/PHP-7.4/ext/standard/ |
H A D | exec.c | 113 fp = VCWD_POPEN(cmd, "r"); in php_exec() 215 char *cmd; in php_exec_ex() local 297 zend_string *cmd; in php_escape_shell_cmd() local 377 ZSTR_VAL(cmd)[y] = '\0'; in php_escape_shell_cmd() local 388 cmd = zend_string_truncate(cmd, y, 0); in php_escape_shell_cmd() 391 ZSTR_LEN(cmd) = y; in php_escape_shell_cmd() 393 return cmd; in php_escape_shell_cmd() 403 zend_string *cmd; in php_escape_shell_arg() local 475 cmd = zend_string_truncate(cmd, y, 0); in php_escape_shell_arg() 477 ZSTR_LEN(cmd) = y; in php_escape_shell_arg() [all …]
/PHP-7.4/ext/standard/tests/file/ |
H A D | bug22414.phpt | 20 $cmd = $php . $args . ' -r \"readfile(@getenv(\'\\\'\'TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE\'\\\'\')); \"'; 21 $cmd = $php . $args . ' -r \' passthru("'.$cmd.'"); \' > '.$tmpfile ; 23 $cmd = $php . $args . ' -r \"readfile(@getenv(\\\\\\"TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE\\\\\\")); \"'; 24 $cmd = $php . $args . ' -r " passthru(\''.$cmd.'\');" > '.$tmpfile ; 26 exec($cmd);
H A D | bug77552.phpt | 18 $cmd = sprintf('mklink /J "%s" "%s"', $junction, $target); 19 exec($cmd); 28 $cmd = sprintf('rmdir /S /Q "%s"', $tmpDir); 29 exec($cmd);
H A D | bug72035.phpt | 21 $cmd = "$cgi -n -C $fl"; 25 $proc = proc_open($cmd, $desc, $pipes, getcwd(), array());
H A D | bug69442.phpt | 25 $cmd = '(echo "foo" ; exit 42;) 3>/dev/null; code=$?; echo $code >&3; exit $code'; 29 $process = proc_open($cmd, $descriptors, $pipes);
/PHP-7.4/ext/standard/tests/file/windows_acls/ |
H A D | common.inc | 72 exec($cmd); 81 exec($cmd); 83 exec($cmd); 96 exec($cmd); 103 $cmd = $icacls . ' ' . $path_escaped . ' /remove:d ' . $user; 104 exec($cmd); 106 exec($cmd); 121 exec($cmd); 123 exec($cmd); 126 $cmd .= ':' . '(' . implode(',', $perm_entry) . ')'; [all …]
/PHP-7.4/sapi/apache2handler/ |
H A D | apache_config.c | 66 e.value = apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, value); in real_value_hnd() 69 e.htaccess = ((cmd->override & (RSRC_CONF|ACCESS_CONF)) == 0); in real_value_hnd() 75 static const char *php_apache_value_handler(cmd_parms *cmd, void *dummy, const char *name, const ch… in php_apache_value_handler() argument 77 return real_value_hnd(cmd, dummy, name, value, PHP_INI_PERDIR); in php_apache_value_handler() 82 return real_value_hnd(cmd, dummy, name, value, PHP_INI_SYSTEM); in php_apache_admin_value_handler() 96 return real_value_hnd(cmd, dummy, arg1, bool_val, status); in real_flag_hnd() 99 static const char *php_apache_flag_handler(cmd_parms *cmd, void *dummy, const char *name, const cha… in php_apache_flag_handler() argument 101 return real_flag_hnd(cmd, dummy, name, value, PHP_INI_PERDIR); in php_apache_flag_handler() 106 return real_flag_hnd(cmd, dummy, name, value, PHP_INI_SYSTEM); in php_apache_admin_flag_handler() 109 static const char *php_apache_phpini_set(cmd_parms *cmd, void *mconfig, const char *arg) in php_apache_phpini_set() argument [all …]
/PHP-7.4/ext/standard/tests/misc/ |
H A D | exec_basic1.phpt | 10 $cmd = "echo abc\n\0command"; 11 var_dump(exec($cmd, $output)); 13 var_dump(system($cmd)); 14 var_dump(passthru($cmd));
/PHP-7.4/ext/sqlite3/tests/ |
H A D | sqlite3_15_open_error-win.phpt | 18 $cmd = $icacls . ' ' . $unreadable . ' /inheritance:r /deny ' . $user . ':(F,M,R,RX,W)'; 19 exec($cmd); 28 $cmd = $icacls . ' ' . $unreadable . ' /grant ' . $user . ':(F,M,R,RX,W)'; 29 exec($cmd);
/PHP-7.4/ext/standard/tests/general_functions/ |
H A D | proc_open_null.phpt | 7 $cmd = [$php, '-r', 'echo "Test"; fprintf(STDERR, "Error");']; 9 $proc = proc_open($cmd, [1 => ['null'], 2 => ['pipe', 'w']], $pipes); 14 $proc = proc_open($cmd, [1 => ['pipe', 'w'], 2 => ['null']], $pipes);
H A D | proc_open_redirect.phpt | 12 $cmd = [$php, '-r', 'echo "Test\n"; fprintf(STDERR, "Error");']; 13 $proc = proc_open($cmd, [1 => ['pipe', 'w'], 2 => ['redirect', 1]], $pipes); 20 $proc = proc_open($cmd, [1 => ['file', $fileName, 'w'], 2 => ['redirect', 1]], $pipes); 28 $proc = proc_open($cmd, [1 => $file, 2 => ['redirect', 1]], $pipes); 36 $proc = proc_open($cmd, [2 => ['redirect', 1]], $pipes);
H A D | proc_open_array.phpt | 29 $cmd = [$php, '-n', '-r', 'var_dump(getenv("ENV_1"), getenv("ENV_2"));']; 32 $proc = proc_open($cmd, $ds, $pipes); 37 $proc = proc_open($cmd, $ds, $pipes, null, $env); 51 $cmd = [$php, '-r', 'var_export(array_slice($argv, 1));', '--', ...$args]; 52 $proc = proc_open($cmd, $ds, $pipes);
H A D | bug78569.phpt | 14 $cmd = sprintf('"findstr" "/b" "/c:// FIND ME" "%s" 2>&1', __FILE__); 15 $proc = proc_open($cmd, $descriptorspec, $pipes);
H A D | bug69646.phpt | 27 $cmd = PHP_BINARY . " " . $script . " " . escapeshellarg($a) . " " . escapeshellarg($b); 29 system($cmd);
/PHP-7.4/build/ |
H A D | order_by_dep.awk | 9 function get_deps(module_name, module_dir, depline, cmd) 14 cmd = "grep PHP_ADD_EXTENSION_DEP " module_dir "/config*.m4" 15 while (cmd | getline) { 22 close(cmd)
/PHP-7.4/ext/standard/tests/streams/ |
H A D | bug78883.phpt | 16 $cmd = 'cmd.exe "/c START ^"^" /WAIT ' . PHP_BINARY . ' -r ^"var_dump(fgets(STDIN));"'; 17 $proc = proc_open($cmd, $descriptorspec, $pipes); 24 // thus cmd is still running and we should kill it
H A D | stream_get_meta_data_process_basic.phpt | 7 $cmd = "echo here is some output"; 9 $handle = popen($cmd, $mode);
H A D | proc_open_bug64438.phpt | 9 …$cmd = PHP_BINARY . ' -n -r "fwrite(STDOUT, $in = file_get_contents(\'php://stdin\')); fwrite(STDE… 11 …$cmd = PHP_BINARY . ' -n -r \'fwrite(STDOUT, $in = file_get_contents("php://stdin")); fwrite(STDER… 17 $process = proc_open($cmd, $descriptors, $pipes, getcwd(), array(), $options);
H A D | bug64770.phpt | 14 $cmd = (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') ? 'dir' : 'ls'; 15 $p = proc_open($cmd, $descs, $pipes, '.', NULL, $other_opts);
H A D | bug60602.phpt | 14 $cmd = (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') ? 'dir' : 'ls'; 15 $p = proc_open($cmd, $descs, $pipes, '.', $environment);
/PHP-7.4/sapi/phpdbg/ |
H A D | phpdbg_help.c | 145 void summary_print(phpdbg_command_t const * const cmd) in summary_print() argument 148 spprintf(&summary, 0, "Command: **%s** Alias: **%c** **%s**\n", cmd->name, cmd->alias, cmd->tip); in summary_print() 234 phpdbg_command_t const *cmd; in PHPDBG_COMMAND() local 243 n = get_command(param->str, param->len, &cmd, phpdbg_prompt_commands); in PHPDBG_COMMAND() 246 summary_print(cmd); in PHPDBG_COMMAND() 247 pretty_print(get_help(cmd->name)); in PHPDBG_COMMAND() 252 for (cmd=phpdbg_prompt_commands; cmd->name; cmd++) { in PHPDBG_COMMAND() 253 if (!strncmp(cmd->name, param->str, param->len)) { in PHPDBG_COMMAND() 254 summary_print(cmd); in PHPDBG_COMMAND() 269 return cmd->handler(param); in PHPDBG_COMMAND() [all …]
/PHP-7.4/sapi/cli/tests/ |
H A D | sapi_windows_set_ctrl_handler.phpt | 27 $cmd = PHP_BINARY . " -n " . $argv[0] . " 1"; 30 …$proc = proc_open($cmd, $spec, $pipes, NULL, NULL, ["bypass_shell" => true, "create_process_group"… 40 $cmd = "tasklist /FI \"PID eq $child_pid\" /NH"; 41 echo "Running `$cmd` to check the process indeed exists:\n"; 42 echo trim(shell_exec($cmd)) . "\n";
H A D | php_cli_server.inc | 19 $cmd = [$php_executable, '-t', $doc_root, '-n', ...$cmd_args, '-S', PHP_CLI_SERVER_ADDRESS]; 21 $cmd[] = $router; 29 …$handle = proc_open($cmd, $descriptorspec, $pipes, $doc_root, null, array("suppress_errors" => tru…
/PHP-7.4/Zend/tests/ |
H A D | bug40236.phpt | 11 $cmd = "\"$php\" -n -d memory_limit=4M -a \"".__DIR__."\"/bug40236.inc"; 12 echo `$cmd`;
/PHP-7.4/tests/basic/ |
H A D | bug71273.phpt | 13 …$cmd = getenv('TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE') . " -n -d html_errors=on -d extension_dir=a/�/w -d extension=… 14 $out = shell_exec($cmd);