Lines Matching refs:any

48        strings). The build process allows any combination of the 8-,  16-  and
101 hopefully will not provoke any name clashes. In some environments, it
116 and any data against which it is matched to be checked for UTF-8 valid-
327 you must take care when processing any particular pattern to use func-
657 WARNING: A single application can be linked with all or any of the
658 three libraries, but you must take care when processing any particular
992 not provide any facilities for accessing the properties of such charac-
1044 which causes PCRE to recognize any of the three sequences CR, LF, or
1047 --enable-newline-is-any
1049 causes PCRE to recognize any Unicode newline sequence.
1058 By default, the sequence \R in a pattern matches any Unicode newline
1417 required. When there is a mismatch, the algorithm tries any alterna-
1806 calls. This should be done before calling any PCRE functions.
1840 feed) character, the two-character sequence CRLF, any of the three pre-
1841 ceding, or any Unicode newline sequence. The Unicode newline sequences
1854 the start of the pattern itself; this overrides any other settings. See
1971 matches any Unicode line ending sequence; a value of 1 means that \R
1996 parentheses (of any kind) in a pattern. This limit is imposed to cap
2135 or to match any Unicode newline sequence. The default is specified when
2157 before any other newlines). The PCRE_DOLLAR_ENDONLY option is ignored
2164 acter of any value, including one that indicates a newline. However, it
2217 little use. When set, any backslash in a pattern that is followed by a
2271 Note, however, that unless PCRE_DOTALL is set, the "any character"
2303 that any of the three preceding sequences should be recognized. Setting
2304 PCRE_NEWLINE_ANY specifies that any Unicode newline sequence should be
2529 If studying the pattern does not produce any useful information,
2531 calling program wants to pass any of the other fields to pcre_exec() or
2534 returns a pcre_extra block even if studying did not find any additional
2545 If any of these are set, and the just-in-time compiler is available,
2592 does not mean that there are any strings of that length that match, but
2614 pcre_exec(), (that is, after any JIT compilation has happened) JIT exe-
2671 and also by pcre_exec() and pcre_dfa_exec(). Thus, for any single pat-
2748 Return information about the first data unit of any matched string, for
2772 of a subject string or after any newline within the string. Otherwise
2777 Return the value of the first data unit (non-UTF character) of any
2789 Return information about the first data unit of any matched string, for
2805 a subject string or after any newline within the string. Otherwise 0 is
2812 in any matching string, a pointer to the table is returned. Otherwise
2818 Return 1 if the pattern contains any explicit matches for CR or LF
2848 any matched string, other than at its start, if such a value has been
2892 length of any matching string. There may not be any strings of that
2969 by any top-level option settings at the start of the pattern itself. In
3021 any matched string, other than at its start. The fourth argument should
3034 any matched string, other than at its start, if such a value has been
3222 set to point to a suitable variable. If the pattern contains any back-
3260 or to match any Unicode newline sequence. These options override the
3387 (*COMMIT) prevents any further matches being tried, so the overall
3406 called. The entire string is checked before any other processing takes
3438 matching continues by testing any remaining alternatives. Only if no
3446 PCRE_ERROR_PARTIAL, without considering any other alternatives. In
3476 with any kind of lookbehind. For example, consider the pattern
3554 nor any captured substrings are of interest, pcre_exec() may be called
3765 (partial or complete match) does not correspond to any JIT compilation
3930 When any of these functions encounter a substring that is unset, which
4015 Normally, patterns with duplicate names are such that in any one match,
4036 hence the captured data, if any.
4259 should contain data about the previous partial match. If any of these
4390 PCRE knows that any matching string must contain the letter "d". If the
4436 added, but the intention is never to remove any of the existing fields.
4557 other assertions such as \b, but these do not seem to have any use.
4573 its pattern matching engine. If any of these are encountered by PCRE,
4617 10. If any of the backtracking control verbs are used in a subpattern
4622 action is limited to that group, even if the group does not contain any
4792 (*UTF) is a generic sequence that can be used with any of the
4830 feed) character, the two-character sequence CRLF, any of the three pre-
4831 ceding, or any Unicode newline sequence. The pcreapi page has further
4841 (*ANYCRLF) any of the three above
4858 is any Unicode newline sequence, for Perl compatibility. However, this
4877 where d is any number of decimal digits. However, the value of the set-
4879 pcre_exec() for it to have any effect. In other words, the pattern
4926 . match any character except newline (by default)
4955 a character that is not a number or a letter, it takes away any special
4966 In a UTF mode, only ASCII numbers and letters have any special meaning
5007 \cx "control-x", where x is any ASCII character
5069 change. Outside a character class, PCRE reads the digit and any follow-
5176 \d any decimal digit
5177 \D any character that is not a decimal digit
5178 \h any horizontal white space character
5179 \H any character that is not a horizontal white space character
5180 \s any white space character
5181 \S any character that is not a white space character
5182 \v any vertical white space character
5183 \V any character that is not a vertical white space character
5184 \w any "word" character
5185 \W any "non-word" character
5210 A "word" character is an underscore or any character that is a letter
5228 \d any character that matches \p{Nd} (decimal digit)
5229 \s any character that matches \p{Z} or \h or \v
5230 \w any character that matches \p{L} or \p{N}, plus underscore
5233 \d matches only decimal digits, whereas \w matches any Unicode digit,
5234 as well as any Unicode letter, and underscore. Note also that PCRE_UCP
5280 any Unicode newline sequence. In 8-bit non-UTF-8 mode \R is equivalent
5307 (*BSR_UNICODE) any Unicode newline sequence
5337 script names, the general category properties, "Any", which matches any
5341 does not match any characters, so always causes a match failure.
5447 any of these properties with "Is".
5450 erty. Instead, this property is assumed for any code point that is not
5466 The \X escape matches any number of Unicode characters that form an
5490 2. Do not end between CR and LF; otherwise end after any control char-
5522 form feed, or carriage return, and any other character that has the Z
5528 There is another non-standard property, Xuc, which matches any charac-
5540 The escape sequence \K causes any previously matched characters not to
5566 a match, without consuming any characters from the subject string. The
5579 backspace character. If any other of these assertions appears in a
5629 suming any characters from the subject string.
5651 but it should be the last item in any branch in which it appears. Dol-
5662 string. A dollar matches before any newlines in the string, as well as
5683 Outside a character class, a dot in the pattern matches any one charac-
5690 matches all characters (including isolated CRs and LFs). When any Uni-
5692 any of the other line ending characters.
5695 PCRE_DOTALL option is set, a dot matches any one character, without
5704 affected by the PCRE_DOTALL option. In other words, it matches any
5711 Outside a character class, the escape sequence \C matches any one data
5766 For example, the character class [aeiou] matches any lower case vowel,
5767 while [^aeiou] matches any character that is not a lower case vowel.
5778 When caseless matching is set, any letters in a class represent both
5790 Characters that might indicate line breaks are never treated in any
5797 ters in a character class. For example, [d-m] matches any letter
5821 [\000-\037]. Ranges can include any characters that are valid for the
5834 they match to the class. For example, [\dABCDEF] matches any hexadeci-
5841 class. Like any other unrecognized escape sequences, they are treated
5847 lower case type. For example, the class [^\W_] matches any letter or
5869 matches "0", "1", any alphabetic character, or "%". The supported class
5901 matches "1", "2", or any non-digit. PCRE (and Perl) also recognize the
5905 By default, characters with values greater than 128 do not match any of
5956 from other environments, and is best not used in any new patterns. Note
6036 is a generic version that can be used with any of the libraries. How-
6072 by a question mark and a colon, the subpattern does not do any captur-
6073 ing, and is not counted when computing the number of any subsequent
6082 As a convenient shorthand, if any option settings are required at the
6111 each branch. The numbers of any capturing parentheses that follow the
6112 subpattern start after the highest number used in any branch. The fol-
6121 that is set for that number by any subpattern. The following pattern
6133 unique number, the test is true if any of the subpatterns of that num-
6207 If the condition is true for any one of them, the overall condition is
6222 Repetition is specified by quantifiers, which can follow any of the
6289 useful, such patterns are now accepted, but if any repetition of the
6341 is no point in retrying the overall match at any position after the
6508 such problem when named parentheses are used. A back reference to any
6556 example in any of the following ways:
6567 subpattern has not actually been used in a particular match, any back
6592 matches any number of "a"s and also "aba", "ababbaa" etc. At each iter-
6608 current matching point that does not actually consume any characters.
6655 matches any occurrence of "foo" that is not followed by "bar". Note
6661 other than "foo"; it finds any occurrence of "bar" whatsoever, because
6750 Several assertions (of any sort) may occur in succession. For example,
6769 Assertions can be nested in any combination. For example,
6778 is another pattern that matches "foo" preceded by three digits and any
6796 alternatives may itself contain nested subpatterns of any form, includ-
6813 numbers), the condition is true if any of them have matched. An alter-
6819 referenced as (?(+1), and so on. (The value zero in any of these forms
6859 is applied to all subpatterns of the same name, and is true if any one
6866 or any subpattern has been made. If digits or a name preceded by amper-
6875 is true if any one of them is the most recent recursion.
6904 If the condition is not in any of the above formats, it must be an
6925 acter class, nor in the middle of any other sequence of related charac-
6987 First it matches an opening parenthesis. Then it matches any number of
7058 brackets (that is, when recursing), whereas any characters are permit-
7145 it has no access to any values that were captured outside the recur-
7284 any sequence of characters that does not include a closing parenthesis.
7308 running of a match, any included backtracking verbs will not, of
7415 there is never any backtracking into it. In this situation, backtrack-
7457 For this pattern, PCRE knows that any match must start with "a", so the
7464 so the (*COMMIT) causes the match to fail without trying any other
7478 any other way. In an anchored pattern (*PRUNE) has the same effect as
7519 tracking reaches it. That is, it cancels any further backtracking
7542 complex pattern fragments that do not contain any | characters at this
7620 out any further processing. In a negative assertion, (*ACCEPT) causes
7621 the assertion to fail without any further processing.
7631 ative assertion to be true, without considering any further alternative
7646 match to succeed without any further processing. Matching then contin-
7700 \cx "control-x", where x is any ASCII character
7718 . any character except newline;
7719 in dotall mode, any character whatsoever
7964 (*ANY) any Unicode newline sequence
7973 (*BSR_UNICODE) any Unicode newline sequence
8103 and any subject strings that are matched against it are treated as
8115 any subject strings that are matched against it are treated as UTF-16
8146 evant functions. The entire string is checked before any other process-
8259 test characters of any code value, but, by default, the characters that
8379 any JIT data is also freed.
8509 a maximum stack size of 512K to 1M should be more than enough for any
8552 NULL stack to any number of patterns as long as they are not used for
8602 ning), that stack must not be used by any other threads (to avoid over-
8609 You can free a JIT stack at any time, as long as it will not be used by
8611 pointer is set. There is no reference counting or any other magic. You
8612 can free the patterns and stacks in any order, anytime. Just do not
8616 pattern at any time. You can even free the previous stack before
8634 allocated memory for any stack and another which allows releasing mem-
8637 (7) This is too much of a headache. Isn't there any better solution for
8746 PCRE_PARTIAL_HARD options, which can be set when calling any of the
8897 takes precedence over any complete matches. The portion of the string
8939 longer apply, and partial matching with can be requested for any pat-
9055 to pass the PCRE_NOTBOL option when the subject string for any call
9212 run. If you are not using any private character tables (see the
9227 saving and restoring a compiled pattern loses any JIT optimization
9237 save the data in any appropriate manner. Here is sample code for the
9253 copied exactly. Note that this is binary data that may contain any of
9306 to take any special action at run time in this case.
9565 The header for these functions is supplied as pcreposix.h to avoid any
9719 If the pattern was compiled with the REG_NOSUB flag, no data about any
9724 about any matched strings is returned.
9726 Otherwise,the portion of the string that was matched, and also any cap-
9816 Either could correctly be used for any of these examples.
9826 Example: does not try to extract any extra sub-patterns
9841 The provided pointer arguments can be pointers to any scalar numeric
9899 match any substring of the text.
10136 with the contents of any captured substrings.
10343 quantifier is used to stop any backtracking into the runs of non-"<"