1]; $config = array_merge($dconfig, $config); $SUBDOMAIN = "master"; $TITLE = $title ?: "master"; $LINKS = [ ["href" => "/manage/event.php", "text" => "Events"], ["href" => "/manage/users.php", "text" => "Users"], ["href" => "/manage/user-notes.php", "text" => "Notes"], ["href" => "/manage/github.php", "text" => "Github"], ]; $CSS = ["/styles/master.css"]; $SEARCH = []; if (strstr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"], "users.php")) { $SEARCH = ["method" => "get", "action" => "/manage/users.php", "placeholder" => "Search profiles", "name" => "search"]; $CSS[] = "/styles/user-autocomplete.css"; } if (strstr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"], "event.php")) { $SEARCH = ["method" => "get", "action" => "/manage/event.php", "placeholder" => "Search Events", "name" => "search"]; } if (strstr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"], "user-notes.php")) { $SEARCH = ["method" => "get", "action" => "/manage/user-notes.php", "placeholder" => "Search notes (keyword, ID or sect:)", "name" => "keyword"]; } if (isset($_SESSION['credentials'])) { array_unshift($LINKS, ["href" => "/manage/users.php?username=" . $_SESSION["credentials"][0], "text" => "My Profile"]); $LINKS[] = ["href" => "/login.php?action=logout", "text" => "Logout"]; } include __DIR__ . "/../shared/templates/header.inc"; if ($config["columns"] > 1) { echo '
'; } else { echo '
'; } } function foot($secondscreen = null) { $SECONDSCREEN = $secondscreen; $JS = [ "/js/master.js", ]; if (strstr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"], "users.php")) { array_push( $JS, "//people.php.net/js/jquery.autocomplete.min.js", "//people.php.net/js/userlisting.php", "//people.php.net/js/search.js" ); } ?>

"; } function warn($message) { echo format_warn($message); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function db_connect($dieonerror = TRUE) { if (!mysql_connect("localhost", "nobody", "")) { if ($dieonerror) { die(format_warn("Unable to connect to database!")); } return FALSE; } elseif (!mysql_select_db("phpmasterdb")) { if ($dieonerror) { die(format_warn("Unable to select database!")); } return FALSE; } return TRUE; } class Query { private $query = ''; public function __construct($str = '', $params = []) { $this->add($str, $params); } public function add($str, $params = []) { if (substr_count($str, '?') !== count($params)) { die("Incorrect number of parameters to query."); } $i = 0; $this->query .= preg_replace_callback('/\?(int)?/', function($matches) use ($params, &$i) { if (isset($matches[1]) && $matches[1] === 'int') { return (int) $params[$i++]; } else { return "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($params[$i++]) . "'"; } }, $str); } public function addQuery(Query $q) { $this->query .= $q->get(); } public function get() { return $this->query; } } function db_query(Query $query) { $query = $query->get(); //var_dump($query); $res = mysql_query($query); if (!$res) { $bt = debug_backtrace(); die(format_warn("Query failed: " . hsc(mysql_error()) . "\n" . hsc($query) . "
({$bt[0]['file']}:{$bt[0]['line']})")); } return $res; } function db_query_safe($query, array $params = []) { return db_query(new Query($query, $params)); } function db_get_one($query) { $res = mysql_query($query); if ($res && mysql_num_rows($res)) { return mysql_result($res, 0); } return FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function array_to_url($array,$overlay=[]) { $params = []; foreach($array as $k => $v) { $params[$k] = rawurlencode($k) . "=" . rawurlencode($v); } foreach($overlay as $k => $v) { if ($array[$k] == $v) { $params["forward"] = $array["forward"] ? "forward=0" : "forward=1"; continue; } $params["forward"] = "forward=0"; $params[$k] = rawurlencode($k) . "=" . rawurlencode($v); } return implode("&", $params); } /** * @param int $begin * @param int $rows * @param int $skip * @param int $total */ function show_prev_next($begin, $rows, $skip, $total, $extra = [], $table = true) {?>
0) { printf("« Previous %d", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], array_to_url($extra, ["begin" => max(0,$begin-$skip)]), min($skip,$begin)); } ?>     Next %d »", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], array_to_url($extra, ["begin" => $begin+$skip]), min($skip,$total-($begin+$skip))); } ?>
{$row['name']}"; } } function is_sqlite_type_available($avails, $check) { // All possible sqlite types associated with our assigned bitwise values $all = ['sqlite' => 1, 'sqlite3' => 2, 'pdo_sqlite' => 4, 'pdo_sqlite2' => 8]; if (!$avails || empty($all[$check])) { return false; } $avail = (int) $all[$check]; $avails = (int) $avails; if (($avails & $avail) === $avail) { return true; } return false; } function verify_ssh_keys($string) { return count(get_ssh_keys($string)) > 0; } function get_ssh_keys($string) { $results = []; if (preg_match_all('@(ssh-(?:rsa|dss) ([^\s]+) ([^\s]*))@', $string, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $results[] = ['key' => $match[1], 'name' => $match[3]]; } } return $results; } // We use markdown for people profiles include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../vendor/michelf/php-markdown-extra/markdown.php'; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function find_group_address_from_notes_for($id) { $res = db_query_safe("SELECT note FROM users_note WHERE userid = ? LIMIT 1", [$id]); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); $cc = ""; if (preg_match("/\[group: (\w+)\]/", $row["note"], $matches)) { switch($matches[1]) { case "php": $cc = "internals@lists.php.net"; break; case "pear": $cc = "pear-group@lists.php.net"; break; case "pecl": $cc = "pecl-dev@lists.php.net"; break; case "doc": $cc = "phpdoc@lists.php.net"; break; } } return $cc; } define("MT_USER_APPROVE_MAIL", "group@php.net"); define("MT_USER_REMOVE_MAIL", "group@php.net"); function user_approve($id) { $res = db_query_safe("UPDATE users SET cvsaccess=1, enable=1 WHERE userid=?", [$id]); if ($res && mysql_affected_rows()) { $cc = find_group_address_from_notes_for($id); $mailtext = $cc ? $cc : EMAIL_DEFAULT_CC; $userinfo = fetch_user($id); $message = mt_approve_user($userinfo, $mailtext); /* Notify the user */ mail($userinfo["email"], "VCS Account Request: $userinfo[username]", $message, "From: PHP Group ", "-fnoreply@php.net"); /* Notify the public records */ $to = MT_USER_APPROVE_MAIL . ($cc ? ",$cc" : ""); $subject = "Re: VCS Account Request: $userinfo[username]"; $message = "VCS Account Approved: $userinfo[username] approved by {$_SESSION["username"]} \o/"; $headers = "From: PHP Group \nIn-Reply-To: "; mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers, "-fnoreply@php.net"); warn("record $id ($userinfo[username]) approved"); return true; } else { warn("wasn't able to grant access to id $id."); return false; } } function user_remove($id) { $userinfo = fetch_user($id); $res = db_query_safe("DELETE FROM users WHERE userid=?", [$id]); if ($res && mysql_affected_rows()) { $cc = find_group_address_from_notes_for($id); $message = $userinfo['cvsaccess'] ? mt_remove_user($userinfo) : mt_deny_user($userinfo); /* Notify the user */ mail($userinfo['email'],"VCS Account Request: $userinfo[username]",$message,"From: PHP Group ", "-fnoreply@php.net"); $to = MT_USER_REMOVE_MAIL . ($cc ? ",$cc" : ""); $subject = "Re: VCS Account Request: $userinfo[username]"; $message = $userinfo['cvsaccess'] ? "VCS Account Deleted: $userinfo[username] deleted by {$_SESSION["username"]} /o\\" : "VCS Account Rejected: $userinfo[username] rejected by {$_SESSION["username"]} /o\\"; /* Notify public records */ mail($to, $subject, $message,"From: PHP Group \nIn-Reply-To: ", "-fnoreply@php.net"); db_query_safe("DELETE FROM users_note WHERE userid=?", [$id]); db_query_safe("DELETE FROM users_profile WHERE userid=?", [$id]); warn("record $id ($userinfo[username]) removed"); return true; } else { warn("wasn't able to delete id $id."); return false; } } function is_admin($user) { $admins = [ "jimw", "rasmus", "andrei", "zeev", "andi", "sas", "thies", "rubys", "ssb", "wez", "shane", "sterling", "goba", "imajes", "jon", "alan_k", "stas", "iliaa", "jmcastagnetto", "mj", "gwynne", "lsmith", "dsp", "philip", "davidc", "helly", "derick", "bjori", "pajoye", "danbrown", "felipe", "johannes", "tyrael", "salathe", "cmb", "kalle", "krakjoe", "nikic" ]; return in_array($user, $admins); } function is_mirror_site_admin($user) { $admins = [ "jimw", "rasmus", "andrei", "zeev", "andi", "sas", "thies", "rubys", "ssb", "imajes", "goba", "derick", "cortesi", "wez", "bjori", "philip", "danbrown", "tyrael", "dm", "kalle", "googleguy", "nikic" ]; return in_array($user, $admins); } # returns false if $user is not allowed to modify $userid function can_modify($user,$userid) { if (is_admin($user)) return true; $query = "SELECT userid FROM users WHERE userid = ? AND (email = ? OR username = ?)"; $res = db_query_safe($query, [$userid, $user, $user]); return $res ? mysql_num_rows($res) : false; } function fetch_user($user) { if ((int)$user) { $res = db_query_safe( "SELECT * FROM users LEFT JOIN users_note USING (userid) WHERE users.userid = ?", [$user]); } else { $res = db_query_safe( "SELECT * FROM users LEFT JOIN users_note USING (userid) WHERE username = ? OR email = ?", [$user, $user]); } return mysql_fetch_array($res); } function invalid_input($in) { if (!empty($in['email']) && strlen($in['email']) && !is_emailable_address($in['email'])) { return "'". hsc($in['email']) ."' does not look like a valid email address"; } if (!empty($in['username']) && !preg_match("/^[-\w]+\$/",$in['username'])) { return "'". hsc($in['username']) ."' is not a valid username"; } if (!empty($in['rawpasswd']) && $in['rawpasswd'] != $in['rawpasswd2']) { return "the passwords you specified did not match!"; } if (!empty($in['sshkey']) && !verify_ssh_keys($in['sshkey'])) { return "the ssh key doesn't seem to have the necessary format"; } return false; } function validateAction($k) { switch($k) { case "approve": case "remove": return $k; default: warn("that action ('" . hsc($k) . "') is not understood."); } return false; } function fetch_event($id) { $res = db_query_safe("SELECT * FROM phpcal WHERE id = ?", [$id]); return mysql_fetch_array($res,MYSQL_ASSOC); } function display_options($options,$current) { foreach ($options as $k => $v) { echo '\n"; } }