Lines Matching refs:SNMP
18 var_dump(new SNMP(SNMP::VERSION_1, $hostname));
23 var_dump(new SNMP(SNMP::VERSION_1, $hostname, $community, ''));
28 var_dump(new SNMP(SNMP::VERSION_1, $hostname, $community, $timeout, ''));
33 var_dump(new SNMP(7, $hostname, $community));
39 $session = new SNMP(SNMP::VERSION_3, $hostname, $user_noauth, $timeout, $retries);
46 $session->exceptions_enabled = SNMP::ERRNO_ANY;
56 $session = new SNMP(SNMP::VERSION_3, $hostname, $user_noauth, $timeout, $retries);
73 $session = new SNMP(SNMP::VERSION_2c, $hostname, $community, $timeout, $retries);
89 SNMP::__construct() expects at least 3 arguments, 2 given
90 SNMP::__construct(): Argument #4 ($timeout) must be of type int, string given
91 SNMP::__construct(): Argument #5 ($retries) must be of type int, string given
92 SNMP::__construct(): Argument #1 ($version) must be a valid SNMP protocol version
95 Warning: SNMP::get(): Invalid object identifier: . in %s on line %d
101 SNMP retrieval method must be a bitmask of SNMP_VALUE_LIBRARY, SNMP_VALUE_PLAIN, and SNMP_VALUE_OBJ…
104 Invalid or uninitialized SNMP object