/* (c) 2007,2008 Andrei Nigmatulin */ #include "fpm_config.h" #include #include #include #include "php.h" #include "php_main.h" #include "php_ini.h" #include "ext/standard/dl.h" #include "fastcgi.h" #include "fpm.h" #include "fpm_php.h" #include "fpm_cleanup.h" #include "fpm_worker_pool.h" #include "zlog.h" static char **limit_extensions = NULL; static int fpm_php_zend_ini_alter_master(char *name, int name_length, char *new_value, int new_value_length, int mode, int stage) /* {{{ */ { zend_ini_entry *ini_entry; zend_string *duplicate; if ((ini_entry = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(EG(ini_directives), name, name_length)) == NULL) { return FAILURE; } duplicate = zend_string_init(new_value, new_value_length, 1); if (!ini_entry->on_modify || ini_entry->on_modify(ini_entry, duplicate, ini_entry->mh_arg1, ini_entry->mh_arg2, ini_entry->mh_arg3, stage) == SUCCESS) { ini_entry->value = duplicate; /* when mode == ZEND_INI_USER keep unchanged to allow ZEND_INI_PERDIR (.user.ini) */ if (mode == ZEND_INI_SYSTEM) { ini_entry->modifiable = mode; } } else { zend_string_release_ex(duplicate, 1); } return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ static void fpm_php_disable(char *value, int (*zend_disable)(const char *, size_t)) /* {{{ */ { char *s = 0, *e = value; while (*e) { switch (*e) { case ' ': case ',': if (s) { *e = '\0'; zend_disable(s, e - s); s = 0; } break; default: if (!s) { s = e; } break; } e++; } if (s) { zend_disable(s, e - s); } } /* }}} */ #define FPM_PHP_INI_ALTERING_ERROR -1 #define FPM_PHP_INI_APPLIED 1 #define FPM_PHP_INI_EXTENSION_FAILED 0 #define FPM_PHP_INI_EXTENSION_LOADED 2 int fpm_php_apply_defines_ex(struct key_value_s *kv, int mode) /* {{{ */ { char *name = kv->key; char *value = kv->value; int name_len = strlen(name); int value_len = strlen(value); if (!strcmp(name, "extension") && *value) { zval zv; zend_interned_strings_switch_storage(0); php_dl(value, MODULE_PERSISTENT, &zv, 1); zend_interned_strings_switch_storage(1); return Z_TYPE(zv) == IS_TRUE ? FPM_PHP_INI_EXTENSION_LOADED : FPM_PHP_INI_EXTENSION_FAILED; } if (fpm_php_zend_ini_alter_master(name, name_len, value, value_len, mode, PHP_INI_STAGE_ACTIVATE) == FAILURE) { return FPM_PHP_INI_ALTERING_ERROR; } if (!strcmp(name, "disable_functions") && *value) { zend_disable_functions(value); return FPM_PHP_INI_APPLIED; } if (!strcmp(name, "disable_classes") && *value) { char *v = strdup(value); PG(disable_classes) = v; fpm_php_disable(v, zend_disable_class); return FPM_PHP_INI_APPLIED; } return FPM_PHP_INI_APPLIED; } /* }}} */ static int fpm_php_apply_defines(struct fpm_worker_pool_s *wp) /* {{{ */ { struct key_value_s *kv; int apply_result; bool extension_loaded = false; for (kv = wp->config->php_values; kv; kv = kv->next) { apply_result = fpm_php_apply_defines_ex(kv, ZEND_INI_USER); if (apply_result == FPM_PHP_INI_ALTERING_ERROR) { zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "Unable to set php_value '%s'", kv->key); } else if (apply_result == FPM_PHP_INI_EXTENSION_LOADED) { extension_loaded = true; } } for (kv = wp->config->php_admin_values; kv; kv = kv->next) { apply_result = fpm_php_apply_defines_ex(kv, ZEND_INI_SYSTEM); if (apply_result == FPM_PHP_INI_ALTERING_ERROR) { zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "Unable to set php_admin_value '%s'", kv->key); } else if (apply_result == FPM_PHP_INI_EXTENSION_LOADED) { extension_loaded = true; } } if (extension_loaded) { zend_collect_module_handlers(); } return 0; } /* }}} */ static int fpm_php_set_allowed_clients(struct fpm_worker_pool_s *wp) /* {{{ */ { if (wp->listen_address_domain == FPM_AF_INET) { fcgi_set_allowed_clients(wp->config->listen_allowed_clients); } return 0; } /* }}} */ #if 0 /* Comment out this non used function. It could be used later. */ static int fpm_php_set_fcgi_mgmt_vars(struct fpm_worker_pool_s *wp) /* {{{ */ { char max_workers[10 + 1]; /* 4294967295 */ int len; len = sprintf(max_workers, "%u", (unsigned int) wp->config->pm_max_children); fcgi_set_mgmt_var("FCGI_MAX_CONNS", sizeof("FCGI_MAX_CONNS")-1, max_workers, len); fcgi_set_mgmt_var("FCGI_MAX_REQS", sizeof("FCGI_MAX_REQS")-1, max_workers, len); return 0; } /* }}} */ #endif char *fpm_php_script_filename(void) { return SG(request_info).path_translated; } char *fpm_php_request_uri(void) { return (char *) SG(request_info).request_uri; } char *fpm_php_request_method(void) { return (char *) SG(request_info).request_method; } char *fpm_php_query_string(void) { return SG(request_info).query_string; } char *fpm_php_auth_user(void) { return SG(request_info).auth_user; } size_t fpm_php_content_length(void) { return SG(request_info).content_length; } static void fpm_php_cleanup(int which, void *arg) /* {{{ */ { php_module_shutdown(); sapi_shutdown(); if (limit_extensions) { fpm_worker_pool_free_limit_extensions(limit_extensions); } } /* }}} */ void fpm_php_soft_quit(void) { fcgi_terminate(); } int fpm_php_init_main(void) { if (0 > fpm_cleanup_add(FPM_CLEANUP_PARENT, fpm_php_cleanup, 0)) { return -1; } return 0; } int fpm_php_init_child(struct fpm_worker_pool_s *wp) /* {{{ */ { if (0 > fpm_php_apply_defines(wp) || 0 > fpm_php_set_allowed_clients(wp)) { return -1; } if (wp->limit_extensions) { /* Take ownership of limit_extensions. */ limit_extensions = wp->limit_extensions; wp->limit_extensions = NULL; } return 0; } /* }}} */ int fpm_php_limit_extensions(char *path) /* {{{ */ { char **p; size_t path_len; if (!path || !limit_extensions) { return 0; /* allowed by default */ } p = limit_extensions; path_len = strlen(path); while (p && *p) { size_t ext_len = strlen(*p); if (path_len > ext_len) { char *path_ext = path + path_len - ext_len; if (strcmp(*p, path_ext) == 0) { return 0; /* allow as the extension has been found */ } } p++; } zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "Access to the script '%s' has been denied (see security.limit_extensions)", path); return 1; /* extension not found: not allowed */ } /* }}} */ bool fpm_php_is_key_in_table(zend_string *table, const char *key, size_t key_len) /* {{{ */ { zval *data; zend_string *str; ZEND_ASSERT(table); ZEND_ASSERT(key); /* inspired from ext/standard/info.c */ zend_is_auto_global(table); /* find the table and ensure it's an array */ data = zend_hash_find(&EG(symbol_table), table); if (!data || Z_TYPE_P(data) != IS_ARRAY) { return NULL; } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_STR_KEY(Z_ARRVAL_P(data), str) { if (str && zend_string_equals_cstr(str, key, key_len)) { return true; } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); return false; } /* }}} */