Lines Matching refs:to

15   . Fixed bug #81026 (PHP-FPM oob R/W in root process leading to privilege
45 . Fixed ./makedist wrt. to GH move. (cmb, Remi)
102 . Fixed bug #79423 (copy command is limited to size of file it can copy).
128 . Fixed bug #80150 (Failure to fetch error message). (cmb)
151 . Fixed bug #80049 (Memleak when coercing integers to string via variadic
194 . Fixed bug #79806 (realpath() erroneously resolves link to link). (cmb)
210 . Fixed bug #70574 (Tests fail due to relying on Linux fallback behavior for
231 . Fixed bug #79922 (Crash after multiple calls to xml_parser_free()). (cmb)
237 to return usec). (Herbert256)
248 . Fixed bug #63208 (BSTR to PHP string conversion not binary safe). (cmb)
294 . Fixed bug #62890 (default_socket_timeout=-1 causes connection to timeout).
320 . Fixed bug #79596 (MySQL FLOAT truncates to int some locales). (cmb)
342 . Fixed bug #78784 (Unable to interact with files inside a VFS for Git
350 . Fixed bug #79491 (Search for .user.ini extends up to root dir). (cmb)
413 . Fixed bug #79424 (php_zip_glob uses gl_pathc after call to globfree).
423 . Fixed bug #66322 (COMPersistHelper::SaveToFile can save to wrong location).
479 . Fixed bug #79146 (cscript can fail to run on some systems). (clarodeus)
506 . Fixed bug #79082 (Files added to tar with Phar::buildFromIterator have
528 . Fixed bug #78090 (bug45161.phpt takes forever to finish). (cmb)
568 . Fixed bug #79040 (Warning Opcode handlers are unusable due to ASLR). (cmb)
571 . Fixed bug #78402 (Converting null to string in error message is bad DX).
610 . Fixed bug #78296 (is_file fails to detect file). (cmb)
622 . Upgraded bundled Oniguruma to 6.9.4. (cmb)
653 . Fixed bug #78694 (Appending to a variant array causes segfault). (cmb)
691 . Fixed bug #78599 (env_path_info underflow in fpm_main.c can lead to RCE).
740 . Fixed bug #78441 (Parse error due to heredoc identifier followed by digit).
778 . Fixed bug #78379 (Cast to object confuses GC, causes crash). (Dmitry)
787 . Fixed bug #78333 (Exif crash (bus error) due to wrong alignment and
799 . Updated to LiteSpeed SAPI V7.5 (Fixed clean shutdown). (George Wang)
828 . Updated timelib to 2018.02. (Derick)
844 . Updated to LiteSpeed SAPI V7.4.3 (increased response header count limit from
845 100 to 1000, added crash handler to cleanly shutdown PHP request, added
852 socket-to-stream). (Nikita)
861 . Fixed bug #78341 (Failure to detect smart branch in DFA pass). (Nikita)
879 . Upgraded to SQLite 3.28.0. (cmb)
959 due to integer overflow). (CVE-2019-11039). (maris dot adam)
1007 . Fixed bug #72175 (Impossibility of creating multiple connections to
1049 . Fixed bug #77844 (Crash due to null pointer in parse_ini_string with
1070 . Fixed bug #77742 (bcpow() implementation related to gcc compiler
1074 . Fixed bug #77722 (Incorrect IP set to $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] on the
1087 . Fixed bug #77677 (FPM fails to build on AIX due to missing WCOREDUMP).
1226 . Fixed bug #77391 (1bpp BMPs may fail to be loaded). (Romain Déoux, cmb)
1259 . Fixed bug #77273 (array_walk_recursive corrupts value types leading to PDO
1275 . Fixed bug #77298 (segfault occurs when add property to unserialized empty
1310 . Fixed bug #77269 (efree() on uninitialized Heap data in imagescale leads to
1321 . Fixed bug #77382 (heap buffer overflow due to incorrect length in
1331 . Added oci_set_db_operation() for the DBOP end-to-end-tracing attribute.
1343 . Handle invalid index passed to PDOStatement::fetchColumn() as error. (Sergei
1379 . Add PHP_VERSION to phpinfo() <title/>. (github/MattJeevas)
1396 error_log set to "syslog"). (Philip Prindeville)
1409 . Fixed bug #53033 (Mathematical operations convert objects to integers).
1456 . Implemented FR #67855 (No way to get current scale in use). (Chris Wright,
1469 . Expose curl constants from curl 7.50 to 7.61. (Pierrick)
1480 . Updated timelib to 2018.01RC1 to address several bugs:
1494 . Fixed bug #77095 (slowness regression in 7.2/7.3 (compared to 7.1)).
1522 . Fixed bug #53891 (iconv_mime_encode() fails to Q-encode UTF-8 string). (cmb)
1528 . Fixed bug #77153 (imap_open allows to run arbitrary shell commands via
1560 . Updated to Oniguruma 6.9.0. (cmb)
1566 . Fixed bug #74929 (mbstring functions version 7.1.1 are slow compared to 5.3
1571 . Fixed bug #76594 (Bus Error due to unaligned access in zend_ini.c
1607 . Upgrade PCRE2 to 10.32. (Anatol)
1616 . Implemented FR #69592 (allow 0-column rowsets to be skipped automatically).
1621 . Fixed bug #74243 (allow locales.conf to drive datetime format). (fandrieu)
1649 to readline_info() if linked against libreadline. (krageon)
1652 . Fixed bug #74941 (session fails to start after having headers sent).
1674 . Fixed bug #74977 (Appending AppendIterator leads to segfault).
1687 . Updated bundled libsqlite to 3.24.0. (cmb)
1697 . Fixed unserialize(), to disable creation of unsupported data structures
1699 . Fixed bug #75409 (accept EFAULT in addition to ENOSYS as indicator
1704 . Added hrtime() function, to get high resolution time. (welting)
1731 . Fixed bug #76437 (token_get_all with TOKEN_PARSE flag fails to recognise
1735 . Fixed bug #76538 (token_get_all with TOKEN_PARSE flag fails to recognise
1754 . Fixed bug #77041 (buildconf should output error messages to stderr)
1758 . Upgraded timelib to 2017.08. (Derick)
1770 . Fixed bug #76972 (Data truncation due to forceful ssl socket shutdown).
1788 uninitialized memory when trying to pad an empty input). (jedisct1)
1827 . Fixed bug #75696 (posix_getgrnam fails to print details of group). (cmb)
1834 . Fixed bug #73457 (Wrong error message when fopen FTP wrapped fails to open
1909 is passed to the --with-zlib configure option). (Jay Bonci)
1959 . Fixed bug #76423 (Int Overflow lead to Heap OverFlow in
1965 . Fixed bug #73342 (Vulnerability in php-fpm by changing stdin to
2021 . Fixed bug #76174 (openssl extension fails to build with LibreSSL 2.7).
2038 . Fixed bug #76075 --with-fpm-acl wrongly tries to find libacl on FreeBSD.
2063 . Fixed bug #75722 (Convert valgrind detection to configure option).
2074 . Fixed bug #68440 (ERROR: failed to reload: execvp() failed: Argument list
2076 . Fixed incorrect write to getenv result in FPM reload. (Jakub Zelenka)
2083 . Fixed bug #76249 (stream filter convert.iconv leads to infinite loop on
2145 . Fixed bug #75969 (Assertion failure in live range DCE due to block pass
2162 . Fixed bug #76068 (parse_ini_string fails to parse "[foo]\nbar=1|>baz" with
2191 . Fixed bug #54289 (Phar::extractTo() does not accept specific directories to
2199 . Fixed bug #73725 (Unable to retrieve value of varchar(max) type). (Anatol)
2245 . Fixed bug #75616 (PDO extension doesn't allow to be built shared on Darwin).
2252 . Fixed bug #75671 (pg_version() crashes when called on a connection to
2291 . Fixed bug #74862 (Unable to clone instance when private __clone defined).
2295 . Fixed bug #69727 (Remove timestamps from build to make it reproducible).
2325 . Fixed bug #74782 (remove file name from output to avoid XSS). (stas)
2331 . Fixed bug #75535 (Inappropriately parsing HTTP response leads to PHP
2333 . Fixed bug #75409 (accept EFAULT in addition to ENOSYS as indicator
2360 ZEND_FUNC_NUM_ARGS, ZEND_FUNC_GET_ARGS instructions, to implement
2362 . "Countable" interface is moved from SPL to Core. (Dmitry)
2368 . Renamed ReflectionClass::isIterateable() to ReflectionClass::isIterable()
2384 . Raised minimum supported Windows versions to Windows 7/Server 2008 R2.
2387 . Added PHP_OS_FAMILY constant to determine on which OS we are. (Jan Altensen)
2388 . Fixed bug #73987 (Method compatibility check looks to original
2393 . Fixed bug #73971 (Filename got limited to MAX_PATH on Win32 when scan
2396 to interned strings handling in TS builds. (Anatol, Dmitry)
2399 . Fixed bug #74269 (It's possible to override trait property with different
2407 . Change PHP_OS_FAMILY value from "OSX" to "Darwin". (Sebastian, Kalle)
2424 . Fixed Bug #75142 ( check for autoconf version needs to be updated
2434 . Fixed bug #55407 (Impossible to prototype DateTime::createFromFormat).
2436 . Implemented FR #71520 (Adding the DateTime constants to the
2442 . Fixed bug #72885 (flatfile: dba_fetch() fails to read replaced entry).
2453 . Fixed bug #72682 (exif_read_data() fails to read all data for some
2455 . Fixed bug #71534 (Type confusion in exif_read_data() leading to heap
2475 . Upgrade bundled libmagic to 5.31. (Anatol)
2478 . Configuration to limit fpm slow log trace callers. (Sannis)
2495 . Changed HashContext from resource to object. (Rouven Weßling, Sara)
2511 json_encode and json_decode to ignore or replace invalid UTF-8 byte
2521 . Fixed passing an empty array to ldap_set_option for client or server controls.
2528 . Added array input support to mb_convert_encoding(). (Yasuo)
2529 . Added array input support to mb_check_encoding(). (Yasuo)
2531 . Update to oniguruma version 6.3.0. (Remi)
2535 . The deprecated mcrypt extension has been moved to PECL. (leigh)
2552 . Added openssl_pkcs7_read() and pk7 parameter to openssl_pkcs7_verify().
2554 . Add ssl security_level stream option to support OpenSSL security levels.
2577 . Add "Sent SQL" to debug dump for emulated prepares. (Adam Baratz)
2593 . Switch to sqlite3_prepare_v2() and sqlite3_close_v2() functions (rasmus)
2596 . Added extended_value to opcode dump output. (Sara)
2606 . Fixed bug #74941 (session fails to start after having headers sent).
2619 . Implement writing to blobs. (bohwaz at github dot com)
2620 . Update to Sqlite 3.20.1. (cmb)
2630 . Add support for extension name as argument to dl().
2642 . Default ssl/single_dh_use and ssl/honor_cipher_order to true. (kelunik)
2645 . Moved utf8_encode() and utf8_decode() to the Standard extension. (Andrea)
2656 . Fixed bug #75143 (new method setEncryptionName() seems not to exist