Lines Matching refs:mkdir
15 test_open_basedir_before("mkdir");
17 var_dump(mkdir("../bad/blah"));
18 var_dump(mkdir("../blah"));
19 var_dump(mkdir("../bad/./blah"));
20 var_dump(mkdir("./.././blah"));
22 var_dump(mkdir($initdir."/test/ok/blah"));
24 test_open_basedir_after("mkdir");
32 *** Testing open_basedir configuration [mkdir] ***
39 Warning: mkdir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(../bad/blah) is not within the allowed p…
42 Warning: mkdir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(../blah) is not within the allowed path(…
45 Warning: mkdir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(../bad/./blah) is not within the allowed…
48 Warning: mkdir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(./.././blah) is not within the allowed p…
52 *** Finished testing open_basedir configuration [mkdir] ***