' . $langs[$_POST['my_lang']] . "\n"; // Remove, so it is not listed two times unset($langs[$_POST['my_lang']]); } // We have received a cookie and it is an available language elseif (isset($langs[myphpnet_language()])) { // Add this as first option, selected $options[] = '\n"; // Remove, so it is not listed two times unset($langs[myphpnet_language()]); } // We have no cookie and no form submitted else { // Add this as first option, selected $options[] = "\n"; } // Add all other languages foreach ($langs as $code => $name) { $options[] = '\n"; } // Assemble form from collected data $langpref = "\n"; // Save URL shortcut fallback setting if (isset($_POST['urlsearch'])) { myphpnet_urlsearch($_POST['urlsearch']); } if (isset($_POST["showug"])) { myphpnet_showug($_POST["showug"] === "enable"); } // Prepare mirror array $mirror_sites = $MIRRORS; $mirror_sites["NONE"] = [7 => MIRROR_OK]; myphpnet_save(); site_header("My PHP.net", ["current" => "community"]); ?>

My PHP.net

This page allows you to customize the PHP.net site.

This is not an official PHP.net mirror site, and therefore the settings you set and see here will not be effective on any official PHP.net mirror site. The settings you specify here are only going to be active for this URL, and only if you have cookies enabled.

These settings are cookie-based and will work on all official PHP.net mirror sites.

Preferred language

If you use a shortcut or search for a function, the language used is determined by checking for the following settings. The list is in priority order, the first is the most important. Normally you don't need to set your preferred language, as your last seen language is always remembered, and is a good estimate of your preferred language most of the time.

Your preferred language" => $langpref, "Last seen language" => (isset($_COOKIE['LAST_LANG']) ? htmlentities($_COOKIE['LAST_LANG'], ENT_QUOTES | ENT_IGNORE, 'UTF-8') : "None"), "Your Accept-Language browser setting" => (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) ? htmlentities($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], ENT_QUOTES | ENT_IGNORE, 'UTF-8') : "None"), "The mirror's default language" => default_language(), "Default" => "en", ]; // Write a row for all settings foreach ($langinfo as $lin => $lid) { echo " \n \n"; echo " \n \n"; } ?>
" . $lin . "" . $lid . "

These settings are only overridden in case you have passed a language setting URL parameter or POST data to a page or you are viewing a manual page in a particular language. In these cases, the explicit specification overrides the language selected from the above list.

The language setting is honored when you use a URL shortcut, when you start a function list search on a non-manual page, when you visit the manual download or language selection pages, etc.

Your country

The PHP.net site tries to detect your country using the Directi Ip-to-Country Database. This information is used to mark the events in your country specially.

" . $COUNTRIES[$COUNTRY] . ""; } else { echo "We were unable to detect your country"; } ?>

URL search fallback

When you try to access a PHP.net page via a URL shortcut, and the site is unable to find that particular page, it falls back to a documentation search, or a function list lookup, depending on your choice. The default is a function list lookup, as most of the URL shortcut users try to access function documentation pages.

Your setting: >

User Group tips

We are experimenting with listing nearby user groups. This feature is highly experimental and will very likely change a lot and be broken at times.
