History log of /PHP-5.4/php.ini-production (Results 76 – 88 of 88)
Revision (<<< Hide revision tags) (Show revision tags >>>) Date Author Comments
Revision tags: php-5.3.0
# ccb33c06 28-Jun-2009 Johannes Schlüter

MFH Add missing ini entries (Mikko)

# 6d68dbc3 28-Jun-2009 Johannes Schlüter

MFH: Add ibase settings

# 3840317d 28-Jun-2009 Johannes Schlüter

MFH: Add two ini settings and remove ini setting which is commented out in code

# c9fa8953 28-Jun-2009 Johannes Schlüter

MFH: Add missing MySQL entries

# 3ca8e5ab 27-Jun-2009 Hannes Magnusson

- Remove outdated version information
- Remove no-longer-existing windows dll (there could be more..)
- List missing INI directives (need to add descriptions to them and sort
them corre

- Remove outdated version information
- Remove no-longer-existing windows dll (there could be more..)
- List missing INI directives (need to add descriptions to them and sort
them correctly..)

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Revision tags: php-5.3.0RC4, php-5.2.10, php-5.2.10RC2, php-5.3.0RC3, php-5.2.10RC1, php-5.3.0RC2
# 8991998d 04-May-2009 Pierre Joye

- win extension_dir

# c1ccccc6 10-Apr-2009 Philip Olson

Implemented new shorter URLs for ini settings (ex: php.net/short-open-tag)

# 9d2c39ac 10-Apr-2009 Philip Olson

Fixed typo

# d038c5f0 06-Apr-2009 Hannes Magnusson

MFH: Mention which directives are hardcoded using the CLI SAPI

# 3526fe5d 26-Mar-2009 Pierre Joye

- update extension=

# 0b41f612 26-Mar-2009 Eric Stewart

Corrected missing comment.

Revision tags: php-5.3.0RC1
# e0669bf1 23-Mar-2009 Eric Stewart

1. Involves an mbstring setting correction regarding:

2. Added mbstring.http_output_conv_mimetype directive.

3. Adds an additio

1. Involves an mbstring setting correction regarding:

2. Added mbstring.http_output_conv_mimetype directive.

3. Adds an additional comment including XOR in the list of usable bitwise operators.

4. Note regarding the merge of E_STRICT into E_ALL in PHP 6.0.0.

5. Notes regarding [PATH] and [HOST] use in CGI/FastCGI.

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# c3fcaf1d 17-Mar-2009 Johannes Schlüter

MFH: Replace old php.ini files with the new ones according to
http://wiki.php.net/rfc/newinis (by Eric Lee Stewart)