Lines Matching refs:value

16     // attr_name => array( attr, value )
49 // Get original value of the attribute.
52 // Format the number using the original attribute value.
57 $res_str .= sprintf( "Old attribute value: %s ; Format result: %s ; Parse result: %s\n",
62 // Set new attribute value.
69 // Format the number using the new value.
72 // Get current value of the attribute and check if it equals $new_val.
75 $res_str .= "ERROR: New $attr_name attribute value has not been set correctly.\n";
79 $res_str .= sprintf( "New attribute value: %s ; Format result: %s ; Parse result: %s\n",
85 // Restore original attribute of the value
102 Old attribute value: 0 ; Format result: '12,345.123' ; Parse result: 12345.123
104 New attribute value: 1 ; Format result: '12,345.123' ; Parse result: 12345
107 Old attribute value: 1 ; Format result: '12,345.123' ; Parse result: 12345.123
109 New attribute value: 0 ; Format result: '12345.123' ; Parse result: 12345.123
112 Old attribute value: 0 ; Format result: '12,345' ; Parse result: 12345
114 New attribute value: 1 ; Format result: '12,345.' ; Parse result: 12345
117 Old attribute value: 309 ; Format result: '12,345.123' ; Parse result: 12345.123
119 New attribute value: 2 ; Format result: '45.123' ; Parse result: 45.123
122 Old attribute value: 1 ; Format result: '12,345.123' ; Parse result: 12345.123
124 New attribute value: 20 ; Format result: '00,000,000,000,000,012,345.123' ; Parse result: 12345.123
127 Old attribute value: 1 ; Format result: '12,345.123' ; Parse result: 12345.123
129 New attribute value: 7 ; Format result: '0,012,345.123' ; Parse result: 12345.123
132 Old attribute value: 3 ; Format result: '0,012,345.123' ; Parse result: 12345.123
134 New attribute value: 2 ; Format result: '0,012,345.12' ; Parse result: 12345.12
137 Old attribute value: 0 ; Format result: '0,012,345.123' ; Parse result: 12345.123
139 New attribute value: 20 ; Format result: '0,012,345.12345600000000000000' ; Parse result: 12345.12…
142 Old attribute value: 0 ; Format result: '0,012,345.123456' ; Parse result: 12345.123456
144 New attribute value: 5 ; Format result: '0,012,345.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
147 Old attribute value: 1 ; Format result: '0,012,345.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
149 New attribute value: 2 ; Format result: '0,024,690.24691' ; Parse result: 12345.123455
152 Old attribute value: 3 ; Format result: '0,012,345.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
154 New attribute value: 2 ; Format result: '0,01,23,45.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
157 Old attribute value: 4 ; Format result: '0,012,345.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
159 New attribute value: 1 ; Format result: '0,012,345.12345' ; Parse result: 12345.12345
162 Old attribute value: 0 ; Format result: '0,012,345.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
164 New attribute value: 2 ; Format result: '0,012,346.00000' ; Parse result: 12346
167 Old attribute value: 0 ; Format result: '0,012,345.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
169 New attribute value: 27 ; Format result: '************0,012,345.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
172 Old attribute value: 0 ; Format result: '************0,012,345.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
174 New attribute value: 2 ; Format result: '0,012,345.12346************' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
177 Old attribute value: 0 ; Format result: '************0,012,345.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
179 New attribute value: 2 ; Format result: '************00,12,345.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
182 Old attribute value: 0 ; Format result: '************0,012,345.12346' ; Parse result: 12345.12346
184 New attribute value: 1 ; Format result: '*******************12,345.1' ; Parse result: 12345.1
187 Old attribute value: 1 ; Format result: '**************************1' ; Parse result: 1
189 New attribute value: 3 ; Format result: '***********************1.00' ; Parse result: 1
192 Old attribute value: 6 ; Format result: '*******************12,345.1' ; Parse result: 12345.1
194 New attribute value: 4 ; Format result: '*********************12,350' ; Parse result: 12350