Lines Matching refs:len

17248   size_t len;  in sqlite3MemInit()  local
17252 len = sizeof(cpuCount); in sqlite3MemInit()
17254 sysctlbyname("hw.ncpu", &cpuCount, &len, NULL, 0); in sqlite3MemInit()
23097 int len; /* Maximum length of output string in bytes */
23150 len = pMem->n * 2 + 1;
23157 len = pMem->n * 2 + 2;
23168 zOut = sqlite3DbMallocRaw(pMem->db, len);
23209 assert( (pMem->n+(desiredEnc==SQLITE_UTF8?1:2))<=len );
31891 int len;
31896 len = strlcpy(lPath, LOCKPROXYDIR, maxLen);
31905 len = strlcat(lPath, "sqliteplocks", maxLen);
31908 len = strlcpy(lPath, "/tmp/", maxLen);
31912 if( lPath[len-1]!='/' ){
31913 len = strlcat(lPath, "/", maxLen);
31918 for( i=0; i<dbLen && (i+len+7)<(int)maxLen; i++){
31920 lPath[i+len] = (c=='/')?'_':c;
31922 lPath[i+len]='\0';
31932 int i, len;
31938 len = (int)strlen(lockPath);
31940 for( i=1; i<len; i++ ){
32206 int len = osPread(conchFile->h, tBuf, PROXY_MAXCONCHLEN, 0);
32207 if( len<0 ){
32211 if( len>PROXY_PATHINDEX && tBuf[0]==(char)PROXY_CONCHVERSION){
32500 int len = (int)strlen(dbPath); /* Length of database filename - dbPath */
32505 *pConchPath = conchPath = (char *)sqlite3_malloc64(len + 8);
32509 memcpy(conchPath, dbPath, len+1);
32512 for( i=(len-1); i>=0; i-- ){
32519 while ( i<len ){
32526 assert( (int)strlen(conchPath) == len+7 );
32584 int len = strlen((char *)pFile->lockingContext) - strlen(DOTLOCK_SUFFIX);
32585 memcpy(dbPath, (char *)pFile->lockingContext, len + 1);
42871 u32 len; /* Length in bytes of master journal name */
42880 || SQLITE_OK!=(rc = read32bits(pJrnl, szJ-16, &len))
42881 || len>=nMaster
42882 || len==0
42886 || SQLITE_OK!=(rc = sqlite3OsRead(pJrnl, zMaster, len, szJ-16-len))
42892 for(u=0; u<len; u++){
42901 len = 0;
42903 zMaster[len] = '\0';
67782 u32 len;
67795 len = i = sqlite3VdbeSerialTypeLen(serial_type);
67801 return len;
67808 len = pMem->n;
67809 memcpy(buf, pMem->z, len);
67810 return len;
73135 int len; /* The length of the serialized data for the column */
73344 || (len = sqlite3VdbeSerialTypeLen(t))==0
73356 rc = sqlite3VdbeMemFromBtree(pCrsr, aOffset[p2], len, !pC->isTable,
73376 len = pDest->n;
73377 if( sqlite3VdbeMemClearAndResize(pDest, len+2) ) goto no_mem;
73378 memcpy(pDest->z, zData, len);
73379 pDest->z[len] = 0;
73380 pDest->z[len+1] = 0;
73447 int len; /* Length of a field */
73498 len = sqlite3VdbeSerialTypeLen(serial_type);
73504 len -= pRec->u.nZero;
73507 nData += len;
87275 int len = 0;
87295 tname.n = len;
87301 zCsr += len;
87302 len = sqlite3GetToken(zCsr, &token);
87304 assert( len>0 );
87398 int len = 0;
87419 tname.n = len;
87425 zCsr += len;
87426 len = sqlite3GetToken(zCsr, &token);
87428 assert( len>0 );
92363 int len;
92379 len = sqlite3Strlen30(zType);
92382 memcpy(&zStmt[k], zType, len);
92383 k += len;
96524 int len;
96538 len = 0;
96540 len++;
96543 sqlite3_result_int(context, len);
96692 int len;
96706 len = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0]);
96709 assert( len==sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0]) );
96713 len = 0;
96715 for(z2=z; *z2; len++){
96738 p1 += len;
96768 if( p1+p2>len ){
96769 p2 = len-p1;
97707 int len = 0;
97709 len = aLen[i];
97710 if( len<=nIn && memcmp(zIn, azChar[i], len)==0 ) break;
97713 zIn += len;
97714 nIn -= len;
97719 int len = 0;
97721 len = aLen[i];
97722 if( len<=nIn && memcmp(&zIn[nIn-len],azChar[i],len)==0 ) break;
97725 nIn -= len;