/imagick/tests/ |
H A D | 173_ImagickDraw_bezier_basic.phpt | 27 array('x' => 10.0 * 5, 'y' => 10.0 * 5), 28 array('x' => 30.0 * 5, 'y' => 90.0 * 5), 29 array('x' => 25.0 * 5, 'y' => 10.0 * 5), 47 array('x' => 10 * 5, 'y' => 10 * 5), 48 array('x' => 30 * 5, 'y' => 90 * 5), 49 array('x' => 25 * 5, 'y' => 10 * 5), 50 array('x' => 50 * 5, 'y' => 50 * 5), 53 array('x' => 50 * 5, 'y' => 50 * 5), 54 array('x' => 80 * 5, 'y' => 50 * 5), 55 array('x' => 70 * 5, 'y' => 10 * 5), [all …]
H A D | 217_ImagickDraw_setStrokeMiterLimit_basic.phpt | 25 for ($y = 0; $y < 3; $y++) { 27 $draw->setStrokeMiterLimit(40 * $y); 30 array('x' => 22 * 3, 'y' => 15 * 4 + $y * $yOffset), 31 array('x' => 20 * 3, 'y' => 20 * 4 + $y * $yOffset), 32 array('x' => 70 * 5, 'y' => 45 * 4 + $y * $yOffset),
H A D | 105_Imagick_raiseImage_basic.phpt | 14 $y = 10; 17 function raiseImage($width, $height, $x, $y, $raise) { 21 //x and y do nothing? 22 $imagick->raiseImage($width, $height, $x, $y, $raise); 27 raiseImage($width, $height, $x, $y, $raise) ;
H A D | 259_Imagick_colorPoints_basic.phpt | 34 im_check($color['x']);im_check($color['y']); 37 im_check($color['x']);im_check($color['y']); 40 im_check($color['x']);im_check($color['y']); 43 im_check($color['x']);im_check($color['y']); 52 im_check($color['x']);im_check($color['y']);im_check($color['z']); 55 im_check($color['x']);im_check($color['y']);im_check($color['z']); 58 im_check($color['x']);im_check($color['y']);im_check($color['z']); 61 im_check($color['x']);im_check($color['y']);im_check($color['z']);
H A D | 266_ImagickDraw_getFontResolution_basic.phpt | 29 if (isset($fontResolution["x"]) == false || isset($fontResolution["y"]) == false) { 37 if ($fontResolution["y"] < 8 || $fontResolution["y"] > 100) { 38 echo "Font resolution y outside expected range: ".$fontResolution["y"]."\n"; 49 if (abs($fontResolution["y"] - $resolutionToSet) > 0.0001) { 50 echo "Font resolution y after set is not $resolutionToSet instead: ".$fontResolution["y"]."\n";
H A D | 188_ImagickDraw_pushPattern_basic.phpt | 26 for ($y = 0; $y < 50; $y += 5) { 27 $positionX = $x + (($y / 5) % 5); 28 $draw->rectangle($positionX, $y, $positionX + 5, $y + 5);
H A D | 193_ImagickDraw_pushPattern_basic.phpt | 26 for ($y = 0; $y < 50; $y += 5) { 27 $positionX = $x + (($y / 5) % 5); 28 $draw->rectangle($positionX, $y, $positionX + 5, $y + 5);
H A D | 167_Imagick_vignetteImage_basic.phpt | 14 $y = 10; 16 function vignetteImage($blackPoint, $whitePoint, $x, $y) { 19 $imagick->vignetteImage($blackPoint, $whitePoint, $x, $y); 24 vignetteImage($blackPoint, $whitePoint, $x, $y) ;
H A D | 075_Imagick_floodFillPaintImage_basic.phpt | 15 $y = 150; 19 function floodFillPaintImage($fillColor, $fuzz, $targetColor, $x, $y, $inverse, $channel) { 27 $x, $y, 35 floodFillPaintImage($fillColor, $fuzz, $targetColor, $x, $y, $inverse, $channel) ;
H A D | 186_ImagickDraw_polygon_basic.phpt | 23 array('x' => 40 * 5, 'y' => 10 * 5), 24 array('x' => 20 * 5, 'y' => 20 * 5), 25 array('x' => 70 * 5, 'y' => 50 * 5), 26 array('x' => 60 * 5, 'y' => 15 * 5),
H A D | 184_ImagickDraw_polyline_basic.phpt | 22 array('x' => 40 * 5, 'y' => 10 * 5), 23 array('x' => 20 * 5, 'y' => 20 * 5), 24 array('x' => 70 * 5, 'y' => 50 * 5), 25 array('x' => 60 * 5, 'y' => 15 * 5)
H A D | 219_ImagickDraw_setStrokeLineJoin_basic.phpt | 28 array('x' => 40 * 5, 'y' => 10 * 5 + $x * $offset), 29 array('x' => 20 * 5, 'y' => 20 * 5 + $x * $offset), 30 array('x' => 70 * 5, 'y' => 50 * 5 + $x * $offset), 31 array('x' => 40 * 5, 'y' => 10 * 5 + $x * $offset),
H A D | bug_71742.phpt | 15 'y' => pow($index, 2) 20 $coordinate['y'] = 200 - $coordinate['y'] / 50;
H A D | 011_polygon.phpt | 13 array('x' => 1, 'y' => 2), 14 array('x' => 'hello', 'y' => array())
H A D | 073_Imagick_forwardFourierTransformImage_basic.phpt | 23 //Draw a circle on the y-axis, with it's centre 24 //at x, y that touches the origin
/imagick/ |
H A D | ImagickDraw.stub.php | 102 public function translate(float $x, float $y): bool {} argument 131 public function alpha(float $x, float $y, int $paint): bool {} argument 135 public function matte(float $x, float $y, int $paint): bool {} argument 140 public function point(float $x, float $y): bool {} argument 173 float $y, argument 180 public function color(float $x, float $y, int $paint): bool {} argument 275 float $x, float $y argument 285 float $y argument 298 public function pathLineToVerticalAbsolute(float $y): bool {} argument 323 float $y, argument [all …]
H A D | imagickdraw_class.c | 291 double x, y; in PHP_METHOD() local 340 double x, y; in PHP_METHOD() local 995 double x, y; in PHP_METHOD() local 1050 double x, y; in PHP_METHOD() local 1079 double x, y; in PHP_METHOD() local 1165 double x, y; in PHP_METHOD() local 1349 double x, y; local 1951 double x, y; local 2130 double y; local 2170 double y; local [all …]
H A D | ImagickPixelIterator.stub.php | 14 int $y, argument 47 int $y, argument
H A D | Imagick.stub.php | 179 int $y, argument 250 int $y, argument 311 * @param int $y 321 int $y, argument 362 * @param int $y 371 int $y, argument 554 float $y, argument 563 int $y, argument 627 public function rollImage(int $x, int $y): bool {} argument 776 int $y argument [all …]
H A D | .travis.yml | 52 - sudo apt-get install -y fonts-urw-base35 || true 53 # - sudo apt-get install -y fonts-freefont-ttf || true 54 - sudo apt-get install -y libfreetype6-dev || true 55 - sudo apt-get install -y texlive-fonts-recommended || true
H A D | ImagickDraw_arginfo.h | 228 ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, y) 533 ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, y) 633 ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, y) 662 ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, y) 848 ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, y) 882 ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, y) 1004 ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, y) 1039 ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, y) 1078 ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, y) 1131 ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, y) [all …]
H A D | ImagickPixelIterator_arginfo.h | 44 ZEND_ARG_TYPE_INFO(0, y, IS_LONG, 0) 46 ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, y) 120 ZEND_ARG_TYPE_INFO(0, y, IS_LONG, 0) 122 ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, y)
/imagick/docker/fedora/ |
H A D | Dockerfile | 3 RUN dnf -y update 5 RUN dnf -y install 'dnf-command(config-manager)' 6 RUN dnf -y install https://rpms.remirepo.net/fedora/remi-release-30.rpm 9 RUN dnf -y install php74 php74-php-devel php74-php-debuginfo ImageMagick-devel gdb git make valgrind
/imagick/.github/workflows/ |
H A D | main.yml | 46 sudo apt-get install -y fonts-urw-base35 || true 47 sudo apt-get install -y libfreetype6-dev || true 48 sudo apt-get install -y texlive-fonts-recommended || true 115 sudo apt-get install -y fonts-urw-base35 || true 116 sudo apt-get install -y libfreetype6-dev || true 117 sudo apt-get install -y texlive-fonts-recommended || true
/imagick/docker/testing7_2/ |
H A D | Dockerfile | 7 && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y git \ 16 … && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y php7.2 php7.2-common php7.2-cli php7.2-fpm \