/PHP-8.0/ext/standard/tests/strings/ |
H A D | pack.phpt | 2 Generic pack()/unpack() tests 13 echo '"'.pack("A9", "hello").'"'; 16 print_r(unpack("C", pack("C", -127))); 17 print_r(unpack("C", pack("C", 127))); 18 print_r(unpack("C", pack("C", 255))); 19 print_r(unpack("C", pack("C", -129))); 21 print_r(unpack("H", pack("H", 0x04))); 24 print_r(unpack("I", pack("I", 0))); 31 print_r(unpack("L", pack("L", 0))); 37 print_r(unpack("N", pack("N", 0))); [all …]
H A D | pack_float.phpt | 6 'pack e', 7 bin2hex(pack("e", "")), 11 bin2hex(pack("e", 0)), 12 bin2hex(pack("e", 1)), 23 'pack E', 40 'pack g', 57 'pack G', 117 string(6) "pack e" 133 string(6) "pack E" 149 string(6) "pack g" [all …]
H A D | pack64.phpt | 2 64bit pack()/unpack() tests 11 print_r(unpack("Q", pack("Q", 0xfffffffffffe))); 12 print_r(unpack("Q", pack("Q", 0))); 14 print_r(unpack("Q", pack("Q", -1))); 17 print_r(unpack("J", pack("J", 0xfffffffffffe))); 18 print_r(unpack("J", pack("J", 0))); 20 print_r(unpack("J", pack("J", -1))); 24 print_r(unpack("P", pack("P", 0))); 26 print_r(unpack("P", pack("P", -1))); 30 print_r(unpack("q", pack("q", 0))); [all …]
H A D | pack_Z.phpt | 2 pack()/unpack(): "Z" format 6 pack("Z0", "f"), 7 pack("Z5", "foo\0"), 8 pack("Z4", "fooo"), 9 pack("Z4", "foo"), 10 pack("Z*", "foo"),
H A D | pack_A.phpt | 2 pack()/unpack(): "A" modifier 6 pack("A5", "foo "), 7 pack("A4", "fooo"), 8 pack("A4", "foo"),
H A D | bug35817.phpt | 5 $a = pack("H3","181"); 9 $a = pack("H2","18"); 13 $a = pack("H","1");
H A D | bug70487.phpt | 2 Bug #70487: pack('x') produces an error 6 var_dump(pack('x') === "\0");
H A D | pack64_32.phpt | 2 64bit pack()/unpack() tests 12 var_dump(pack("Q", 0)); 17 var_dump(pack("J", 0)); 22 var_dump(pack("P", 0)); 27 var_dump(pack("q", 0));
H A D | bug78833.phpt | 2 Bug #78833 (Integer overflow in pack causes out-of-bound access) 6 var_dump(pack("E2E2147483647H*", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0));
/PHP-8.0/ext/mbstring/tests/ |
H A D | mb_convert_encoding_stateful.phpt | 11 echo bin2hex(mb_convert_encoding(pack("H*", "1b24401b24402121"), "UTF-8", "ISO-2022-JP")), "\n"; 12 echo bin2hex(mb_convert_encoding(pack("H*", "1b24421b24422121"), "UTF-8", "ISO-2022-JP")), "\n"; 13 echo bin2hex(mb_convert_encoding(pack("H*", "1b28421b284261626364"), "UTF-8", "ISO-2022-JP")), "\n"; 14 echo bin2hex(mb_convert_encoding(pack("H*", "1b284a1b284a61626364"), "UTF-8", "ISO-2022-JP")), "\n"; 15 echo bin2hex(mb_convert_encoding(pack("H*", "1b24401b284261626364"), "UTF-8", "ISO-2022-JP")), "\n"; 16 echo bin2hex(mb_convert_encoding(pack("H*", "1b24401b284a61626364"), "UTF-8", "ISO-2022-JP")), "\n"; 17 echo bin2hex(mb_convert_encoding(pack("H*", "1b24421b284261626364"), "UTF-8", "ISO-2022-JP")), "\n"; 18 echo bin2hex(mb_convert_encoding(pack("H*", "1b24421b284a61626364"), "UTF-8", "ISO-2022-JP")), "\n"; 20 echo bin2hex(mb_convert_encoding(pack("H*", "1b2429430e0f61626364"), "UTF-8", "ISO-2022-KR")), "\n"; 22 echo bin2hex(mb_convert_encoding(pack("H*", "7e7b7e7d61626364"), "UTF-8", "HZ")), "\n";
H A D | mb_strwidth.phpt | 11 $euc_jp = pack('H*', '30313233a4b3a4cecab8bbfacef3a4cfc6fccbdcb8eca4c7a4b9a1a34555432d4a50a4f2bbc8… 15 $utf16le = pack('H*', '1a043804400438043b043b04380446043004200069007300200043007900720069006c006c00… 17 $utf16be = pack('H*', '041a043804400438043b043b04380446043000200069007300200043007900720069006c006c… 19 $koi8r = pack('H*', 'ebc9d2c9ccccc9c3c120697320437972696c6c6963');
H A D | mb_str_split_utf8_utf16.phpt | 14 $utf8 = pack("H*", "313233f09280a9"); 17 $utf8_bad = pack("H*", "313233f092"); 20 $utf16_first_be = pack("H*", "d800dc00"); 21 $utf16_first_le = pack("H*", "00d800dc"); 23 $utf16_last_be = pack("H*", "dbffdfff"); 24 $utf16_last_le = pack("H*", "ffdbffdf"); 25 $utf16be_char_bad = pack("H*", "dc00dc00"); /* this char is illegal because it starts from low surr… 26 $utf16le_char_bad = pack("H*", "00dc00dc"); /* this char is illegal because it starts from low surr…
/PHP-8.0/ext/phar/tests/zip/files/ |
H A D | corrupt_zipmaker.php.inc | 90 $file = "PK\x03\x04\x14\x00\x00\x00" . pack('v', $compmethod) . 97 $file = "PK\x03\x04\x14\x00\x00\x00" . pack('v', $fakecomp) . 104 $file = "PK\x03\x04\x14\x00\x01\x00" . pack('v', $compmethod) . 111 $file = "PK\x03\x04\x14\x00\x00\x00" . pack('v', $compmethod) . 286 pack("vvVVv", $this->count, $this->count, 292 pack("vvVVv", $this->count, $this->count, 298 pack("vvVVv", $this->count + 1, $this->count, 304 pack("vvVVv", $this->count, $this->count + 1, 310 pack("vvVVv", $this->count, $this->count, 316 pack("vvVVv", $this->count, $this->count, [all …]
/PHP-8.0/ext/gd/tests/ |
H A D | bug72339.phpt | 16 fwrite($fh, pack("n", 2)); 17 fwrite($fh, pack("n", 1)); 18 fwrite($fh, pack("n", 1)); 19 fwrite($fh, pack("n", 0x40)); 20 fwrite($fh, pack("n", 2)); 21 fwrite($fh, pack("n", 0x5AA0)); // Chunks Wide 22 fwrite($fh, pack("n", 0x5B00)); // Chunks Vertically
H A D | bug75111.phpt | 11 $str .= pack("V", -0x120000); // offset of image data 12 $str .= pack("V", 40); // length of header 13 $str .= pack("V", 256); // width 14 $str .= pack("V", 256); // height
/PHP-8.0/ext/phar/ |
H A D | tar.h | 23 #pragma pack(1) 34 # pragma pack 0 58 # pragma pack 0 98 #pragma pack()
/PHP-8.0/ext/phar/tests/ |
H A D | 010.phpt | 15 $manifest = pack('V', 1) . 'a' . pack('VVVVVV', 0, time(), 0, crc32(''), 0x00000000, 0); 16 $file .= pack('VVnVV', strlen($manifest), 1, 0x1000, 0x00000000, 3) . 'hio' . pack('V', 0) . $manif…
/PHP-8.0/ext/phar/tests/cache_list/files/ |
H A D | phar_test.inc | 41 $manifest .= pack('V', strlen($name)) . (binary)$name; 42 …$manifest .= pack('VVVVVV', $ulen, $time, $clen, $crc32, $flags|$perm, strlen($meta)) . (binary)$m… 53 $manifest = pack('VnVV', count($files), isset($hasdir) ? 0x1110 : 0x1000, $gflags, strlen($alias)) … 55 $file .= pack('V', strlen($manifest)) . $manifest;
/PHP-8.0/ext/phar/tests/files/ |
H A D | phar_test.inc | 41 $manifest .= pack('V', strlen($name)) . (binary)$name; 42 …$manifest .= pack('VVVVVV', $ulen, $time, $clen, $crc32, $flags|$perm, strlen($meta)) . (binary)$m… 53 $manifest = pack('VnVV', count($files), isset($hasdir) ? 0x1110 : 0x1000, $gflags, strlen($alias)) … 55 $file .= pack('V', strlen($manifest)) . $manifest;
/PHP-8.0/ext/dba/tests/ |
H A D | bug38698.phpt | 12 return 0x00FF === current(unpack('v', pack('S',0x00FF))); 19 dba_insert(pack('V',129), "Booo!", $db_make); 21 dba_insert(pack('i',129), "Booo!", $db_make);
/PHP-8.0/ext/opcache/jit/vtune/ |
H A D | ittnotify_types.h | 85 #pragma pack(push, 8) 93 #pragma pack(pop)
/PHP-8.0/ext/intl/tests/ |
H A D | resourcebundle.inc | 4 if (pack('S', 0xABCD) !== pack('v', 0xABCD)) {
/PHP-8.0/ext/ffi/tests/ |
H A D | bug79571.phpt | 6 if (pack('S', 0xABCD) !== pack('v', 0xABCD)) {
/PHP-8.0/ext/standard/tests/serialize/ |
H A D | precision.phpt | 5 if (pack('s', 1) != "\x01\x00") 27 $num = unpack("d", pack("H*", $ns)); $num = reset($num); 30 $repr = unpack("H*", pack("d", $num2)); $repr = reset($repr);
/PHP-8.0/ext/standard/ |
H A D | pack.h | 20 PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(pack);