Lines Matching refs:method

42 Inspecting method 'mysqli'
58 Inspecting parameter 'host' of method 'mysqli'
65 Inspecting parameter 'user' of method 'mysqli'
72 Inspecting parameter 'password' of method 'mysqli'
79 Inspecting parameter 'database' of method 'mysqli'
86 Inspecting parameter 'port' of method 'mysqli'
93 Inspecting parameter 'socket' of method 'mysqli'
100 Inspecting method 'autocommit'
116 Inspecting parameter 'mode' of method 'autocommit'
123 Inspecting method 'change_user'
139 Inspecting parameter 'user' of method 'change_user'
146 Inspecting parameter 'password' of method 'change_user'
153 Inspecting parameter 'database' of method 'change_user'
160 Inspecting method 'character_set_name'
176 Inspecting method 'client_encoding'
192 Inspecting method 'close'
208 Inspecting method 'commit'
224 Inspecting method 'connect'
240 Inspecting parameter 'host' of method 'connect'
247 Inspecting parameter 'user' of method 'connect'
254 Inspecting parameter 'password' of method 'connect'
261 Inspecting parameter 'database' of method 'connect'
268 Inspecting parameter 'port' of method 'connect'
275 Inspecting parameter 'socket' of method 'connect'
282 Inspecting method 'debug'
298 Inspecting parameter 'debug_options' of method 'debug'
305 Inspecting method 'dump_debug_info'
321 Inspecting method 'escape_string'
337 Inspecting parameter 'string_to_escape' of method 'escape_string'
344 Inspecting method 'get_charset'
360 Inspecting method 'get_client_info'
376 Inspecting method 'get_connection_stats'
392 Inspecting method 'get_server_info'
408 Inspecting method 'get_warnings'
424 Inspecting method 'init'
440 Inspecting method 'kill'
456 Inspecting parameter 'connection_id' of method 'kill'
463 Inspecting method 'more_results'
479 Inspecting method 'multi_query'
495 Inspecting parameter 'query' of method 'multi_query'
502 Inspecting method 'mysqli'
518 Inspecting parameter 'host' of method 'mysqli'
525 Inspecting parameter 'user' of method 'mysqli'
532 Inspecting parameter 'password' of method 'mysqli'
539 Inspecting parameter 'database' of method 'mysqli'
546 Inspecting parameter 'port' of method 'mysqli'
553 Inspecting parameter 'socket' of method 'mysqli'
560 Inspecting method 'next_result'
576 Inspecting method 'options'
592 Inspecting parameter 'option' of method 'options'
599 Inspecting parameter 'value' of method 'options'
606 Inspecting method 'ping'
622 Inspecting method 'poll'
638 Inspecting parameter 'read' of method 'poll'
645 Inspecting parameter 'write' of method 'poll'
652 Inspecting parameter 'error' of method 'poll'
659 Inspecting parameter 'sec' of method 'poll'
666 Inspecting parameter 'usec' of method 'poll'
673 Inspecting method 'prepare'
689 Inspecting parameter 'query' of method 'prepare'
696 Inspecting method 'query'
712 Inspecting parameter 'query' of method 'query'
719 Inspecting method 'real_connect'
735 Inspecting parameter 'host' of method 'real_connect'
742 Inspecting parameter 'user' of method 'real_connect'
749 Inspecting parameter 'password' of method 'real_connect'
756 Inspecting parameter 'database' of method 'real_connect'
763 Inspecting parameter 'port' of method 'real_connect'
770 Inspecting parameter 'socket' of method 'real_connect'
777 Inspecting parameter 'flags' of method 'real_connect'
784 Inspecting method 'real_escape_string'
800 Inspecting parameter 'string_to_escape' of method 'real_escape_string'
807 Inspecting method 'real_query'
823 Inspecting parameter 'query' of method 'real_query'
830 Inspecting method 'reap_async_query'
846 Inspecting method 'refresh'
862 Inspecting parameter 'options' of method 'refresh'
869 Inspecting method 'rollback'
885 Inspecting method 'select_db'
901 Inspecting parameter 'database' of method 'select_db'
908 Inspecting method 'set_charset'
924 Inspecting parameter 'charset' of method 'set_charset'
931 Inspecting method 'set_opt'
947 Inspecting parameter 'option' of method 'set_opt'
954 Inspecting parameter 'value' of method 'set_opt'
961 Inspecting method 'ssl_set'
977 Inspecting parameter 'key' of method 'ssl_set'
984 Inspecting parameter 'cert' of method 'ssl_set'
991 Inspecting parameter 'certificate_authority' of method 'ssl_set'
998 Inspecting parameter 'certificate_authority_path' of method 'ssl_set'
1005 Inspecting parameter 'cipher' of method 'ssl_set'
1012 Inspecting method 'stat'
1028 Inspecting method 'stmt_init'
1044 Inspecting method 'store_result'
1060 Inspecting method 'thread_safe'
1076 Inspecting method 'use_result'