/PHP-8.1/ext/date/tests/ |
H A D | DatePeriod_properties2.phpt | 2 DatePeriod: Test cannot modify read only properties 35 Writing to DatePeriod->recurrences is unsupported 37 Writing to DatePeriod->include_start_date is unsupported 39 Writing to DatePeriod->start is unsupported 40 Retrieval of DatePeriod->start for modification is unsupported 41 Writing to DatePeriod->current is unsupported 42 Retrieval of DatePeriod->current for modification is unsupported 43 Writing to DatePeriod->end is unsupported 44 Retrieval of DatePeriod->end for modification is unsupported 45 Writing to DatePeriod->interval is unsupported [all …]
H A D | bug78055.phpt | 2 Bug #78055 (DatePeriod's getRecurrences and ->recurrences don't match) 10 $period = new DatePeriod($start, $interval, $recurrences, DatePeriod::EXCLUDE_START_DATE); 13 $period = new DatePeriod($start, $interval, $recurrences); 16 $period = new DatePeriod($start, $interval, $end); 19 $period = new DatePeriod($start, $interval, $end, DatePeriod::EXCLUDE_START_DATE);
H A D | date_period_bad_iso_format.phpt | 2 Test bad ISO date formats passed to DatePeriod constructor 7 new DatePeriod("R4"); 13 new DatePeriod("R4/2012-07-01T00:00:00Z"); 20 new DatePeriod("2012-07-01T00:00:00Z/P7D"); 27 DatePeriod::__construct(): ISO interval must contain a start date, "R4" given 28 DatePeriod::__construct(): ISO interval must contain an interval, "R4/2012-07-01T00:00:00Z" given 29 DatePeriod::__construct(): ISO interval must contain an end date or a recurrence count, "2012-07-01…
H A D | DatePeriod_wrong_recurrence_on_constructor.phpt | 2 DatePeriod: Test wrong recurrence parameter on __construct 6 new DatePeriod(new DateTime('yesterday'), new DateInterval('P1D'), 0); 12 new DatePeriod(new DateTime('yesterday'), new DateInterval('P1D'), -1); 19 DatePeriod::__construct(): Recurrence count must be greater than 0 20 DatePeriod::__construct(): Recurrence count must be greater than 0
H A D | bug53437_var1.phpt | 2 Bug #53437 (Crash when using unserialized DatePeriod instance), variation 2 5 $s = 'O:10:"DatePeriod":0:{}'; 13 Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Invalid serialization data for DatePeriod object in %sbug53437_var1.ph… 15 #0 [internal function]: DatePeriod->__wakeup()
H A D | DatePeriod_getter.phpt | 2 DatePeriod: Test getter 10 $period = new DatePeriod($start, $interval, $end); 22 $periodWithRecurrences = new DatePeriod($start, $interval, $recurrences); 27 $periodWithRecurrencesWithoutStart = new DatePeriod($start, $interval, $recurrences, DatePeriod::EX…
H A D | bug54283.phpt | 2 Bug #54283 (new DatePeriod(NULL) causes crash) 7 var_dump(new DatePeriod(NULL)); 14 Deprecated: DatePeriod::__construct(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($start) of type string is depr…
H A D | DatePeriod_wrong_constructor.phpt | 2 DatePeriod: Test wrong __construct parameter 12 new DatePeriod(); 18 DatePeriod::__construct() accepts (DateTimeInterface, DateInterval, int [, int]), or (DateTimeInter…
H A D | date_period.phpt | 2 DatePeriod 10 foreach ( new DatePeriod( $db, $di, $de ) as $dt ) 21 foreach ( new DatePeriod( $db, $di, $de, DatePeriod::EXCLUDE_START_DATE ) as $dt )
H A D | bug44562.phpt | 2 Bug #44562 (Creating instance of DatePeriod crashes) 8 $dp = new DatePeriod('2D'); 16 $dp = new DatePeriod( $begin, $interval, 10 );
H A D | bug-gh11416.phpt | 2 Bug GH-11416: Crash with DatePeriod when uninitialised objects are passed in 11 new DatePeriod($date, new DateInterval('P1D'), 2); 18 new DatePeriod($now, new DateInterval('P1D'), $date);
H A D | bug53437.phpt | 2 Bug #53437 (Crash when using unserialized DatePeriod instance), variation 1 5 $dp = new DatePeriod(new DateTime('2010-01-01 UTC'), new DateInterval('P1D'), 2); 14 $ser = serialize($dp); // $ser is: O:10:"DatePeriod":0:{} 31 object(DatePeriod)#%d (6) { 92 object(DatePeriod)#%d (6) {
H A D | bug71635.phpt | 2 Bug #71635 (segfault in DatePeriod::getEndDate() when no end date has been set) 6 $period = new DatePeriod(new DateTimeImmutable("now"), new DateInterval("P2Y4DT6H8M"), 2);
H A D | DatePeriod_IteratorAggregate.phpt | 2 DatePeriod can be used as an IteratorAggregate 6 $period = new DatePeriod('R2/2012-07-01T00:00:00Z/P7D'); 38 class MyDatePeriod1 extends DatePeriod { 48 class MyDatePeriod2 extends DatePeriod {
H A D | DatePeriod_no_advance_on_valid.phpt | 9 $period = new DatePeriod($start, $interval, $end); 23 $period = new DatePeriod($start, $interval, $end, DatePeriod::EXCLUDE_START_DATE);
H A D | DatePeriod_set_state.phpt | 2 Test __set_state magic method for recreating a DatePeriod object 8 $datePeriodObject = new DatePeriod( 22 object(DatePeriod)#%d (6) {
H A D | bug78751.phpt | 2 Bug #78751 (Serialising DatePeriod converts DateTimeImmutable) 7 $oDays = new DatePeriod($oDay, $oDateInterval, $oDay->modify('+1 day'));
H A D | date_period-immutable.phpt | 2 DatePeriod 11 foreach ( new DatePeriod( $db1, $di, $de ) as $dt ) 19 foreach ( new DatePeriod( $db2, $di, $de ) as $dt )
H A D | bug52113.phpt | 2 Bug #52113 (Seg fault while creating (by unserialization) DatePeriod) 10 $p = new DatePeriod($start, $diff, 2); 16 $p = new DatePeriod($start, $diff_un, 2); 31 $p = new DatePeriod($start, $diff_un, 2); 122 object(DatePeriod)#%d (6) { 210 object(DatePeriod)#%d (6) {
H A D | bug75002.phpt | 6 class aaa extends DatePeriod { 19 Fatal error: Uncaught Error: DatePeriod has not been initialized correctly in %sbug75002.php:%d
H A D | bug46874.phpt | 2 Bug #46874 (DatePeriod not resetting after foreach loop) 5 $dp = new DatePeriod('R5/2008-03-01T13:00:00Z/P1Y2M10DT2H30M');
H A D | date_interval_bad_format_leak.phpt | 13 new DatePeriod('P3"D'); 19 new DatePeriod('2008-03-01T12:00:00Z1');
H A D | bug74639.phpt | 2 Bug #74639 Cloning DatePeriod leads to segfault 10 $period = new DatePeriod($start, $interval, $end);
H A D | DatePeriod_properties1.phpt | 2 DatePeriod: Test read only properties 11 $period = new DatePeriod($start, $interval, $end);
H A D | bug80047.phpt | 2 Bug #80047: DatePeriod doesn't support custom DateTimeImmutable 27 $dp = new DatePeriod(...$test);