History log of /PHP-7.1/UPGRADING (Results 176 – 200 of 599)
Revision (<<< Hide revision tags) (Show revision tags >>>) Date Author Comments
# cf0ffa8e 01-Apr-2015 Nikita Popov

Remove datefmt_set_timezone_id and OO variant

# ac470ddf 01-Apr-2015 Nikita Popov


# 7c677270 01-Apr-2015 Nikita Popov

Add some notes to UPGRADING

Revision tags: php-5.6.8RC1, php-5.5.24RC1
# 0ae011f3 25-Mar-2015 Michael Wallner

RFC:continue_ob accepted

# 44fd3902 21-Mar-2015 Anatol Belski

added UPGRADING notes to ext/ftp changes

# 1badfd81 22-Mar-2015 Masaki Kagaya


# cda8e606 21-Mar-2015 Xinchen Hui

Added note about preg_replace_callback_array in UPGRADING

Revision tags: php-5.6.7, php-5.5.23, php-5.4.39
# dd16a7c8 10-Mar-2015 Daniel Lowrey


# 2f156c61 09-Mar-2015 Nikita Popov

Add UPDRADING note about yield operator behavior

Fixes bug #69160.
[ci skip]

# 7810659c 09-Mar-2015 Nikita Popov

Removed deprecated mcrypt_ecb() etc

# c488a457 09-Mar-2015 Nikita Popov

Remove deprecated mcrypt_generic_end() alias

Revision tags: php-5.6.7RC1, php-5.5.23RC1, POST_PHP7_EREG_MYSQL_REMOVALS, PRE_PHP7_EREG_MYSQL_REMOVALS, php-5.6.6, php-5.5.22, php-5.4.38, POST_PHP7_REMOVALS, PRE_PHP7_REMOVALS, php-5.6.6RC1, php-5.5.22RC1, php-5.5.21, php-5.6.5, php-5.4.37, php-5.5.21RC1, php-5.6.5RC1, POST_NATIVE_TLS_MERGE, PRE_NATIVE_TLS_MERGE, php-5.5.20, php-5.4.36, php-5.6.4, php-5.6.4RC1, php-5.5.20RC1, php-5.6.3, php-5.5.19, php-5.4.35, php-5.6.3RC1, php-5.5.19RC1, php-5.5.18, php-5.4.34, php-5.5.18RC1, php-5.6.1, php-5.6.2, php-5.4.33, php-5.5.17, php-5.6.1RC1
# a81e65a5 10-Sep-2014 Nikita Popov

Remove xsl.security_prefs ini option


# b5184ef3 09-Mar-2015 Nikita Popov

Remove unsafe curl file uploads

The option CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD still exists, but cannot be disabled.

# c7de82b0 09-Mar-2015 Xinchen Hui

Add note of group use

# 9d037d57 06-Mar-2015 Jakub Zelenka

Update UPGRADING with info about JSON decode error for empty string

# cdb82d87 05-Mar-2015 Adam Harvey


# fd1578c1 05-Mar-2015 Adam Harvey

Remove the deprecated MySQL extension.

Relevant RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/remove_deprecated_functionality_in_php7

# 543f0112 19-Feb-2015 Stanislav Malyshev

add NEWS for <=>

# 31287f03 17-Feb-2015 Nikita Popov

More UPGRADING, in particular on foreach

Only doing a shallow description of foreach changes, describing
them completely is too complicated.

# 9d1e36e4 13-Feb-2015 Nikita Popov

Some more UPGRADING changes

# bfeae649 13-Feb-2015 Nikita Popov

More extensive UPGRADING

I'd like UPGRADING to have a complete list of changes including
code samples and suggested changes. Right now it's only a list
of bullet points, where it is

More extensive UPGRADING

I'd like UPGRADING to have a complete list of changes including
code samples and suggested changes. Right now it's only a list
of bullet points, where it is often required to read a linked
RFC to understand the difference.

show more ...

# c97afe21 10-Feb-2015 Anatol Belski


# 898f42ec 08-Feb-2015 Jakub Zelenka

Add missing NEWS and UPGRADING for bug #68938

# ef058b7c 04-Feb-2015 Michael Wallner

Add note aout $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA

# 797dee59 19-Jan-2015 Andrea Faulds

Blast off to space.
