Lines Matching refs:list
8 list($a,,$b) = $f;
33 list($e[$f++],$e[$f++]) = $g[2];
45 // a list of lists
46 list(list($j[$h++],$j[$h++]),$j[$h++]) = $i[3];
50 // list of lists with just variable assignments - expect 100,200,300
53 list(list($l,$m),$n) = $k;
58 list($o,$p) = 20;
62 // list of lists with blanks and nulls expect 10 20 40 50 60 70 80
68 list(list(list($r,$s,,$t),list($u,$v),,$w),,$x) = $q4;
73 list($y,$z) = array();
77 list($aa,$bb) = array(10);
81 list($cc,,$dd) = array(10,20,30,40);