/php-src/ext/pdo_firebird/tests/ |
H A D | ddl.phpt | 17 @$dbh->exec('DROP TABLE test_ddl'); 18 @$dbh->exec('DROP GENERATOR gen_test_ddl_id'); 19 @$dbh->exec('DROP TRIGGER test_ddl_bi'); 22 $dbh->exec("CREATE GENERATOR gen_test_ddl_id"); 23 $dbh->exec("CREATE TRIGGER test_ddl_bi FOR test_ddl BEFORE INSERT AS 29 var_dump($dbh->exec("INSERT INTO test_ddl (text) VALUES ('bla')")); 30 var_dump($dbh->exec("UPDATE test_ddl SET text='blabla'")); 34 var_dump($dbh->exec("DELETE FROM test_ddl")); 37 @$dbh->exec('DROP TABLE test_ddl'); 38 @$dbh->exec('DROP GENERATOR gen_test_ddl_id'); [all …]
H A D | gh13119.phpt | 16 $dbh->exec('CREATE TABLE gh13119 (f_val FLOAT, d_val DOUBLE PRECISION)'); 18 $dbh->exec('INSERT INTO gh13119 VALUES (0.1, 0.1)'); 19 $dbh->exec('INSERT INTO gh13119 VALUES (0.0000000000000001, 0.0000000000000001)'); 20 $dbh->exec('INSERT INTO gh13119 VALUES (12.000000, 12.00000000000000)'); 21 $dbh->exec('INSERT INTO gh13119 VALUES (12.000001, 12.00000000000001)'); 22 $dbh->exec('INSERT INTO gh13119 VALUES (12.345678, 12.34567890123456)'); 23 $dbh->exec('INSERT INTO gh13119 VALUES (0.0000000000000000012345678, 0.0000000000000000012345678901… 32 @$dbh->exec('DROP TABLE gh13119');
H A D | ddl2.phpt | 15 $dbh->exec("CREATE TABLE test_ddl2 (val int)"); 18 $dbh->exec("INSERT INTO test_ddl2 (val) VALUES (120)"); 19 $dbh->exec("CREATE TABLE test_ddl2_2 (val INT)"); 33 @$dbh->exec('DROP TABLE test_ddl2'); 34 @$dbh->exec('DROP TABLE test_ddl2_2');
H A D | bug_74462.phpt | 15 $dbh->exec('recreate table test74462 (id integer not null, abool boolean)'); 16 $dbh->exec('insert into test74462 (id, abool) values (1, true)'); 17 $dbh->exec('insert into test74462 (id, abool) values (2, false)'); 18 $dbh->exec('insert into test74462 (id, abool) values (3, null)'); 29 @$dbh->exec("DROP TABLE test74462");
H A D | rowCount.phpt | 16 $dbh->exec('CREATE TABLE test_rowcount (A VARCHAR(10))'); 17 $dbh->exec("INSERT INTO test_rowcount VALUES ('A')"); 18 $dbh->exec("INSERT INTO test_rowcount VALUES ('A')"); 19 $dbh->exec("INSERT INTO test_rowcount VALUES ('B')"); 46 @$dbh->exec('DROP TABLE test_rowcount');
H A D | bug_48877.phpt | 18 $dbh->exec('CREATE TABLE test48877 (A integer)'); 19 $dbh->exec("INSERT INTO test48877 VALUES ('1')"); 20 $dbh->exec("INSERT INTO test48877 VALUES ('2')"); 21 $dbh->exec("INSERT INTO test48877 VALUES ('3')"); 44 @$dbh->exec("DROP TABLE test48877");
H A D | bug_64037.phpt | 17 $dbh->exec("CREATE TABLE test64037 (ID INTEGER NOT NULL, TEXT VARCHAR(10), COST NUMERIC(15, 2))"); 18 $dbh->exec("INSERT INTO test64037 (ID, TEXT, COST) VALUES (1, 'test', -1.0)"); 19 $dbh->exec("INSERT INTO test64037 (ID, TEXT, COST) VALUES (2, 'test', -0.99)"); 20 $dbh->exec("INSERT INTO test64037 (ID, TEXT, COST) VALUES (3, 'test', -1.01)"); 42 @$dbh->exec("DROP TABLE test64037");
/php-src/ext/pdo_pgsql/tests/ |
H A D | issue78621.inc | 14 $db->exec("set client_min_messages to notice"); 15 $db->exec("create temporary table t (a varchar(3))"); 16 $db->exec("create function hey() returns trigger as \$\$ begin new.a := 'oh'; raise notice 'I tampe… 17 $db->exec("create trigger hop before insert on t for each row execute procedure hey()"); 18 $db->exec("insert into t values ('ah')"); 26 $db->exec("delete from t"); 27 $db->exec("insert into t values ('ah')"); 33 $db->exec("delete from t"); 34 $db->exec("insert into t values ('ah')");
/php-src/ext/pdo_mysql/tests/ |
H A D | pdo_mysql_subclass.phpt | 23 public function exec($statement): int|false { 25 return parent::exec($statement); 56 $db->exec('CREATE TABLE test_subclass(id INT)'); 57 $db->exec('INSERT INTO test_subclass(id) VALUES (1), (2)'); 69 $db->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_subclass'); 76 $db->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_subclass'); 82 exec('CREATE TABLE test_subclass(id INT)') 83 exec('INSERT INTO test_subclass(id) VALUES (1), (2)') 100 exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_subclass')
H A D | pdo_mysql_exec_ddl.phpt | 2 MySQL PDO->exec(), affected rows 15 $ret = @$db->exec($sql); 17 $ret = $db->exec($sql); 44 if (1 === @$db->exec("CREATE DATABASE {$db_name}")) { 49 if (0 === $db->exec("CREATE TABLE {$table} (id INT, col1 CHAR(2))")) { 82 $db->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pdo_mysql_exec_ddl'); 83 $db->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pdo_mysql_exec_ddl_2'); 84 $db->exec('DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS pdo_mysql_exec_ddl_db'); 85 $db->exec('DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS pdo_mysql_exec_ddl_db_2');
H A D | pecl_bug_5780.phpt | 15 $db->exec("CREATE TABLE test_pecl_bug_5780 (login varchar(32) NOT NULL, data varchar(64) NOT NULL)"… 16 $db->exec("CREATE TABLE test_pecl_bug_5780_2 (login varchar(32) NOT NULL, password varchar(64) NOT … 17 $db->exec("INSERT INTO test_pecl_bug_5780_2 (login, password) VALUES ('testing', 'testing')"); 18 $db->exec("INSERT INTO test_pecl_bug_5780_2 (login, password) VALUES ('test2', 'testpw2')"); 33 $db->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_pecl_bug_5780'); 34 $db->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_pecl_bug_5780_2');
H A D | bug_42499.phpt | 2 Bug #42499 (Multi-statement execution via PDO::exec() makes connection unusable) 16 $db->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_42499"); 17 $db->exec("CREATE TABLE test_42499(id CHAR(1)); INSERT INTO test_42499(id) VALUES ('a')"); 22 // You must not use exec() to run statements that create a result set! 23 $db->exec('SELECT id FROM test_42499'); 25 $db->exec("INSERT INTO test_42499(id) VALUES ('b')"); 46 $db->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_42499"); 58 Warning: PDO::exec(): SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2014 Cannot execute queries while other unbuf… 68 Warning: PDO::exec(): SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2014 Cannot execute queries while other unbuf…
H A D | bug_44454.phpt | 17 $db->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_44454'); 18 $db->exec('CREATE TABLE test_44454(a INT, b INT, UNIQUE KEY idx_ab (a, b))'); 19 $db->exec('INSERT INTO test_44454(a, b) VALUES (1, 1)'); 26 $db->exec('INSERT INTO test_44454(a, b) VALUES (1, 1)'); 33 $db->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_44454'); 34 $db->exec('CREATE TABLE test_44454(a INT, b INT, UNIQUE KEY idx_ab (a, b))'); 35 $db->exec('INSERT INTO test_44454(a, b) VALUES (1, 1)'); 46 $db->exec('INSERT INTO test_44454(a, b) VALUES (1, 1)'); 70 $db->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_44454');
H A D | bug78152.phpt | 2 Bug #78152: PDO::exec() - Bad error handling with multiple commands 18 var_dump($db->exec("INSERT INTO {$table} (id, label) VALUES (41, 'x'); INSERT INTO {$table}_bad (id… 21 …var_dump($db->exec("INSERT INTO {$table} (id, label) VALUES (42, 'x'); INSERT INTO {$table}_bad (i… 30 $db->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bug78152_pdo_mysql'); 33 Warning: PDO::exec(): SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table '%s.bug78152_pdo_my…
H A D | pdo_mysql_last_insert_id.phpt | 36 $db->exec("INSERT INTO test_pdo_mysql_last_insert_id(id, col1) VALUES (100, 'a')"); 40 … $db->exec('ALTER TABLE test_pdo_mysql_last_insert_id MODIFY id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY'); 45 @$db->exec("INSERT INTO test_pdo_mysql_last_insert_id(id, col1) VALUES (100, 'a')"); 49 $db->exec("INSERT INTO test_pdo_mysql_last_insert_id(id, col1) VALUES (101, 'b')"); 53 $db->exec('ALTER TABLE test_pdo_mysql_last_insert_id MODIFY col1 CHAR(10) UNIQUE'); 55 $db->exec("REPLACE INTO test_pdo_mysql_last_insert_id(col1) VALUES ('b')"); 69 $db->exec("INSERT INTO test_pdo_mysql_last_insert_id(col1) VALUES ('c'), ('d'), ('e')"); 78 $db->exec('LOCK TABLE test_pdo_mysql_last_insert_id WRITE'); 93 $db->exec("INSERT INTO test_pdo_mysql_last_insert_id(col1) VALUES ('z')"); 103 @$db->exec('UNLOCK TABLE test_pdo_mysql_last_insert_id'); [all …]
H A D | pdo_mysql_inTransaction.phpt | 21 foreach (['exec', 'query', 'execute'] as $w) { 24 case 'exec': 25 $db->exec($command); 48 $db->exec($end); 52 $db->exec('START TRANSACTION'); 56 $db->exec('START TRANSACTION'); 65 $db->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pdo_mysql_inTransaction');
/php-src/ext/standard/tests/file/windows_links/ |
H A D | readlink_compat.phpt | 10 exec('fltmc', $output, $exitCode); 21 $volume = trim(exec('mountvol C: /L')); 22 exec(sprintf('mountvol "%s" %s', $tmpDir, $volume)); 24 exec(sprintf('mountvol "%s" /D', $tmpDir)); 31 exec(sprintf('mklink /J "%s" %s', $link, $volume)); 38 exec(sprintf('mklink /J "%s" "%s"', $link, $target)); 45 exec(sprintf('mklink /D "%s" "%s"', $link, $target)); 48 exec(sprintf('mklink /D "%s" directory', $link)); 59 exec(sprintf('mklink "%s" "%s"', $link, $filename)); 62 exec(sprintf('mklink "%s" directory\\a.php', $link));
/php-src/ext/sqlite3/tests/ |
H A D | sqlite3_25_create_aggregate.phpt | 25 var_dump($db->exec('CREATE TABLE test (a INTEGER, b INTEGER)')); 28 var_dump($db->exec("INSERT INTO test (a, b) VALUES (1, -1)")); 29 var_dump($db->exec("INSERT INTO test (a, b) VALUES (2, -2)")); 30 var_dump($db->exec("INSERT INTO test (a, b) VALUES (3, -3)")); 31 var_dump($db->exec("INSERT INTO test (a, b) VALUES (4, -4)")); 32 var_dump($db->exec("INSERT INTO test (a, b) VALUES (4, -4)"));
H A D | bug68760.phpt | 13 $db->exec("CREATE TABLE test (col1 string)"); 14 $db->exec("INSERT INTO test VALUES ('a1')"); 15 $db->exec("INSERT INTO test VALUES ('a10')"); 16 $db->exec("INSERT INTO test VALUES ('a2')");
H A D | sqlite3_02_create.phpt | 11 var_dump($db->exec('CREATE TABLE test (time INTEGER, id STRING)')); 14 var_dump($db->exec('CREATE TABLE test (time INTEGER, id STRING)')); 17 var_dump($db->exec('DROP TABLE test')); 28 Warning: SQLite3::exec(): table test already exists in %s on line %d
/php-src/ext/pdo/tests/ |
H A D | pdo_009.phpt | 18 $db->exec('CREATE TABLE classtypes009(id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL UNIQUE… 19 $db->exec("INSERT INTO classtypes009 VALUES(0, 'stdClass')"); 20 $db->exec("INSERT INTO classtypes009 VALUES(1, 'Test1')"); 21 $db->exec("INSERT INTO classtypes009 VALUES(2, 'Test2')"); 22 $db->exec('CREATE TABLE test009(id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, classtype int, val VARCHAR(10))'); 23 $db->exec("INSERT INTO test009 VALUES(1, 0, 'A')"); 24 $db->exec("INSERT INTO test009 VALUES(2, 1, 'B')"); 25 $db->exec("INSERT INTO test009 VALUES(3, 2, 'C')"); 26 $db->exec("INSERT INTO test009 VALUES(4, 3, 'D')");
H A D | pdo_010.phpt | 18 $db->exec('CREATE TABLE classtypes010(id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL UNIQUE… 19 $db->exec("INSERT INTO classtypes010 VALUES(0, 'stdClass')"); 20 $db->exec("INSERT INTO classtypes010 VALUES(1, 'Test1')"); 21 $db->exec("INSERT INTO classtypes010 VALUES(2, 'Test2')"); 22 $db->exec('CREATE TABLE test010(id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, classtype int, val VARCHAR(10), grp VA… 23 $db->exec("INSERT INTO test010 VALUES(1, 0, 'A', 'Group1')"); 24 $db->exec("INSERT INTO test010 VALUES(2, 1, 'B', 'Group1')"); 25 $db->exec("INSERT INTO test010 VALUES(3, 2, 'C', 'Group2')"); 26 $db->exec("INSERT INTO test010 VALUES(4, 3, 'D', 'Group2')");
/php-src/ext/standard/tests/file/windows_acls/ |
H A D | common.inc | 34 $user = exec('echo %USERNAME%'); 49 $sysroot = exec('echo %SYSTEMROOT%'); 77 exec($cmd); 86 exec($cmd); 88 exec($cmd); 101 exec($cmd); 109 exec($cmd); 111 exec($cmd); 126 exec($cmd); 128 exec($cmd); [all …]
/php-src/ext/standard/tests/general_functions/ |
H A D | bug49847.phpt | 2 Bug #49847 (exec() fails on lines larger then 4095 bytes) 12 exec('type ' . $f, $output); 14 exec("printf %4098d 1", $output);
/php-src/Zend/tests/ |
H A D | bug80811.phpt | 2 Bug #80811: Function exec without $output but with $result_code parameter crashes 7 exec('echo Something', output: $output, result_code: $resultCode); 11 exec('echo Something', result_code: $resultCode);