History log of /PHP-Parser/ (Results 1676 – 1700 of 1710)
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352cfde502-Jun-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Slightly simplify grammar

1c4d476102-Jun-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Fix parsing of static methods with dynamic method name

fabe44ec01-Jun-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

fix doccomment

25a5301b01-Jun-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Optimize the NodeDumper (30% drop)

5e91c62201-Jun-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Measure time spent in parser, pretty printer and comparison

cf3afca931-May-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Fix formatting of markdown README

3213cf8531-May-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Add known issues

f40f10d631-May-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Fix InlineHTML printing

14a6d2b131-May-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Rewrite README

2fb0206d31-May-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Add missing rules to parser to allow a::${b}

4e50877e31-May-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Don't check for method existance in pretty printer anymore

d1f1fb9831-May-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Add goto support to pretty printer

4f3260f631-May-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Add doccomments and slightly change some APIs

68a25ce730-May-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Fix typo in grammar

e6b356af30-May-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Fix some pretty printing issues

8a3074db30-May-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Decouple NodeDumper from NodeAbstract

22ea3d6a30-May-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Make Node_Scalar instanceof Node_Expr

9aed651d30-May-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Remove Stmt_Noop

196d892030-May-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Furthre work on PrettyPrinter

9c86511229-May-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Fix wrong Node signature for String_Scalar created by T_STRING_VARNAME

43b41e3829-May-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Further work on PrettyPrinter

df82e3db29-May-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Replace yydebug flag with separate debug parser "ParserDebug"

Debugging shouldn't be necessairy normally, but carries a 25% performance overhead.

489f8c8b29-May-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Fix some prettyprinting issues

15e268cd29-May-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Parse escape sequences in encapsed strings too

3c13dce629-May-2011 nikic <+@ni-po.com>

Further work on PrettyPrinter. Add possibility to test PrettyPrinter correctness
