# PHP Bug Tracking System This is a unified bug tracking system for PHP hosted online at [bugs.php.net](https://bugs.php.net). ## Local installation * Install development dependencies with Composer: ```bash composer install ``` * Configuration: Modify `local_config.php` according to your local development environment. * Database: Create a new MySQL/MariaDB database using `sql/database.sql`, create database schema `sql/schema.sql` and insert fixtures using `sql/fixtures.sql`. ## Tests Application unit tests can be executed in development environment after installing dependencies by running `phpunit`: ```bash ./vendor/bin/phpunit ``` ## Directory structure Source code of this application is structured in the following directories: ```bash / ├─ .git/ # Git configuration and source directory ├─ config/ # Application configuration parameters, services... ├─ docs/ # Application documentation └─ include/ # Application helper functions and configuration ├─ prepend.php # Autoloader, DB connection, container, app initialization └─ ... └─ scripts/ # Command line development tools and scripts ├─ cron/ # Various systems scripts to run periodically on the server └─ ... ├─ sql/ # Database schema and fixtures └─ src/ # Application source code classes ├─ Horde/ # https://www.horde.org/libraries/Horde_Text_Diff └─ ... ├─ templates/ # Application templates ├─ tests/ # Application automated tests ├─ uploads/ # Uploaded patch files ├─ var/ # Transient and temporary generated files ├─ vendor/ # Dependencies generated by Composer └─ www/ # Publicly accessible directory for online bugs.php.net ├─ css/ # Stylesheets ├─ images/ # Images ├─ js/ # JavaScript assets └─ ... ├─ composer.json # Composer dependencies and project meta definition ├─ composer.lock # Dependencies versions currently installed ├─ local_config.php # Application configuration ├─ local_config.php.sample # Distributed configuration example ├─ phpunit.xml.dist # PHPUnit's default XML configuration └─ ... ``` ## Contributing Issues with the application and new feature requests can be reported to [bugs.php.net](https://bugs.php.net) and discussed by sending message to the [webmaster mailing list](http://news.php.net/php.webmaster) to the address php-webmaster@lists.php.net. Application source code is located in the [github.com/php/web-bugs](https://github.com/php/web-bugs) repository. To contribute: ```bash git clone git@github.com:your-username/web-bugs cd web-bugs git checkout -b patch-1 git add . git commit -m "Describe changes" git push origin patch-1 ``` A good practice is to also set the upstream remote in case the upstream master branch updates. This way your master branch will track remote upstream master branch of the root repository. ```bash git checkout master git remote add upstream git://github.com/php/web-bugs git config branch.master.remote upstream git pull --rebase ``` ## Documentation More information about this application can be found in the [documentation](/docs).