v2o.trid.xml called "Windows Bitmap (v2o)"
19247 >14 ulelong 16 PC bitmap, OS/2 2.x format (DIB header size=16)
19264 # offBits; offset to bitmap data like: 41E
19267 >14 ulelong 64 PC bitmap, OS/2 2.x format
19282 # BMP with cbSize 000002CBh=715 or 000003CBh=971 maybe misinterpreted as VDC bitmap
19284 # offBits; offset to bitmap data like 56h 5Eh 8Eh 43Eh
19289 >14 ulelong 52 PC bitmap, Adobe Photoshop
19303 # offBits; offset to bitmap data like: 42h
19307 >14 ulelong 56 PC bitmap, Adobe Photoshop with alpha channel mask
19321 # offBits; offset to bitmap data like: 46h
19327 #>>(2.l-4) ulong x PC bitmap, Windows 3.x format
19328 >>14 ulelong 40 PC bitmap, Windows 3.x format
19361 # image size is the size of raw bitmap; a dummy 0 can be given for BI_RGB bitmaps
19373 # offBits; offset to bitmap data like 36h 76h BEh 236h 406h 436h 4E6h
19377 >14 ulelong 124 PC bitmap, Windows 98/2000 and newer format
19392 # offBits; offset to bitmap data like: 8A 47A ABABABAB (fmt-119-signature-id-121.bmp)
19395 >14 ulelong 108 PC bitmap, Windows 95/NT4 and newer format
19408 # offBits; offset to bitmap data like: 7A 7E 46A
19466 # offBits; offset to bitmap data (pixel array) like E4h 3Ah 66h 6Ah 33Ah 4A4h
19515 # offBits; offset to bitmap data (pixel array) like 6Ah A4h E4h 4A4h
19523 # Note: container for OS/2 icon "IC", color icon "CI", color pointer "CP" or bitmap "BM"
19524 #0 string BA PC bitmap array data
19561 #
19562 # Note: called "X PixMap bitmap" by TrID and "X-Windows Pixmap Image" by DROID via PUID x-fmt/208
19726 # pixmap_format; Pixmap format; 0~1-bit (XYBitmap) format 1~single-plane (XYPixmap) 2~bitmap with t…
19757 # BitmapUnit; bitmap base data size unit in each scan line like: 8 16 32
19815 # PixmapFormat; pixmap format like: 1~bitmap with two or more planes (ZPixmap) 0~single-plane bitma…
19852 # pM8x: ATARI STAD compressed bitmap format
19856 # Atari ST STAD bitmap is always 640x400, bytewise runlength compressed.
19861 0 string pM85 Atari ST STAD bitmap image data (hor)
19864 0 string pM86 Atari ST STAD bitmap image data (vert)
19876 # bitmap-pi2-degas.trid.xml bitmap-pi3-degas.trid.xml
19877 # bitmap-pc1-degas.trid.xml bitmap-pc2-degas.trid.xml bitmap-pc3-degas.trid.xml
19881 # DEGAS low-res uncompressed bitmap *.pi1
19889 # standard DEGAS low-res uncompressed bitmap *.pi1 with file size 32034
19893 >>>>0 use degas-bitmap
19894 # about 61 DEGAS Elite low-res uncompressed bitmap *.pi1 with file size 32066
19897 >>>>0 use degas-bitmap
19898 # about 55 DEGAS Elite low-res uncompressed bitmap *.pi1 with file size 32128
19901 >>>>0 use degas-bitmap
19902 # 1 DEGAS Elite low-res uncompressed bitmap *.pi1 with file size 44834
19905 >>>>0 use degas-bitmap
19906 # DEGAS mid-res uncompressed bitmap *.pi2 (strength=50) after GEM Images like:
19924 >>>>>>>>0 use degas-bitmap
19925 # DEGAS high-res uncompressed bitmap *.pi3
19933 >>>0 use degas-bitmap
19945 >>>>>0 use degas-bitmap
19950 >>>>>>0 use degas-bitmap
19953 # DEGAS low-res compressed bitmap *.pc1 like: BATTLSHP.PC1 GNUCHESS.PC1 MEDUSABL.PC1 MOONLORD.PC1 W…
19957 >>0 use degas-bitmap
19958 # DEGAS mid-res compressed bitmap *.pc2 like: abydos.pc2 ARTIS3.PC2 SMTHDRAW.PC2 STAR_2K.PC2 TX2_DE…
19960 >0 use degas-bitmap
19961 # DEGAS high-res compressed bitmap *.pc3 like: abydos.pc3 COYOTE.PC3 ELEPHANT.PC3 TX2_DEMO.PC3 SMTH…
19963 >0 use degas-bitmap
19964 # display information of Atari DEGAS and DEGAS Elite bitmap images
19965 0 name degas-bitmap
19977 >0 beshort 0x0000 bitmap
19979 >0 beshort 0x0001 bitmap
19981 >0 beshort 0x0002 bitmap
19985 >0 beshort 0x8000 bitmap
19987 >0 beshort 0x8001 bitmap
19989 >0 beshort 0x8002 bitmap
20051 # Reference:
20052 # Note: called "ImageLab bitmap" by TrID
20054 0 string B&W256 ImageLab bitmap
20146 >>24 beshort 0 bitmap
20583 #8 lelong 4 ZBM bitmap image data
20637 !:mime image/x-polar-monitor-bitmap
20888 # Note: called as "PSX TIM *bpp bitmap" by bitmap-tim-*.trid.xml
22422 # skip some DEGAS high-res uncompressed bitmap *.pi3 handled by ./images like
23055 # Reference:
23056 # Note: called by TrID "HSI JPEG bitmap"
23072 # Reference:
23073 # Note: called by TrID "JPEG 2000 bitmap"
23079 # Reference:
23080 # Note: called by TrID "JPEG 2000 eXtended bitmap"
23085 # Reference:
23086 # Note: called by TrID "JPEG 2000 eXtended bitmap"
23101 # Reference:
23102 # Note: called by TrID "JPEG-2000 Code Stream bitmap"
23117 #
23118 # Note: called by TrID "JPEG XR bitmap"
23186 # Reference:
23187 # Note: called by TrID "JPEG XL bitmap"
23196 # Reference:
23197 # Note: called by TrID "JPEG XL bitmap (ISOBMFF)"
23501 # GRR: line above is too general as it catches also compressed DEGAS low-res bitmap *.pc1
23502 # skip many compressed DEGAS low-res bitmap *.pc1 by test for unused bytes
25684 # if not bitmap *.srf then region; 1 space after equal sign
25719 # region ID:14~fw_all.bin: 78~ZIP, RGN or SRF bitmap; 148~ZIP or JAR; 249~display firmware; 251~WiF…
27996 !:mime image/x-win-bitmap
29678 0 belong 0x137A2944 NeWS bitmap font
29682 8 belong 0x137A2B45 X11/NeWS bitmap font
31353 0 short 0x2a17 "compact bitmap" format (Poskanzer)
31795 >>20 byte 0 bitmap,
33799 >8 string RDIB \b, device-independent bitmap
34321 >8 string RDIB \b, device-independent bitmap
40203 # Reference:
40204 # Note: called "WordPerfect Graphics bitmap" by TrID and
40663 # looking like PC bitmap, Windows 3.x format with unknown compression
40944 # X bitmap