Lines Matching refs:data
2 Test array_shift() function : usage variations - Pass arrays of different data types
11 * Pass arrays where values are of one data type to test behaviour of array_shift()
37 // arrays of different data types to be passed to $stack argument
40 // int data
48 // float data
57 // null data
63 // boolean data
71 // empty data
80 // string data
87 // object data
92 // undefined data
97 // unset data
111 echo "\n-- Iteration $iterator: $key data --\n";
125 -- Iteration 1: int data --
136 -- Iteration 2: float data --
149 -- Iteration 3: null data --
156 -- Iteration 4: bool data --
167 -- Iteration 5: empty string data --
174 -- Iteration 6: empty array data --
179 -- Iteration 7: string data --
188 -- Iteration 8: object data --
194 -- Iteration 9: undefined data --
199 -- Iteration 10: unset data --
204 -- Iteration 11: resource data --