Lines Matching refs:mb_ereg_match

2 Test mb_ereg_match() function : error conditions - pass function incorrect number of arguments
6 function_exists('mb_ereg_match') or die("skip mb_ereg_match() is not available in this build");
10 /* Prototype : bool mb_ereg_match(string $pattern, string $string [,string $option])
16 * Test mb_ereg_match by passing an incorrect number of arguments
19 echo "*** Testing mb_ereg_match() : error conditions ***\n";
22 //Test mb_ereg_match with one more than the expected number of arguments
23 echo "\n-- Testing mb_ereg_match() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
28 var_dump( mb_ereg_match($pattern, $string, $option, $extra_arg) );
30 // Testing mb_ereg_match with one less than the expected number of arguments
31 echo "\n-- Testing mb_ereg_match() function with less than expected no. of arguments --\n";
33 var_dump( mb_ereg_match($pattern) );
35 // Testing mb_ereg_match with zero arguments
36 echo "\n-- Testing mb_ereg_match() function with zero arguments --\n";
37 var_dump( mb_ereg_match() );
42 *** Testing mb_ereg_match() : error conditions ***
44 -- Testing mb_ereg_match() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
46 Warning: mb_ereg_match() expects at most 3 parameters, 4 given in %s on line %d
49 -- Testing mb_ereg_match() function with less than expected no. of arguments --
51 Warning: mb_ereg_match() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in %s on line %d
54 -- Testing mb_ereg_match() function with zero arguments --
56 Warning: mb_ereg_match() expects at least 2 parameters, 0 given in %s on line %d