2) { die("invalid score: $score"); } if (!isset($_POST['reproduced'])) die("missing parameter reproduced"); $reproduced = (int) $_POST['reproduced']; $samever = isset($_POST['samever']) ? (int) $_POST['samever'] : 0; $sameos = isset($_POST['sameos']) ? (int) $_POST['sameos'] : 0; if (!$container->get(BugRepository::class)->exists($id)) { session_start(); // Authenticate bugs_authenticate($user, $pw, $logged_in, $user_flags); response_header('No such bug.'); display_bug_error("No such bug #{$id}"); response_footer(); exit; } // Figure out which IP the user is coming from avoiding RFC 1918 space function get_real_ip () { $ip = false; // User is behind a proxy and check that we discard RFC1918 IP // addresses if they are behind a proxy then only figure out which // IP belongs to the user. Might not need any more hacking if // there is a squid reverse proxy infront of apache. if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $ips = explode (", ", $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']); if ($ip) { array_unshift($ips, $ip); $ip = false; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($ips); $i++) { // Skip RFC 1918 IP's, and // -- jim kill me later with my regexp pattern below. if (!eregi ("^(10|172\.16|192\.168)\.", $ips[$i]) && preg_match("/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/", $ips[$i])) { $ip = $ips[$i]; break; } } } return ($ip ? $ip : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); } $ip = ip2long(get_real_ip()); // TODO: check if ip address has been banned. hopefully this will never need to be implemented. // Check whether the user has already voted on this bug. if (empty($container->get(VoteRepository::class)->findOneByIdAndIp($id, $ip))) { // If the user vote isn't found, create one. $dbh->prepare(" INSERT INTO bugdb_votes (bug, ip, score, reproduced, tried, sameos, samever) VALUES ( {$id}, {$ip}, {$score}, " . ($reproduced == 1 ? "1," : "0,") . ($reproduced != 2 ? "1," : "0,") . ($reproduced ? "$sameos," : "NULL,") . ($reproduced ? "$samever" : "NULL") . ')' )->execute(); // redirect to the bug page (which will display the success message) redirect("bug.php?id=$id&thanks=6"); } else { // As the user has already voted, just update their existing vote. $dbh->prepare("UPDATE bugdb_votes SET score = ?, reproduced = ? , tried = ?, sameos = ?, samever = ? WHERE bug = ? AND ip = ?") ->execute([ $score, ($reproduced == 1 ? "1" : "0"), ($reproduced != 2 ? "1" : "0"), ($reproduced ? "$sameos" : null), ($reproduced ? "$samever" : null), $id, $ip ]); // Let the user know they have already voted and the existing vote will be // updated. redirect("bug.php?id=$id&thanks=10"); }