--TEST-- FPM: Set CLOEXEC on the listen and connection socket --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- &1 | grep TCP | grep '$fpmPort'", 'r'); echo stream_get_contents($ph); pclose($ph); echo "\n"; /* We expect that both LISTEN (inherited from the master process) and ACCEPTED (ESTABLISHED) have F_CLOEXEC and should not appear in the created process. We grep out sockets from non-FPM port, because they may appear in the environment, e.g. PHP-FPM can inherit them from the test-runner. We cannot control the runner, but we can test how the FPM behaves. */ echo "Sockets after exec(), expected to be empty:\n"; $ph = popen("/bin/sh -c 'lsof -Pn -p\$\$' 2>&1 | grep TCP | grep '$fpmPort'", 'r'); var_dump(stream_get_contents($ph)); pclose($ph); EOT; $tester = new FPM\Tester($cfg, $code); $tester->start(); $tester->expectLogStartNotices(); $tester->request(query: 'fpm_port='.$tester->getPort())->printBody(); $tester->terminate(); $tester->expectLogTerminatingNotices(); $tester->close(); ?> Done --EXPECTF-- My sockets (expect to see 2 of them - one ESTABLISHED and one LISTEN): %S> (ESTABLISHED) %S (LISTEN) Sockets after exec(), expected to be empty: string(0) "" Done --CLEAN--