--TEST-- Test strspn() function : usage variations - with heredoc strings with default start and len args --FILE-- --EXPECTF-- *** Testing strspn() : with heredoc strings *** -- Iteration with str value as "" -- int(0) -- Iteration with str value as " " -- int(2) -- Iteration with str value as "first line of heredoc string second line of heredoc string third line of heredocstring" -- int(1) -- Iteration with str value as "hello world hello world " -- int(5) -- Iteration with str value as "hello123world456 1234hello 1234" -- int(8) -- Iteration with str value as "hello%0world%0hello %0hello%0" -- int(6) -- Iteration with str value as "hello%0@ªworld%0hello %0hello%0" -- int(8) Done