Lines Matching refs:compiler
9 ERROR("MS C++ compiler is required");
19 // Which version of the compiler do we have?
21 STDOUT.WriteLine(" Detected compiler " + VC_VERSIONS[VCVERS]);
27 AC_DEFINE('COMPILER', VC_VERSIONS[VCVERS], "Detected compiler version");
31 // do we use x64 or 80x86 version of compiler?
34 STDOUT.WriteLine(" Detected 64-bit compiler");
36 STDOUT.WriteLine(" Detected 32-bit compiler");
38 AC_DEFINE('ARCHITECTURE', X64 ? 'x64' : 'x86', "Detected compiler architecture");
114 ERROR("--enable-pgi and --with-pgo options can only be used if PGO capable compiler is present.");
251 // Add compiler and link flags if PGO options are selected
437 ARG_ENABLE("security-flags", "Disable the compiler security flags", "yes");
442 ARG_ENABLE("static-analyze", "Enable the VC compiler static analyze", "no");