Lines Matching refs:soap_error0

194 				soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: include has no 'schemaLocation' attribute");  in load_schema()
214 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: redefine has no 'schemaLocation' attribute"); in load_schema()
241soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: can't import schema. Namespace must not match the enclosing … in load_schema()
370 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: simpleType has no 'name' attribute"); in schema_simpleType()
394 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: expected <restriction>, <list> or <union> in simpleType"); in schema_simpleType()
453 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: element has both 'itemType' attribute and subtype"); in schema_list()
613 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: expected <restriction> or <extension> in simpleContent"); in schema_simpleContent()
654 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: restriction has no 'base' attribute"); in schema_restriction_simpleContent()
759 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: restriction has no 'base' attribute"); in schema_restriction_complexContent()
822 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: missing restriction value"); in schema_restriction_var_int()
850 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: missing restriction value"); in schema_restriction_var_char()
884 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: extension has no 'base' attribute"); in schema_extension_simpleContent()
939 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: extension has no 'base' attribute"); in schema_extension_complexContent()
1131 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: group has no 'name' nor 'ref' attributes"); in schema_group()
1144 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: group has both 'ref' attribute and subcontent"); in schema_group()
1151 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: group has both 'ref' attribute and subcontent"); in schema_group()
1158 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: group has both 'ref' attribute and subcontent"); in schema_group()
1328 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: <restriction> or <extension> expected in complexContent"); in schema_complexContent()
1407 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: complexType has no 'name' attribute"); in schema_complexType()
1569 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: element has no 'name' nor 'ref' attributes"); in schema_element()
1577 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: element has both 'ref' and 'nillable' attributes"); in schema_element()
1592 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: element has both 'ref' and 'fixed' attributes"); in schema_element()
1600 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: element has both 'ref' and 'fixed' attributes"); in schema_element()
1602 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: element has both 'default' and 'fixed' attributes"); in schema_element()
1647 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: element has both 'ref' and 'type' attributes"); in schema_element()
1666 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: element has both 'ref' attribute and subtype"); in schema_element()
1668 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: element has both 'type' attribute and subtype"); in schema_element()
1674 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: element has both 'ref' attribute and subtype"); in schema_element()
1676 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: element has both 'type' attribute and subtype"); in schema_element()
1776 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: attribute has no 'name' nor 'ref' attributes"); in schema_attribute()
1786 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: attribute has both 'ref' and 'type' attributes"); in schema_attribute()
1894 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: attribute has both 'ref' attribute and subtype"); in schema_attribute()
1896 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: attribute has both 'type' attribute and subtype"); in schema_attribute()
1986 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: attributeGroup has no 'name' nor 'ref' attributes"); in schema_attributeGroup()
1997soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: attributeGroup has both 'ref' attribute and subattribute"); in schema_attributeGroup()
2002soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: attributeGroup has both 'ref' attribute and subattribute"); in schema_attributeGroup()
2007soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: attributeGroup has both 'ref' attribute and subattribute"); in schema_attributeGroup()
2152 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unresolved group 'ref' attribute"); in schema_content_model_fixup()
2212 soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing Schema: unresolved element 'ref' attribute"); in schema_type_fixup()