/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | https://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Brad Lafountain | | Shane Caraveo | | Dmitry Stogov | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #include "php_soap.h" #include "ext/libxml/php_libxml.h" #include "libxml/uri.h" #include "zend_virtual_cwd.h" #include "main/php_open_temporary_file.h" #include #include #include #ifndef O_BINARY # define O_BINARY 0 #endif static void delete_fault(zval *zv); static void delete_fault_persistent(zval *zv); static void delete_binding(zval *zv); static void delete_binding_persistent(zval *zv); static void delete_function(zval *zv); static void delete_function_persistent(zval *zv); static void delete_parameter(zval *zv); static void delete_parameter_persistent(zval *zv); static void delete_header(zval *header); static void delete_header_int(sdlSoapBindingFunctionHeaderPtr hdr); static void delete_header_persistent(zval *zv); static void delete_document(zval *zv); encodePtr get_encoder_from_prefix(sdlPtr sdl, xmlNodePtr node, const xmlChar *type) { encodePtr enc = NULL; xmlNsPtr nsptr; const char *cptype; char *ns; parse_namespace(type, &cptype, &ns); nsptr = xmlSearchNs(node->doc, node, BAD_CAST(ns)); if (nsptr != NULL) { enc = get_encoder(sdl, (char*)nsptr->href, cptype); if (enc == NULL) { enc = get_encoder_ex(sdl, cptype, strlen(cptype)); } } else { enc = get_encoder_ex(sdl, (char*)type, xmlStrlen(type)); } if (ns) {efree(ns);} return enc; } static sdlTypePtr get_element(sdlPtr sdl, xmlNodePtr node, const xmlChar *type) { sdlTypePtr ret = NULL; if (sdl->elements) { xmlNsPtr nsptr; const char *cptype; char *ns; sdlTypePtr sdl_type; parse_namespace(type, &cptype, &ns); nsptr = xmlSearchNs(node->doc, node, BAD_CAST(ns)); if (nsptr != NULL) { size_t ns_len = xmlStrlen(nsptr->href); size_t type_len = strlen(cptype); size_t len = ns_len + type_len + 1; char *nscat = emalloc(len + 1); memcpy(nscat, nsptr->href, ns_len); nscat[ns_len] = ':'; memcpy(nscat+ns_len+1, cptype, type_len); nscat[len] = '\0'; if ((sdl_type = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(sdl->elements, nscat, len)) != NULL) { ret = sdl_type; } else if ((sdl_type = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(sdl->elements, (char*)type, type_len)) != NULL) { ret = sdl_type; } efree(nscat); } else { if ((sdl_type = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(sdl->elements, (char*)type, xmlStrlen(type))) != NULL) { ret = sdl_type; } } if (ns) {efree(ns);} } return ret; } encodePtr get_encoder(sdlPtr sdl, const char *ns, const char *type) { encodePtr enc = NULL; char *nscat; size_t ns_len = ns ? strlen(ns) : 0; size_t type_len = strlen(type); size_t len = ns_len + type_len + 1; nscat = emalloc(len + 1); if (ns) { memcpy(nscat, ns, ns_len); } nscat[ns_len] = ':'; memcpy(nscat+ns_len+1, type, type_len); nscat[len] = '\0'; enc = get_encoder_ex(sdl, nscat, len); if (enc == NULL && ((ns_len == sizeof(SOAP_1_1_ENC_NAMESPACE)-1 && memcmp(ns, SOAP_1_1_ENC_NAMESPACE, sizeof(SOAP_1_1_ENC_NAMESPACE)-1) == 0) || (ns_len == sizeof(SOAP_1_2_ENC_NAMESPACE)-1 && memcmp(ns, SOAP_1_2_ENC_NAMESPACE, sizeof(SOAP_1_2_ENC_NAMESPACE)-1) == 0))) { char *enc_nscat; size_t enc_ns_len; size_t enc_len; enc_ns_len = sizeof(XSD_NAMESPACE)-1; enc_len = enc_ns_len + type_len + 1; enc_nscat = emalloc(enc_len + 1); memcpy(enc_nscat, XSD_NAMESPACE, sizeof(XSD_NAMESPACE)-1); enc_nscat[enc_ns_len] = ':'; memcpy(enc_nscat+enc_ns_len+1, type, type_len); enc_nscat[enc_len] = '\0'; enc = get_encoder_ex(NULL, enc_nscat, enc_len); efree(enc_nscat); if (enc && sdl) { encodePtr new_enc = pemalloc(sizeof(encode), sdl->is_persistent); memcpy(new_enc, enc, sizeof(encode)); if (sdl->is_persistent) { new_enc->details.ns = zend_strndup(ns, ns_len); new_enc->details.type_str = strdup(new_enc->details.type_str); } else { new_enc->details.ns = estrndup(ns, ns_len); new_enc->details.type_str = estrdup(new_enc->details.type_str); } if (new_enc->details.clark_notation) { /* If it was persistent or becomes persistent, we must dup. Otherwise we can copy. */ bool was_persistent = GC_FLAGS(new_enc->details.clark_notation) & IS_STR_PERSISTENT; if (was_persistent || sdl->is_persistent) { new_enc->details.clark_notation = zend_string_dup(new_enc->details.clark_notation, sdl->is_persistent); } else { zend_string_addref(new_enc->details.clark_notation); } } if (sdl->encoders == NULL) { sdl->encoders = pemalloc(sizeof(HashTable), sdl->is_persistent); zend_hash_init(sdl->encoders, 0, NULL, sdl->is_persistent ? delete_encoder_persistent : delete_encoder, sdl->is_persistent); } zend_hash_str_update_ptr(sdl->encoders, nscat, len, new_enc); enc = new_enc; } } efree(nscat); return enc; } encodePtr get_encoder_ex(sdlPtr sdl, const char *nscat, size_t len) { encodePtr enc; if ((enc = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(&SOAP_GLOBAL(defEnc), nscat, len)) != NULL) { return enc; } else if (sdl && sdl->encoders && (enc = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(sdl->encoders, nscat, len)) != NULL) { return enc; } return NULL; } static int is_wsdl_element(xmlNodePtr node) { if (node->ns && strcmp((char*)node->ns->href, WSDL_NAMESPACE) != 0) { xmlAttrPtr attr; if ((attr = get_attribute_ex(node->properties, "required", WSDL_NAMESPACE)) != NULL && attr->children && attr->children->content && (strcmp((char*)attr->children->content, "1") == 0 || strcmp((char*)attr->children->content, "true") == 0)) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Unknown required WSDL extension '%s'", node->ns->href); } return 0; } return 1; } void sdl_set_uri_credentials(sdlCtx *ctx, char *uri) { char *s; size_t l1, l2; zval context; zval *header = NULL; /* check if we load xsd from the same server */ s = strstr(ctx->sdl->source, "://"); if (!s) return; s = strchr(s+3, '/'); l1 = s ? (size_t)(s - ctx->sdl->source) : strlen(ctx->sdl->source); s = strstr((char*)uri, "://"); if (!s) return; s = strchr(s+3, '/'); l2 = s ? (size_t)(s - (char*)uri) : strlen((char*)uri); if (l1 != l2) { /* check for http://...:80/ */ if (l1 > 11 && ctx->sdl->source[4] == ':' && ctx->sdl->source[l1-3] == ':' && ctx->sdl->source[l1-2] == '8' && ctx->sdl->source[l1-1] == '0') { l1 -= 3; } if (l2 > 11 && uri[4] == ':' && uri[l2-3] == ':' && uri[l2-2] == '8' && uri[l2-1] == '0') { l2 -= 3; } /* check for https://...:443/ */ if (l1 > 13 && ctx->sdl->source[4] == 's' && ctx->sdl->source[l1-4] == ':' && ctx->sdl->source[l1-3] == '4' && ctx->sdl->source[l1-2] == '4' && ctx->sdl->source[l1-1] == '3') { l1 -= 4; } if (l2 > 13 && uri[4] == 's' && uri[l2-4] == ':' && uri[l2-3] == '4' && uri[l2-2] == '4' && uri[l2-1] == '3') { l2 -= 4; } } if (l1 != l2 || memcmp(ctx->sdl->source, uri, l1) != 0) { /* another server. clear authentication credentals */ php_libxml_switch_context(NULL, &context); php_libxml_switch_context(&context, NULL); if (Z_TYPE(context) != IS_UNDEF) { zval *context_ptr = &context; ctx->context = php_stream_context_from_zval(context_ptr, 1); if (ctx->context && (header = php_stream_context_get_option(ctx->context, "http", "header")) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(header) == IS_STRING) { /* TODO: should support header as an array, but this code path is untested */ s = strstr(Z_STRVAL_P(header), "Authorization: Basic"); if (s && (s == Z_STRVAL_P(header) || *(s-1) == '\n' || *(s-1) == '\r')) { char *rest = strstr(s, "\r\n"); if (rest) { zval new_header; rest += 2; ZVAL_NEW_STR(&new_header, zend_string_alloc(Z_STRLEN_P(header) - (rest - s), 0)); memcpy(Z_STRVAL(new_header), Z_STRVAL_P(header), s - Z_STRVAL_P(header)); memcpy(Z_STRVAL(new_header) + (s - Z_STRVAL_P(header)), rest, Z_STRLEN_P(header) - (rest - Z_STRVAL_P(header)) + 1); ZVAL_COPY(&ctx->old_header, header); php_stream_context_set_option(ctx->context, "http", "header", &new_header); zval_ptr_dtor(&new_header); } } } } } } void sdl_restore_uri_credentials(sdlCtx *ctx) { if (Z_TYPE(ctx->old_header) != IS_UNDEF) { php_stream_context_set_option(ctx->context, "http", "header", &ctx->old_header); zval_ptr_dtor(&ctx->old_header); ZVAL_UNDEF(&ctx->old_header); } ctx->context = NULL; } #define SAFE_STR(a) ((a)?((const char *)a):"") static void load_wsdl_ex(zval *this_ptr, char *struri, sdlCtx *ctx, bool include) { sdlPtr tmpsdl = ctx->sdl; xmlDocPtr wsdl; xmlNodePtr root, definitions, trav; if (zend_hash_str_exists(&ctx->docs, struri, strlen(struri))) { return; } sdl_set_uri_credentials(ctx, struri); wsdl = soap_xmlParseFile(struri); sdl_restore_uri_credentials(ctx); if (!wsdl) { const xmlError *xmlErrorPtr = xmlGetLastError(); if (xmlErrorPtr) { soap_error2(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '%s' : %s", struri, xmlErrorPtr->message); } else { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '%s'", struri); } } zend_hash_str_add_ptr(&ctx->docs, struri, strlen(struri), wsdl); root = wsdl->children; definitions = get_node_ex(root, "definitions", WSDL_NAMESPACE); if (!definitions) { if (include) { xmlNodePtr schema = get_node_ex(root, "schema", XSD_NAMESPACE); if (schema) { load_schema(ctx, schema); return; } } soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Couldn't find in '%s'", struri); } if (!include) { xmlAttrPtr targetNamespace = get_attribute(definitions->properties, "targetNamespace"); if (targetNamespace) { tmpsdl->target_ns = estrdup((char*)targetNamespace->children->content); } } trav = definitions->children; while (trav != NULL) { if (!is_wsdl_element(trav)) { trav = trav->next; continue; } if (node_is_equal(trav,"types")) { /* TODO: Only one "types" is allowed */ xmlNodePtr trav2 = trav->children; while (trav2 != NULL) { if (node_is_equal_ex(trav2, "schema", XSD_NAMESPACE)) { load_schema(ctx, trav2); } else if (is_wsdl_element(trav2) && !node_is_equal(trav2,"documentation")) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Unexpected WSDL element <%s>", SAFE_STR(trav2->name)); } trav2 = trav2->next; } } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"import")) { /* TODO: namespace ??? */ xmlAttrPtr tmp = get_attribute(trav->properties, "location"); if (tmp) { xmlChar *uri = schema_location_construct_uri(tmp); load_wsdl_ex(this_ptr, (char*)uri, ctx, true); xmlFree(uri); } } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"message")) { xmlAttrPtr name = get_attribute(trav->properties, "name"); if (name && name->children && name->children->content) { if (zend_hash_str_add_ptr(&ctx->messages, (char*)name->children->content, xmlStrlen(name->children->content), trav) == NULL) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: '%s' already defined", name->children->content); } } else { soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: has no name attribute"); } } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"portType")) { xmlAttrPtr name = get_attribute(trav->properties, "name"); if (name && name->children && name->children->content) { if (zend_hash_str_add_ptr(&ctx->portTypes, (char*)name->children->content, xmlStrlen(name->children->content), trav) == NULL) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: '%s' already defined", name->children->content); } } else { soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: has no name attribute"); } } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"binding")) { xmlAttrPtr name = get_attribute(trav->properties, "name"); if (name && name->children && name->children->content) { if (zend_hash_str_add_ptr(&ctx->bindings, (char*)name->children->content, xmlStrlen(name->children->content), trav) == NULL) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: '%s' already defined", name->children->content); } } else { soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: has no name attribute"); } } else if (node_is_equal(trav,"service")) { xmlAttrPtr name = get_attribute(trav->properties, "name"); if (name && name->children && name->children->content) { if (zend_hash_str_add_ptr(&ctx->services, (char*)name->children->content, xmlStrlen(name->children->content), trav) == NULL) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: '%s' already defined", name->children->content); } } else { soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: has no name attribute"); } } else if (!node_is_equal(trav,"documentation")) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Unexpected WSDL element <%s>", SAFE_STR(trav->name)); } trav = trav->next; } } static sdlSoapBindingFunctionHeaderPtr wsdl_soap_binding_header(sdlCtx* ctx, xmlNodePtr header, char* wsdl_soap_namespace, int fault) { xmlAttrPtr tmp; xmlNodePtr message, part; char *ctype; sdlSoapBindingFunctionHeaderPtr h; tmp = get_attribute(header->properties, "message"); if (!tmp) { soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Missing message attribute for
"); } ctype = strrchr((char*)tmp->children->content,':'); if (ctype == NULL) { ctype = (char*)tmp->children->content; } else { ++ctype; } if ((message = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(&ctx->messages, ctype, strlen(ctype))) == NULL) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Missing with name '%s'", tmp->children->content); } tmp = get_attribute(header->properties, "part"); if (!tmp) { soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Missing part attribute for
"); } part = get_node_with_attribute_ex(message->children, "part", WSDL_NAMESPACE, "name", (char*)tmp->children->content, NULL); if (!part) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Missing part '%s' in ", tmp->children->content); } h = emalloc(sizeof(sdlSoapBindingFunctionHeader)); memset(h, 0, sizeof(sdlSoapBindingFunctionHeader)); h->name = estrdup((char*)tmp->children->content); tmp = get_attribute(header->properties, "use"); if (tmp && !strncmp((char*)tmp->children->content, "encoded", sizeof("encoded"))) { h->use = SOAP_ENCODED; } else { h->use = SOAP_LITERAL; } tmp = get_attribute(header->properties, "namespace"); if (tmp) { h->ns = estrdup((char*)tmp->children->content); } if (h->use == SOAP_ENCODED) { tmp = get_attribute(header->properties, "encodingStyle"); if (tmp) { if (strncmp((char*)tmp->children->content, SOAP_1_1_ENC_NAMESPACE, sizeof(SOAP_1_1_ENC_NAMESPACE)) == 0) { h->encodingStyle = SOAP_ENCODING_1_1; } else if (strncmp((char*)tmp->children->content, SOAP_1_2_ENC_NAMESPACE, sizeof(SOAP_1_2_ENC_NAMESPACE)) == 0) { h->encodingStyle = SOAP_ENCODING_1_2; } else { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Unknown encodingStyle '%s'", tmp->children->content); } } else { soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Unspecified encodingStyle"); } } tmp = get_attribute(part->properties, "type"); if (tmp != NULL) { h->encode = get_encoder_from_prefix(ctx->sdl, part, tmp->children->content); } else { tmp = get_attribute(part->properties, "element"); if (tmp != NULL) { h->element = get_element(ctx->sdl, part, tmp->children->content); if (h->element) { h->encode = h->element->encode; if (!h->ns && h->element->namens) { h->ns = estrdup(h->element->namens); } if (h->element->name) { efree(h->name); h->name = estrdup(h->element->name); } } } } if (!fault) { xmlNodePtr trav = header->children; while (trav != NULL) { if (node_is_equal_ex(trav, "headerfault", wsdl_soap_namespace)) { sdlSoapBindingFunctionHeaderPtr hf = wsdl_soap_binding_header(ctx, trav, wsdl_soap_namespace, 1); smart_str key = {0}; if (h->headerfaults == NULL) { h->headerfaults = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(h->headerfaults, 0, NULL, delete_header, 0); } if (hf->ns) { smart_str_appends(&key,hf->ns); smart_str_appendc(&key,':'); } smart_str_appends(&key,hf->name); smart_str_0(&key); if (zend_hash_add_ptr(h->headerfaults, key.s, hf) == NULL) { delete_header_int(hf); } smart_str_free(&key); } else if (is_wsdl_element(trav) && !node_is_equal(trav,"documentation")) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Unexpected WSDL element <%s>", SAFE_STR(trav->name)); } trav = trav->next; } } return h; } static void wsdl_soap_binding_body(sdlCtx* ctx, xmlNodePtr node, char* wsdl_soap_namespace, sdlSoapBindingFunctionBody *binding, HashTable* params) { xmlNodePtr trav; trav = node->children; while (trav != NULL) { if (node_is_equal_ex(trav, "body", wsdl_soap_namespace)) { xmlNodePtr body = trav; xmlAttrPtr useAttribute = get_attribute(body->properties, "use"); if (useAttribute && !strncmp((char*)useAttribute->children->content, "literal", sizeof("literal"))) { binding->use = SOAP_LITERAL; } else { binding->use = SOAP_ENCODED; } xmlAttrPtr namespaceAttribute = get_attribute(body->properties, "namespace"); if (namespaceAttribute) { binding->ns = estrdup((char*)namespaceAttribute->children->content); } xmlAttrPtr partsAttribute = get_attribute(body->properties, "parts"); if (partsAttribute) { HashTable ht; char *parts = (char*)partsAttribute->children->content; /* Delete all parts those are not in the "parts" attribute */ zend_hash_init(&ht, 0, NULL, delete_parameter, 0); while (*parts) { sdlParamPtr param; bool found = false; char *end; while (*parts == ' ') ++parts; if (*parts == '\0') break; end = strchr(parts, ' '); if (end) *end = '\0'; ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_PTR(params, param) { if (param->paramName && strcmp(parts, param->paramName) == 0) { sdlParamPtr x_param; x_param = emalloc(sizeof(sdlParam)); *x_param = *param; param->paramName = NULL; zend_hash_next_index_insert_ptr(&ht, x_param); found = true; break; } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); if (!found) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Missing part '%s' in ", parts); } parts += strlen(parts); if (end) *end = ' '; } zend_hash_destroy(params); *params = ht; } if (binding->use == SOAP_ENCODED) { xmlAttrPtr encodingStyleAttribute = get_attribute(body->properties, "encodingStyle"); if (encodingStyleAttribute) { if (strncmp((char*)encodingStyleAttribute->children->content, SOAP_1_1_ENC_NAMESPACE, sizeof(SOAP_1_1_ENC_NAMESPACE)) == 0) { binding->encodingStyle = SOAP_ENCODING_1_1; } else if (strncmp((char*)encodingStyleAttribute->children->content, SOAP_1_2_ENC_NAMESPACE, sizeof(SOAP_1_2_ENC_NAMESPACE)) == 0) { binding->encodingStyle = SOAP_ENCODING_1_2; } else { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Unknown encodingStyle '%s'", encodingStyleAttribute->children->content); } } else { soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Unspecified encodingStyle"); } } } else if (node_is_equal_ex(trav, "header", wsdl_soap_namespace)) { sdlSoapBindingFunctionHeaderPtr h = wsdl_soap_binding_header(ctx, trav, wsdl_soap_namespace, 0); smart_str key = {0}; if (binding->headers == NULL) { binding->headers = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(binding->headers, 0, NULL, delete_header, 0); } if (h->ns) { smart_str_appends(&key,h->ns); smart_str_appendc(&key,':'); } smart_str_appends(&key,h->name); smart_str_0(&key); if (zend_hash_add_ptr(binding->headers, key.s, h) == NULL) { delete_header_int(h); } smart_str_free(&key); } else if (is_wsdl_element(trav) && !node_is_equal(trav,"documentation")) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Unexpected WSDL element <%s>", SAFE_STR(trav->name)); } trav = trav->next; } } static HashTable* wsdl_message(const sdlCtx *ctx, const xmlChar* message_name) { HashTable* parameters = NULL; const char *ctype = strrchr((const char*)message_name,':'); if (ctype == NULL) { ctype = (const char*)message_name; } else { ++ctype; } xmlNodePtr message = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(&ctx->messages, ctype, strlen(ctype)); if (message == NULL) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Missing with name '%s'", (const char*)message_name); } parameters = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(parameters, 0, NULL, delete_parameter, 0); xmlNodePtr trav = message->children; while (trav != NULL) { xmlAttrPtr type, name; sdlParamPtr param; if (trav->ns != NULL && strcmp((char*)trav->ns->href, WSDL_NAMESPACE) != 0) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Unexpected extensibility element <%s>", SAFE_STR(trav->name)); } if (node_is_equal(trav,"documentation")) { trav = trav->next; continue; } if (!node_is_equal(trav,"part")) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Unexpected WSDL element <%s>", SAFE_STR(trav->name)); } xmlNodePtr part = trav; param = emalloc(sizeof(sdlParam)); memset(param,0,sizeof(sdlParam)); param->order = 0; name = get_attribute(part->properties, "name"); if (name == NULL) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: No name associated with '%s'", SAFE_STR(message->name)); } param->paramName = estrdup((char*)name->children->content); type = get_attribute(part->properties, "type"); if (type != NULL) { param->encode = get_encoder_from_prefix(ctx->sdl, part, type->children->content); } else { xmlAttrPtr element = get_attribute(part->properties, "element"); if (element != NULL) { param->element = get_element(ctx->sdl, part, element->children->content); if (param->element) { param->encode = param->element->encode; } } } zend_hash_next_index_insert_ptr(parameters, param); trav = trav->next; } return parameters; } static sdlPtr load_wsdl(zval *this_ptr, char *struri) { sdlCtx ctx = {0}; ctx.sdl = emalloc(sizeof(sdl)); memset(ctx.sdl, 0, sizeof(sdl)); ctx.sdl->source = estrdup(struri); zend_hash_init(&ctx.sdl->functions, 0, NULL, delete_function, 0); zend_hash_init(&ctx.docs, 0, NULL, delete_document, 0); zend_hash_init(&ctx.messages, 0, NULL, NULL, 0); zend_hash_init(&ctx.bindings, 0, NULL, NULL, 0); zend_hash_init(&ctx.portTypes, 0, NULL, NULL, 0); zend_hash_init(&ctx.services, 0, NULL, NULL, 0); zend_try { load_wsdl_ex(this_ptr, struri, &ctx, false); schema_pass2(&ctx); uint32_t n = zend_hash_num_elements(&ctx.services); if (n == 0) { soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Couldn't bind to service"); } zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset(&ctx.services); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { xmlNodePtr service, tmp; xmlNodePtr trav, port; bool has_soap_port = false; service = tmp = zend_hash_get_current_data_ptr(&ctx.services); trav = service->children; while (trav != NULL) { xmlAttrPtr type, name, bindingAttr, location; xmlNodePtr portType, operation; xmlNodePtr address, binding, trav2; char *ctype; sdlBindingPtr tmpbinding; char *wsdl_soap_namespace = NULL; if (!is_wsdl_element(trav) || node_is_equal(trav,"documentation")) { trav = trav->next; continue; } if (!node_is_equal(trav,"port")) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Unexpected WSDL element <%s>", SAFE_STR(trav->name)); } port = trav; tmpbinding = emalloc(sizeof(sdlBinding)); memset(tmpbinding, 0, sizeof(sdlBinding)); bindingAttr = get_attribute(port->properties, "binding"); if (bindingAttr == NULL) { soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: No binding associated with "); } /* find address and figure out binding type */ address = NULL; trav2 = port->children; while (trav2 != NULL) { if (node_is_equal(trav2,"address") && trav2->ns) { if (!strncmp((char*)trav2->ns->href, WSDL_SOAP11_NAMESPACE, sizeof(WSDL_SOAP11_NAMESPACE))) { address = trav2; wsdl_soap_namespace = WSDL_SOAP11_NAMESPACE; tmpbinding->bindingType = BINDING_SOAP; } else if (!strncmp((char*)trav2->ns->href, WSDL_SOAP12_NAMESPACE, sizeof(WSDL_SOAP12_NAMESPACE))) { address = trav2; wsdl_soap_namespace = WSDL_SOAP12_NAMESPACE; tmpbinding->bindingType = BINDING_SOAP; } else if (!strncmp((char*)trav2->ns->href, RPC_SOAP12_NAMESPACE, sizeof(RPC_SOAP12_NAMESPACE))) { address = trav2; wsdl_soap_namespace = RPC_SOAP12_NAMESPACE; tmpbinding->bindingType = BINDING_SOAP; } else if (!strncmp((char*)trav2->ns->href, WSDL_HTTP11_NAMESPACE, sizeof(WSDL_HTTP11_NAMESPACE))) { address = trav2; tmpbinding->bindingType = BINDING_HTTP; } else if (!strncmp((char*)trav2->ns->href, WSDL_HTTP12_NAMESPACE, sizeof(WSDL_HTTP12_NAMESPACE))) { address = trav2; tmpbinding->bindingType = BINDING_HTTP; } } if (trav2 != address && is_wsdl_element(trav2) && !node_is_equal(trav2,"documentation")) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Unexpected WSDL element <%s>", SAFE_STR(trav2->name)); } trav2 = trav2->next; } if (!address || tmpbinding->bindingType == BINDING_HTTP) { if (has_soap_port || trav->next || i < n-1) { efree(tmpbinding); trav = trav->next; continue; } else if (!address) { soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: No address associated with "); } } has_soap_port = true; location = get_attribute(address->properties, "location"); if (!location) { soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: No location associated with "); } tmpbinding->location = estrdup((char*)location->children->content); ctype = strrchr((char*)bindingAttr->children->content,':'); if (ctype == NULL) { ctype = (char*)bindingAttr->children->content; } else { ++ctype; } if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(&ctx.bindings, ctype, strlen(ctype))) == NULL) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: No element with name '%s'", ctype); } binding = tmp; if (tmpbinding->bindingType == BINDING_SOAP) { sdlSoapBindingPtr soapBinding; xmlNodePtr soapBindingNode; soapBinding = emalloc(sizeof(sdlSoapBinding)); memset(soapBinding, 0, sizeof(sdlSoapBinding)); soapBinding->style = SOAP_DOCUMENT; soapBindingNode = get_node_ex(binding->children, "binding", wsdl_soap_namespace); if (soapBindingNode) { xmlAttrPtr styleAttribute = get_attribute(soapBindingNode->properties, "style"); if (styleAttribute && !strncmp((char*)styleAttribute->children->content, "rpc", sizeof("rpc"))) { soapBinding->style = SOAP_RPC; } xmlAttrPtr transportAttribute = get_attribute(soapBindingNode->properties, "transport"); if (transportAttribute) { if (strncmp((char*)transportAttribute->children->content, WSDL_HTTP_TRANSPORT, sizeof(WSDL_HTTP_TRANSPORT)) == 0) { soapBinding->transport = SOAP_TRANSPORT_HTTP; } else { /* try the next binding */ efree(soapBinding); efree(tmpbinding->location); efree(tmpbinding); trav = trav->next; continue; } } } tmpbinding->bindingAttributes = (void *)soapBinding; } name = get_attribute(binding->properties, "name"); if (name == NULL) { soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Missing 'name' attribute for "); } tmpbinding->name = estrdup((char*)name->children->content); type = get_attribute(binding->properties, "type"); if (type == NULL) { soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Missing 'type' attribute for "); } ctype = strchr((char*)type->children->content,':'); if (ctype == NULL) { ctype = (char*)type->children->content; } else { ++ctype; } if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(&ctx.portTypes, ctype, strlen(ctype))) == NULL) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Missing with name '%s'", name->children->content); } portType = tmp; trav2 = binding->children; while (trav2 != NULL) { sdlFunctionPtr function; xmlNodePtr input, output, fault, portTypeOperation, trav3; xmlAttrPtr op_name, paramOrder; if ((tmpbinding->bindingType == BINDING_SOAP && node_is_equal_ex(trav2, "binding", wsdl_soap_namespace)) || !is_wsdl_element(trav2) || node_is_equal(trav2,"documentation")) { trav2 = trav2->next; continue; } if (!node_is_equal(trav2,"operation")) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Unexpected WSDL element <%s>", SAFE_STR(trav2->name)); } operation = trav2; op_name = get_attribute(operation->properties, "name"); if (op_name == NULL) { soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Missing 'name' attribute for "); } trav3 = operation->children; while (trav3 != NULL) { if (tmpbinding->bindingType == BINDING_SOAP && node_is_equal_ex(trav3, "operation", wsdl_soap_namespace)) { } else if (is_wsdl_element(trav3) && !node_is_equal(trav3,"input") && !node_is_equal(trav3,"output") && !node_is_equal(trav3,"fault") && !node_is_equal(trav3,"documentation")) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Unexpected WSDL element <%s>", SAFE_STR(trav3->name)); } trav3 = trav3->next; } portTypeOperation = get_node_with_attribute_ex(portType->children, "operation", WSDL_NAMESPACE, "name", (char*)op_name->children->content, NULL); if (portTypeOperation == NULL) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Missing / with name '%s'", op_name->children->content); } function = emalloc(sizeof(sdlFunction)); memset(function, 0, sizeof(sdlFunction)); function->functionName = estrdup((char*)op_name->children->content); if (tmpbinding->bindingType == BINDING_SOAP) { sdlSoapBindingFunctionPtr soapFunctionBinding; sdlSoapBindingPtr soapBinding; xmlNodePtr soapOperation; soapFunctionBinding = emalloc(sizeof(sdlSoapBindingFunction)); memset(soapFunctionBinding, 0, sizeof(sdlSoapBindingFunction)); soapBinding = (sdlSoapBindingPtr)tmpbinding->bindingAttributes; soapFunctionBinding->style = soapBinding->style; soapOperation = get_node_ex(operation->children, "operation", wsdl_soap_namespace); if (soapOperation) { xmlAttrPtr soapActionAttribute = get_attribute(soapOperation->properties, "soapAction"); if (soapActionAttribute) { soapFunctionBinding->soapAction = estrdup((char*)soapActionAttribute->children->content); } xmlAttrPtr styleAttribute = get_attribute(soapOperation->properties, "style"); if (styleAttribute) { if (!strncmp((char*)styleAttribute->children->content, "rpc", sizeof("rpc"))) { soapFunctionBinding->style = SOAP_RPC; } else { soapFunctionBinding->style = SOAP_DOCUMENT; } } else { soapFunctionBinding->style = soapBinding->style; } } function->bindingAttributes = (void *)soapFunctionBinding; } input = get_node_ex(portTypeOperation->children, "input", WSDL_NAMESPACE); if (input != NULL) { xmlAttrPtr message; message = get_attribute(input->properties, "message"); if (message == NULL) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Missing name for of '%s'", op_name->children->content); } function->requestParameters = wsdl_message(&ctx, message->children->content); /* FIXME xmlAttrPtr name = get_attribute(input->properties, "name"); if (name != NULL) { function->requestName = estrdup(name->children->content); } else { */ { function->requestName = estrdup(function->functionName); } if (tmpbinding->bindingType == BINDING_SOAP) { input = get_node_ex(operation->children, "input", WSDL_NAMESPACE); if (input != NULL) { sdlSoapBindingFunctionPtr soapFunctionBinding = function->bindingAttributes; wsdl_soap_binding_body(&ctx, input, wsdl_soap_namespace, &soapFunctionBinding->input, function->requestParameters); } } } output = get_node_ex(portTypeOperation->children, "output", WSDL_NAMESPACE); if (output != NULL) { xmlAttrPtr message; message = get_attribute(output->properties, "message"); if (message == NULL) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Missing name for of '%s'", op_name->children->content); } function->responseParameters = wsdl_message(&ctx, message->children->content); /* FIXME xmlAttrPtr name = get_attribute(output->properties, "name"); if (name != NULL) { function->responseName = estrdup(name->children->content); } else if (input == NULL) { function->responseName = estrdup(function->functionName); } else { */ { size_t len = strlen(function->functionName); function->responseName = emalloc(len + sizeof("Response")); memcpy(function->responseName, function->functionName, len); memcpy(function->responseName+len, "Response", sizeof("Response")); } if (tmpbinding->bindingType == BINDING_SOAP) { output = get_node_ex(operation->children, "output", WSDL_NAMESPACE); if (output != NULL) { sdlSoapBindingFunctionPtr soapFunctionBinding = function->bindingAttributes; wsdl_soap_binding_body(&ctx, output, wsdl_soap_namespace, &soapFunctionBinding->output, function->responseParameters); } } } paramOrder = get_attribute(portTypeOperation->properties, "parameterOrder"); if (paramOrder) { /* FIXME: */ } fault = portTypeOperation->children; while (fault != NULL) { if (node_is_equal_ex(fault, "fault", WSDL_NAMESPACE)) { xmlAttrPtr message; sdlFaultPtr f; xmlAttrPtr faultNameAttribute = get_attribute(fault->properties, "name"); if (faultNameAttribute == NULL) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Missing name for of '%s'", op_name->children->content); } message = get_attribute(fault->properties, "message"); if (message == NULL) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Missing name for of '%s'", op_name->children->content); } f = emalloc(sizeof(sdlFault)); memset(f, 0, sizeof(sdlFault)); f->name = estrdup((char*)faultNameAttribute->children->content); f->details = wsdl_message(&ctx, message->children->content); if (f->details == NULL || zend_hash_num_elements(f->details) > 1) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: The fault message '%s' must have a single part", message->children->content); } if (tmpbinding->bindingType == BINDING_SOAP) { xmlNodePtr soapFault = get_node_with_attribute_ex(operation->children, "fault", WSDL_NAMESPACE, "name", f->name, NULL); if (soapFault != NULL) { xmlNodePtr faultNodes = soapFault->children; while (faultNodes != NULL) { if (node_is_equal_ex(faultNodes, "fault", wsdl_soap_namespace)) { sdlSoapBindingFunctionFaultPtr faultBinding; faultBinding = f->bindingAttributes = emalloc(sizeof(sdlSoapBindingFunctionFault)); memset(f->bindingAttributes, 0, sizeof(sdlSoapBindingFunctionFault)); xmlAttrPtr faultUseAttribute = get_attribute(faultNodes->properties, "use"); if (faultUseAttribute && !strncmp((char*)faultUseAttribute->children->content, "encoded", sizeof("encoded"))) { faultBinding->use = SOAP_ENCODED; } else { faultBinding->use = SOAP_LITERAL; } xmlAttrPtr faultNamespaceAttribute = get_attribute(faultNodes->properties, "namespace"); if (faultNamespaceAttribute) { faultBinding->ns = estrdup((char*)faultNamespaceAttribute->children->content); } if (faultBinding->use == SOAP_ENCODED) { xmlAttrPtr faultEncodingStyleAttribute = get_attribute(faultNodes->properties, "encodingStyle"); if (faultEncodingStyleAttribute) { if (strncmp((char*)faultEncodingStyleAttribute->children->content, SOAP_1_1_ENC_NAMESPACE, sizeof(SOAP_1_1_ENC_NAMESPACE)) == 0) { faultBinding->encodingStyle = SOAP_ENCODING_1_1; } else if (strncmp((char*)faultEncodingStyleAttribute->children->content, SOAP_1_2_ENC_NAMESPACE, sizeof(SOAP_1_2_ENC_NAMESPACE)) == 0) { faultBinding->encodingStyle = SOAP_ENCODING_1_2; } else { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Unknown encodingStyle '%s'", faultEncodingStyleAttribute->children->content); } } else { soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Unspecified encodingStyle"); } } } else if (is_wsdl_element(faultNodes) && !node_is_equal(faultNodes,"documentation")) { soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Unexpected WSDL element <%s>", SAFE_STR(faultNodes->name)); } faultNodes = faultNodes->next; } } } if (function->faults == NULL) { function->faults = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(function->faults, 0, NULL, delete_fault, 0); } if (zend_hash_str_add_ptr(function->faults, f->name, strlen(f->name), f) == NULL) { soap_error2(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: with name '%s' already defined in '%s'", f->name, op_name->children->content); } } fault = fault->next; } function->binding = tmpbinding; { size_t function_name_len = strlen(function->functionName); char *lc_function_name = zend_str_tolower_dup(function->functionName, function_name_len); if (zend_hash_str_add_ptr(&ctx.sdl->functions, lc_function_name, function_name_len, function) == NULL) { zend_hash_next_index_insert_ptr(&ctx.sdl->functions, function); } efree(lc_function_name); if (function->requestName != NULL && strcmp(function->requestName,function->functionName) != 0) { if (ctx.sdl->requests == NULL) { ctx.sdl->requests = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(ctx.sdl->requests, 0, NULL, NULL, 0); } size_t request_name_len = strlen(function->requestName); char *lc_request_name = zend_str_tolower_dup(function->requestName, request_name_len); zend_hash_str_add_ptr(ctx.sdl->requests, lc_request_name, request_name_len, function); efree(lc_request_name); } } trav2 = trav2->next; } if (!ctx.sdl->bindings) { ctx.sdl->bindings = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(ctx.sdl->bindings, 0, NULL, delete_binding, 0); } if (!zend_hash_str_add_ptr(ctx.sdl->bindings, tmpbinding->name, strlen(tmpbinding->name), tmpbinding)) { zend_hash_next_index_insert_ptr(ctx.sdl->bindings, tmpbinding); } trav= trav->next; } zend_hash_move_forward(&ctx.services); } if (ctx.sdl->bindings == NULL || ctx.sdl->bindings->nNumOfElements == 0) { soap_error0(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Could not find any usable binding services in WSDL."); } } zend_catch { /* Avoid persistent memory leak. */ zend_hash_destroy(&ctx.docs); zend_bailout(); } zend_end_try(); zend_hash_destroy(&ctx.messages); zend_hash_destroy(&ctx.bindings); zend_hash_destroy(&ctx.portTypes); zend_hash_destroy(&ctx.services); zend_hash_destroy(&ctx.docs); return ctx.sdl; } #define WSDL_CACHE_VERSION 0x10 #define WSDL_CACHE_GET(ret,type,buf) memcpy(&ret,*buf,sizeof(type)); *buf += sizeof(type); #define WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(ret,buf) ret = ((unsigned char)(*buf)[0])|((unsigned char)(*buf)[1]<<8)|((unsigned char)(*buf)[2]<<16)|((unsigned)(*buf)[3]<<24); *buf += 4; #define WSDL_CACHE_GET_1(ret,type,buf) ret = (type)(**buf); (*buf)++; #define WSDL_CACHE_GET_N(ret,n,buf) memcpy(ret,*buf,n); *buf += n; #define WSDL_CACHE_SKIP(n,buf) *buf += n; #define WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(val,buf) smart_str_appendc(buf,(char)(val & 0xff)); \ smart_str_appendc(buf,(char)((val >> 8) & 0xff)); \ smart_str_appendc(buf,(char)((val >> 16) & 0xff)); \ smart_str_appendc(buf,(char)((val >> 24) & 0xff)); #define WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(val,buf) smart_str_appendc(buf,val); #define WSDL_CACHE_PUT_N(val,n,buf) smart_str_appendl(buf,val,n); #define WSDL_NO_STRING_MARKER 0x7fffffff static char* sdl_deserialize_string(char **in) { char *s; size_t len; WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(len, in); if (len == WSDL_NO_STRING_MARKER) { return NULL; } else { s = emalloc(len+1); WSDL_CACHE_GET_N(s, len, in); s[len] = '\0'; return s; } } static void sdl_deserialize_key(HashTable* ht, void* data, char **in) { size_t len; WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(len, in); if (len == WSDL_NO_STRING_MARKER) { zend_hash_next_index_insert_ptr(ht, data); } else { zend_hash_str_add_ptr(ht, *in, len, data); WSDL_CACHE_SKIP(len, in); } } static void sdl_deserialize_attribute(sdlAttributePtr attr, encodePtr *encoders, char **in) { size_t i; attr->name = sdl_deserialize_string(in); attr->namens = sdl_deserialize_string(in); attr->ref = sdl_deserialize_string(in); attr->def = sdl_deserialize_string(in); attr->fixed = sdl_deserialize_string(in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_1(attr->form, sdlForm, in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_1(attr->use, sdlUse, in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(i, in); attr->encode = encoders[i]; WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(i, in); if (i > 0) { attr->extraAttributes = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(attr->extraAttributes, i, NULL, delete_extra_attribute, 0); while (i > 0) { sdlExtraAttributePtr x = emalloc(sizeof(sdlExtraAttribute)); sdl_deserialize_key(attr->extraAttributes, x, in); x->ns = sdl_deserialize_string(in); x->val = sdl_deserialize_string(in); --i; } } } static sdlRestrictionIntPtr sdl_deserialize_resriction_int(char **in) { if (**in == 1) { sdlRestrictionIntPtr x = emalloc(sizeof(sdlRestrictionInt)); WSDL_CACHE_SKIP(1, in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(x->value, in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_1(x->fixed, char, in); return x; } else { WSDL_CACHE_SKIP(1, in); return NULL; } } static sdlRestrictionCharPtr sdl_deserialize_resriction_char(char **in) { if (**in == 1) { sdlRestrictionCharPtr x = emalloc(sizeof(sdlRestrictionChar)); WSDL_CACHE_SKIP(1, in); x->value = sdl_deserialize_string(in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_1(x->fixed, char, in); return x; } else { WSDL_CACHE_SKIP(1, in); return NULL; } } static sdlContentModelPtr sdl_deserialize_model(sdlTypePtr *types, sdlTypePtr *elements, char **in) { size_t i; sdlContentModelPtr model = emalloc(sizeof(sdlContentModel)); WSDL_CACHE_GET_1(model->kind, sdlContentKind, in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(model->min_occurs, in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(model->max_occurs, in); switch (model->kind) { case XSD_CONTENT_ELEMENT: WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(i, in); model->u.element = elements[i]; break; case XSD_CONTENT_SEQUENCE: case XSD_CONTENT_ALL: case XSD_CONTENT_CHOICE: WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(i, in); model->u.content = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(model->u.content, i, NULL, delete_model, 0); while (i > 0) { sdlContentModelPtr x = sdl_deserialize_model(types, elements, in); zend_hash_next_index_insert_ptr(model->u.content, x); i--; } break; case XSD_CONTENT_GROUP_REF: model->u.group_ref = sdl_deserialize_string(in); break; case XSD_CONTENT_GROUP: WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(i, in); model->u.group = types[i]; break; default: break; } return model; } static void sdl_deserialize_type(sdlTypePtr type, sdlTypePtr *types, encodePtr *encoders, char **in) { size_t i; sdlTypePtr *elements = NULL; WSDL_CACHE_GET_1(type->kind, sdlTypeKind, in); type->name = sdl_deserialize_string(in); type->namens = sdl_deserialize_string(in); type->def = sdl_deserialize_string(in); type->fixed = sdl_deserialize_string(in); type->ref = sdl_deserialize_string(in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_1(type->nillable, char, in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_1(type->form, sdlForm, in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(i, in); type->encode = encoders[i]; if (**in == 1) { WSDL_CACHE_SKIP(1, in); type->restrictions = emalloc(sizeof(sdlRestrictions)); /*memset(type->restrictions, 0, sizeof(sdlRestrictions));*/ type->restrictions->minExclusive = sdl_deserialize_resriction_int(in); type->restrictions->minInclusive = sdl_deserialize_resriction_int(in); type->restrictions->maxExclusive = sdl_deserialize_resriction_int(in); type->restrictions->maxInclusive = sdl_deserialize_resriction_int(in); type->restrictions->totalDigits = sdl_deserialize_resriction_int(in); type->restrictions->fractionDigits = sdl_deserialize_resriction_int(in); type->restrictions->length = sdl_deserialize_resriction_int(in); type->restrictions->minLength = sdl_deserialize_resriction_int(in); type->restrictions->maxLength = sdl_deserialize_resriction_int(in); type->restrictions->whiteSpace = sdl_deserialize_resriction_char(in); type->restrictions->pattern = sdl_deserialize_resriction_char(in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(i, in); if (i > 0) { type->restrictions->enumeration = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(type->restrictions->enumeration, i, NULL, delete_restriction_var_char, 0); while (i > 0) { sdlRestrictionCharPtr x = sdl_deserialize_resriction_char(in); sdl_deserialize_key(type->restrictions->enumeration, x, in); --i; } } else { type->restrictions->enumeration = NULL; } } else { WSDL_CACHE_SKIP(1, in); } WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(i, in); if (i > 0) { elements = safe_emalloc((i+1), sizeof(sdlTypePtr), 0); elements[0] = NULL; type->elements = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(type->elements, i, NULL, delete_type, 0); while (i > 0) { sdlTypePtr t = emalloc(sizeof(sdlType)); memset(t, 0, sizeof(sdlType)); sdl_deserialize_key(type->elements, t, in); sdl_deserialize_type(t, types, encoders, in); elements[i] = t; --i; } } WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(i, in); if (i > 0) { type->attributes = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(type->attributes, i, NULL, delete_attribute, 0); while (i > 0) { sdlAttributePtr attr = emalloc(sizeof(sdlAttribute)); memset(attr, 0, sizeof(sdlAttribute)); sdl_deserialize_key(type->attributes, attr, in); sdl_deserialize_attribute(attr, encoders, in); --i; } } if (**in != 0) { WSDL_CACHE_SKIP(1, in); type->model = sdl_deserialize_model(types, elements, in); } else { WSDL_CACHE_SKIP(1, in); } if (elements != NULL) { efree(elements); } } static void sdl_deserialize_encoder(encodePtr enc, sdlTypePtr *types, char **in) { size_t i; WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(enc->details.type, in); enc->details.type_str = sdl_deserialize_string(in); enc->details.ns = sdl_deserialize_string(in); if (enc->details.ns) { enc->details.clark_notation = zend_strpprintf(0, "{%s}%s", enc->details.ns, enc->details.type_str); } WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(i, in); enc->details.sdl_type = types[i]; enc->to_xml = sdl_guess_convert_xml; enc->to_zval = sdl_guess_convert_zval; if (enc->details.sdl_type == NULL) { size_t ns_len = strlen(enc->details.ns); size_t type_len = strlen(enc->details.type_str); if (((ns_len == sizeof(SOAP_1_1_ENC_NAMESPACE)-1 && memcmp(enc->details.ns, SOAP_1_1_ENC_NAMESPACE, sizeof(SOAP_1_1_ENC_NAMESPACE)-1) == 0) || (ns_len == sizeof(SOAP_1_2_ENC_NAMESPACE)-1 && memcmp(enc->details.ns, SOAP_1_2_ENC_NAMESPACE, sizeof(SOAP_1_2_ENC_NAMESPACE)-1) == 0))) { char *enc_nscat; size_t enc_ns_len; size_t enc_len; encodePtr real_enc; enc_ns_len = sizeof(XSD_NAMESPACE)-1; enc_len = enc_ns_len + type_len + 1; enc_nscat = emalloc(enc_len + 1); memcpy(enc_nscat, XSD_NAMESPACE, sizeof(XSD_NAMESPACE)-1); enc_nscat[enc_ns_len] = ':'; memcpy(enc_nscat+enc_ns_len+1, enc->details.type_str, type_len); enc_nscat[enc_len] = '\0'; real_enc = get_encoder_ex(NULL, enc_nscat, enc_len); efree(enc_nscat); if (real_enc) { enc->to_zval = real_enc->to_zval; enc->to_xml = real_enc->to_xml; } } } } static void sdl_deserialize_soap_body(sdlSoapBindingFunctionBodyPtr body, encodePtr *encoders, sdlTypePtr *types, char **in) { size_t i, n; WSDL_CACHE_GET_1(body->use, sdlEncodingUse, in); if (body->use == SOAP_ENCODED) { WSDL_CACHE_GET_1(body->encodingStyle, sdlRpcEncodingStyle, in); } else { body->encodingStyle = SOAP_ENCODING_DEFAULT; } body->ns = sdl_deserialize_string(in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(i, in); if (i > 0) { body->headers = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(body->headers, i, NULL, delete_header, 0); while (i > 0) { sdlSoapBindingFunctionHeaderPtr tmp = emalloc(sizeof(sdlSoapBindingFunctionHeader)); memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(sdlSoapBindingFunctionHeader)); sdl_deserialize_key(body->headers, tmp, in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_1(tmp->use, sdlEncodingUse, in); if (tmp->use == SOAP_ENCODED) { WSDL_CACHE_GET_1(tmp->encodingStyle, sdlRpcEncodingStyle, in); } else { tmp->encodingStyle = SOAP_ENCODING_DEFAULT; } tmp->name = sdl_deserialize_string(in); tmp->ns = sdl_deserialize_string(in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(n, in); tmp->encode = encoders[n]; WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(n, in); tmp->element = types[n]; --i; size_t j; WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(j, in); if (j > 0) { tmp->headerfaults = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(tmp->headerfaults, j, NULL, delete_header, 0); while (j > 0) { sdlSoapBindingFunctionHeaderPtr tmp2 = emalloc(sizeof(sdlSoapBindingFunctionHeader)); memset(tmp2, 0, sizeof(sdlSoapBindingFunctionHeader)); sdl_deserialize_key(tmp->headerfaults, tmp2, in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_1(tmp2->use, sdlEncodingUse, in); if (tmp2->use == SOAP_ENCODED) { WSDL_CACHE_GET_1(tmp2->encodingStyle, sdlRpcEncodingStyle, in); } else { tmp2->encodingStyle = SOAP_ENCODING_DEFAULT; } tmp2->name = sdl_deserialize_string(in); tmp2->ns = sdl_deserialize_string(in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(n, in); tmp2->encode = encoders[n]; WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(n, in); tmp2->element = types[n]; --j; } } } } } static HashTable* sdl_deserialize_parameters(encodePtr *encoders, sdlTypePtr *types, char **in) { size_t i, n; HashTable *ht; WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(i, in); if (i == 0) {return NULL;} ht = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(ht, i, NULL, delete_parameter, 0); while (i > 0) { sdlParamPtr param = emalloc(sizeof(sdlParam)); sdl_deserialize_key(ht, param, in); param->paramName = sdl_deserialize_string(in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(param->order, in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(n, in); param->encode = encoders[n]; WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(n, in); param->element = types[n]; --i; } return ht; } static sdlPtr get_sdl_from_cache(const char *fn, const char *uri, size_t uri_len, time_t t, time_t *cached) { sdlPtr sdl; time_t old_t; int i, num_groups, num_types, num_elements, num_encoders, num_bindings, num_func; sdlFunctionPtr *functions = NULL; sdlBindingPtr *bindings; sdlTypePtr *types; encodePtr *encoders; const encode *enc; int f; struct stat st; char *in, *buf; f = open(fn, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY); if (f < 0) { return NULL; } if (fstat(f, &st) != 0) { close(f); return NULL; } buf = in = emalloc(st.st_size); if (read(f, in, st.st_size) != st.st_size) { close(f); efree(in); return NULL; } close(f); if (strncmp(in,"wsdl",4) != 0 || in[4] != WSDL_CACHE_VERSION || in[5] != '\0') { unlink(fn); efree(buf); return NULL; } in += 6; WSDL_CACHE_GET(old_t, time_t, &in); if (old_t < t) { unlink(fn); efree(buf); return NULL; } *cached = old_t; WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(i, &in); if (i != uri_len || strncmp(in, uri, i) != 0) { unlink(fn); efree(buf); return NULL; } WSDL_CACHE_SKIP(i, &in); sdl = emalloc(sizeof(*sdl)); memset(sdl, 0, sizeof(*sdl)); sdl->source = sdl_deserialize_string(&in); sdl->target_ns = sdl_deserialize_string(&in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(num_groups, &in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(num_types, &in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(num_elements, &in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(num_encoders, &in); i = num_groups+num_types+num_elements; types = safe_emalloc((i+1), sizeof(sdlTypePtr), 0); types[0] = NULL; while (i > 0) { types[i] = emalloc(sizeof(sdlType)); memset(types[i], 0, sizeof(sdlType)); i--; } i = num_encoders; enc = defaultEncoding; while (enc->details.type != END_KNOWN_TYPES) { i++; enc++; } encoders = safe_emalloc((i+1), sizeof(encodePtr), 0); i = num_encoders; encoders[0] = NULL; while (i > 0) { encoders[i] = emalloc(sizeof(encode)); memset(encoders[i], 0, sizeof(encode)); i--; } i = num_encoders; enc = defaultEncoding; while (enc->details.type != END_KNOWN_TYPES) { encoders[++i] = (encodePtr)enc++; } i = 1; if (num_groups > 0) { sdl->groups = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(sdl->groups, num_groups, NULL, delete_type, 0); while (i < num_groups+1) { sdl_deserialize_key(sdl->groups, types[i], &in); sdl_deserialize_type(types[i], types, encoders, &in); i++; } } if (num_types > 0) { sdl->types = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(sdl->types, num_types, NULL, delete_type, 0); while (i < num_groups+num_types+1) { sdl_deserialize_key(sdl->types, types[i], &in); sdl_deserialize_type(types[i], types, encoders, &in); i++; } } if (num_elements > 0) { sdl->elements = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(sdl->elements, num_elements, NULL, delete_type, 0); while (i < num_groups+num_types+num_elements+1) { sdl_deserialize_key(sdl->elements, types[i], &in); sdl_deserialize_type(types[i], types, encoders, &in); i++; } } i = 1; if (num_encoders > 0) { sdl->encoders = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(sdl->encoders, num_encoders, NULL, delete_encoder, 0); while (i < num_encoders+1) { sdl_deserialize_key(sdl->encoders, encoders[i], &in); sdl_deserialize_encoder(encoders[i], types, &in); i++; } } /* deserialize bindings */ WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(num_bindings, &in); bindings = safe_emalloc(num_bindings, sizeof(sdlBindingPtr), 0); if (num_bindings > 0) { sdl->bindings = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(sdl->bindings, num_bindings, NULL, delete_binding, 0); for (i = 0; i < num_bindings; i++) { sdlBindingPtr binding = emalloc(sizeof(sdlBinding)); memset(binding, 0, sizeof(sdlBinding)); sdl_deserialize_key(sdl->bindings, binding, &in); binding->name = sdl_deserialize_string(&in); binding->location = sdl_deserialize_string(&in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_1(binding->bindingType,sdlBindingType,&in); if (binding->bindingType == BINDING_SOAP && *in != 0) { sdlSoapBindingPtr soap_binding = binding->bindingAttributes = emalloc(sizeof(sdlSoapBinding)); WSDL_CACHE_GET_1(soap_binding->style,sdlEncodingStyle,&in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_1(soap_binding->transport,sdlTransport,&in); } else { WSDL_CACHE_SKIP(1,&in); } bindings[i] = binding; } } /* deserialize functions */ WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(num_func, &in); zend_hash_init(&sdl->functions, num_func, NULL, delete_function, 0); if (num_func > 0) { functions = safe_emalloc(num_func, sizeof(sdlFunctionPtr), 0); for (i = 0; i < num_func; i++) { int binding_num, num_faults; sdlFunctionPtr func = emalloc(sizeof(sdlFunction)); sdl_deserialize_key(&sdl->functions, func, &in); func->functionName = sdl_deserialize_string(&in); func->requestName = sdl_deserialize_string(&in); func->responseName = sdl_deserialize_string(&in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(binding_num, &in); if (binding_num == 0) { func->binding = NULL; } else { func->binding = bindings[binding_num-1]; } if (func->binding && func->binding->bindingType == BINDING_SOAP && *in != 0) { sdlSoapBindingFunctionPtr binding = func->bindingAttributes = emalloc(sizeof(sdlSoapBindingFunction)); memset(binding, 0, sizeof(sdlSoapBindingFunction)); WSDL_CACHE_GET_1(binding->style,sdlEncodingStyle,&in); binding->soapAction = sdl_deserialize_string(&in); sdl_deserialize_soap_body(&binding->input, encoders, types, &in); sdl_deserialize_soap_body(&binding->output, encoders, types, &in); } else { WSDL_CACHE_SKIP(1, &in); func->bindingAttributes = NULL; } func->requestParameters = sdl_deserialize_parameters(encoders, types, &in); func->responseParameters = sdl_deserialize_parameters(encoders, types, &in); WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(num_faults, &in); if (num_faults > 0) { int j; func->faults = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(func->faults, num_faults, NULL, delete_fault, 0); for (j = 0; j < num_faults; j++) { sdlFaultPtr fault = emalloc(sizeof(sdlFault)); sdl_deserialize_key(func->faults, fault, &in); fault->name =sdl_deserialize_string(&in); fault->details =sdl_deserialize_parameters(encoders, types, &in); if (*in != 0) { sdlSoapBindingFunctionFaultPtr binding = fault->bindingAttributes = emalloc(sizeof(sdlSoapBindingFunctionFault)); memset(binding, 0, sizeof(sdlSoapBindingFunctionFault)); WSDL_CACHE_GET_1(binding->use,sdlEncodingUse,&in); if (binding->use == SOAP_ENCODED) { WSDL_CACHE_GET_1(binding->encodingStyle, sdlRpcEncodingStyle, &in); } else { binding->encodingStyle = SOAP_ENCODING_DEFAULT; } binding->ns = sdl_deserialize_string(&in); } else { WSDL_CACHE_SKIP(1, &in); fault->bindingAttributes = NULL; } } } else { func->faults = NULL; } functions[i] = func; } } /* deserialize requests */ WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(i, &in); if (i > 0) { sdl->requests = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(sdl->requests, i, NULL, NULL, 0); while (i > 0) { int function_num; WSDL_CACHE_GET_INT(function_num, &in); sdl_deserialize_key(sdl->requests, functions[function_num-1], &in); i--; } } if (functions) { efree(functions); } efree(bindings); efree(encoders); efree(types); efree(buf); return sdl; } static void sdl_serialize_string(const char *str, smart_str *out) { if (str) { size_t i = strlen(str); WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(i, out); if (i > 0) { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_N(str, i, out); } } else { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(WSDL_NO_STRING_MARKER, out); } } // TODO: refactor it static void sdl_serialize_key(const zend_string *key, smart_str *out) { if (key) { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(ZSTR_LEN(key), out); WSDL_CACHE_PUT_N(ZSTR_VAL(key), ZSTR_LEN(key), out); } else { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(WSDL_NO_STRING_MARKER, out); } } static void sdl_serialize_encoder_ref(const encodePtr enc, const HashTable *tmp_encoders, smart_str *out) { if (enc) { zval *encoder_num; if ((encoder_num = zend_hash_str_find(tmp_encoders, (const char*)&enc, sizeof(enc))) != 0) { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(Z_LVAL_P(encoder_num), out); } else { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(0, out); } } else { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(0, out); } } static void sdl_serialize_type_ref(const sdlTypePtr type, const HashTable *tmp_types, smart_str *out) { if (type) { zval *type_num; if ((type_num = zend_hash_str_find(tmp_types, (const char*)&type, sizeof(type))) != NULL) { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(Z_LVAL_P(type_num), out); } else { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(0, out); } } else { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(0,out); } } static void sdl_serialize_attribute(const sdlAttributePtr attr, const HashTable *tmp_encoders, smart_str *out) { size_t i; sdl_serialize_string(attr->name, out); sdl_serialize_string(attr->namens, out); sdl_serialize_string(attr->ref, out); sdl_serialize_string(attr->def, out); sdl_serialize_string(attr->fixed, out); WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(attr->form, out); WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(attr->use, out); sdl_serialize_encoder_ref(attr->encode, tmp_encoders, out); if (attr->extraAttributes) { i = zend_hash_num_elements(attr->extraAttributes); } else { i = 0; } WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(i, out); if (i > 0) { sdlExtraAttributePtr tmp; const zend_string *key; ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(attr->extraAttributes, key, tmp) { sdl_serialize_key(key, out); sdl_serialize_string(tmp->ns, out); sdl_serialize_string(tmp->val, out); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } } static void sdl_serialize_model(const sdlContentModelPtr model, const HashTable *tmp_types, const HashTable *tmp_elements, smart_str *out) { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(model->kind, out); WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(model->min_occurs, out); WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(model->max_occurs, out); switch (model->kind) { case XSD_CONTENT_ELEMENT: sdl_serialize_type_ref(model->u.element, tmp_elements, out); break; case XSD_CONTENT_SEQUENCE: case XSD_CONTENT_ALL: case XSD_CONTENT_CHOICE: { sdlContentModelPtr tmp; size_t i = zend_hash_num_elements(model->u.content); WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(i, out); ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_PTR(model->u.content, tmp) { sdl_serialize_model(tmp, tmp_types, tmp_elements, out); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } break; case XSD_CONTENT_GROUP_REF: sdl_serialize_string(model->u.group_ref,out); break; case XSD_CONTENT_GROUP: sdl_serialize_type_ref(model->u.group, tmp_types, out); break; default: break; } } static void sdl_serialize_resriction_int(const sdlRestrictionIntPtr x, smart_str *out) { if (x) { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(1, out); WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(x->value, out); WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(x->fixed, out); } else { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(0, out); } } static void sdl_serialize_resriction_char(const sdlRestrictionCharPtr x, smart_str *out) { if (x) { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(1, out); sdl_serialize_string(x->value, out); WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(x->fixed, out); } else { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(0, out); } } static void sdl_serialize_type(const sdlTypePtr type, const HashTable *tmp_encoders, const HashTable *tmp_types, smart_str *out) { size_t i; HashTable *tmp_elements = NULL; WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(type->kind, out); sdl_serialize_string(type->name, out); sdl_serialize_string(type->namens, out); sdl_serialize_string(type->def, out); sdl_serialize_string(type->fixed, out); sdl_serialize_string(type->ref, out); WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(type->nillable, out); WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(type->form, out); sdl_serialize_encoder_ref(type->encode, tmp_encoders, out); if (type->restrictions) { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(1, out); sdl_serialize_resriction_int(type->restrictions->minExclusive,out); sdl_serialize_resriction_int(type->restrictions->minInclusive,out); sdl_serialize_resriction_int(type->restrictions->maxExclusive,out); sdl_serialize_resriction_int(type->restrictions->maxInclusive,out); sdl_serialize_resriction_int(type->restrictions->totalDigits,out); sdl_serialize_resriction_int(type->restrictions->fractionDigits,out); sdl_serialize_resriction_int(type->restrictions->length,out); sdl_serialize_resriction_int(type->restrictions->minLength,out); sdl_serialize_resriction_int(type->restrictions->maxLength,out); sdl_serialize_resriction_char(type->restrictions->whiteSpace,out); sdl_serialize_resriction_char(type->restrictions->pattern,out); if (type->restrictions->enumeration) { i = zend_hash_num_elements(type->restrictions->enumeration); } else { i = 0; } WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(i, out); if (i > 0) { sdlRestrictionCharPtr tmp; const zend_string *key; ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(type->restrictions->enumeration, key, tmp) { sdl_serialize_resriction_char(tmp, out); sdl_serialize_key(key, out); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } } else { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(0, out); } if (type->elements) { i = zend_hash_num_elements(type->elements); } else { i = 0; } WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(i, out); if (i > 0) { sdlTypePtr tmp; const zend_string *key; zval zv; tmp_elements = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(tmp_elements, i, NULL, NULL, 0); ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(type->elements, key, tmp) { sdl_serialize_key(key, out); sdl_serialize_type(tmp, tmp_encoders, tmp_types, out); ZVAL_LONG(&zv, i); zend_hash_str_add(tmp_elements, (char*)&tmp, sizeof(tmp), &zv); i--; } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } if (type->attributes) { i = zend_hash_num_elements(type->attributes); } else { i = 0; } WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(i, out); if (i > 0) { sdlAttributePtr tmp; const zend_string *key; ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(type->attributes, key, tmp) { sdl_serialize_key(key, out); sdl_serialize_attribute(tmp, tmp_encoders, out); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } if (type->model) { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(1, out); sdl_serialize_model(type->model, tmp_types, tmp_elements, out); } else { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(0, out); } if (tmp_elements != NULL) { zend_hash_destroy(tmp_elements); efree(tmp_elements); } } static void sdl_serialize_encoder(const encodePtr enc, const HashTable *tmp_types, smart_str *out) { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(enc->details.type, out); sdl_serialize_string(enc->details.type_str, out); sdl_serialize_string(enc->details.ns, out); sdl_serialize_type_ref(enc->details.sdl_type, tmp_types, out); } static void sdl_serialize_parameters(const HashTable *ht, const HashTable *tmp_encoders, const HashTable *tmp_types, smart_str *out) { size_t i; if (ht) { i = zend_hash_num_elements(ht); } else { i = 0; } WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(i, out); if (i > 0) { sdlParamPtr tmp; const zend_string *key; ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(ht, key, tmp) { sdl_serialize_key(key, out); sdl_serialize_string(tmp->paramName, out); WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(tmp->order, out); sdl_serialize_encoder_ref(tmp->encode, tmp_encoders, out); sdl_serialize_type_ref(tmp->element, tmp_types, out); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } } static void sdl_serialize_soap_body(const sdlSoapBindingFunctionBodyPtr body, const HashTable *tmp_encoders, const HashTable *tmp_types, smart_str *out) { size_t i, j; WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(body->use, out); if (body->use == SOAP_ENCODED) { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(body->encodingStyle, out); } sdl_serialize_string(body->ns, out); if (body->headers) { i = zend_hash_num_elements(body->headers); } else { i = 0; } WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(i, out); if (i > 0) { sdlSoapBindingFunctionHeaderPtr tmp; const zend_string *key; ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(body->headers, key, tmp) { sdl_serialize_key(key, out); WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(tmp->use, out); if (tmp->use == SOAP_ENCODED) { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(tmp->encodingStyle, out); } sdl_serialize_string(tmp->name, out); sdl_serialize_string(tmp->ns, out); sdl_serialize_encoder_ref(tmp->encode, tmp_encoders, out); sdl_serialize_type_ref(tmp->element, tmp_types, out); if (tmp->headerfaults) { j = zend_hash_num_elements(tmp->headerfaults); } else { j = 0; } WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(j, out); if (j > 0) { sdlSoapBindingFunctionHeaderPtr tmp2; const zend_string *key_inner; ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(body->headers, key_inner, tmp2) { sdl_serialize_key(key_inner, out); WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(tmp2->use, out); if (tmp2->use == SOAP_ENCODED) { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(tmp2->encodingStyle, out); } sdl_serialize_string(tmp2->name, out); sdl_serialize_string(tmp2->ns, out); sdl_serialize_encoder_ref(tmp2->encode, tmp_encoders, out); sdl_serialize_type_ref(tmp2->element, tmp_types, out); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } } static void add_sdl_to_cache(const char *fn, const char *uri, time_t t, sdlPtr sdl) { smart_str buf = {0}; smart_str *out = &buf; int i; int type_num = 1; int encoder_num = 1; int f; const encode *enc; HashTable tmp_types; HashTable tmp_encoders; HashTable tmp_bindings; HashTable tmp_functions; /* To avoid race conditions, we first create a temporary file and then rename it atomically * at the end of the function. (see bug #66150) */ zend_string *temp_file_path; f = php_open_temporary_fd_ex(SOAP_GLOBAL(cache_dir), "tmp.wsdl.", &temp_file_path, PHP_TMP_FILE_SILENT); if (f < 0) {return;} zend_hash_init(&tmp_types, 0, NULL, NULL, 0); zend_hash_init(&tmp_encoders, 0, NULL, NULL, 0); zend_hash_init(&tmp_bindings, 0, NULL, NULL, 0); zend_hash_init(&tmp_functions, 0, NULL, NULL, 0); WSDL_CACHE_PUT_N("wsdl", 4, out); WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(WSDL_CACHE_VERSION,out); WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(0,out); WSDL_CACHE_PUT_N((char*)&t, sizeof(t), out); sdl_serialize_string(uri, out); sdl_serialize_string(sdl->source, out); sdl_serialize_string(sdl->target_ns, out); if (sdl->groups) { i = zend_hash_num_elements(sdl->groups); } else { i = 0; } WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(i, out); if (i > 0) { sdlTypePtr tmp; zval zv; ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_PTR(sdl->groups, tmp) { ZVAL_LONG(&zv, type_num); zend_hash_str_add(&tmp_types, (char*)&tmp, sizeof(tmp), &zv); ++type_num; } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } if (sdl->types) { i = zend_hash_num_elements(sdl->types); } else { i = 0; } WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(i, out); if (i > 0) { sdlTypePtr tmp; zval zv; ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_PTR(sdl->types, tmp) { ZVAL_LONG(&zv, type_num); zend_hash_str_add(&tmp_types, (char*)&tmp, sizeof(tmp), &zv); ++type_num; } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } if (sdl->elements) { i = zend_hash_num_elements(sdl->elements); } else { i = 0; } WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(i, out); if (i > 0) { sdlTypePtr tmp; zval zv; ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_PTR(sdl->elements, tmp) { ZVAL_LONG(&zv, type_num); zend_hash_str_add(&tmp_types, (char*)&tmp, sizeof(tmp), &zv); ++type_num; } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } if (sdl->encoders) { i = zend_hash_num_elements(sdl->encoders); } else { i = 0; } WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(i, out); if (i > 0) { encodePtr tmp; zval zv; ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_PTR(sdl->encoders, tmp) { ZVAL_LONG(&zv, encoder_num); zend_hash_str_add(&tmp_encoders, (char*)&tmp, sizeof(tmp), &zv); ++encoder_num; } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } enc = defaultEncoding; while (enc->details.type != END_KNOWN_TYPES) { zval zv; ZVAL_LONG(&zv, encoder_num); zend_hash_str_add(&tmp_encoders, (char*)&enc, sizeof(encodePtr), &zv); enc++; ++encoder_num; } if (sdl->groups) { sdlTypePtr tmp; const zend_string *key; ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(sdl->groups, key, tmp) { sdl_serialize_key(key, out); sdl_serialize_type(tmp, &tmp_encoders, &tmp_types, out); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } if (sdl->types) { sdlTypePtr tmp; const zend_string *key; ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(sdl->types, key, tmp) { sdl_serialize_key(key, out); sdl_serialize_type(tmp, &tmp_encoders, &tmp_types, out); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } if (sdl->elements) { sdlTypePtr tmp; const zend_string *key; ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(sdl->elements, key, tmp) { sdl_serialize_key(key, out); sdl_serialize_type(tmp, &tmp_encoders, &tmp_types, out); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } if (sdl->encoders) { encodePtr tmp; const zend_string *key; ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(sdl->encoders, key, tmp) { sdl_serialize_key(key, out); sdl_serialize_encoder(tmp, &tmp_types, out); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } /* serialize bindings */ if (sdl->bindings) { i = zend_hash_num_elements(sdl->bindings); } else { i = 0; } WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(i, out); if (i > 0) { sdlBindingPtr tmp; int binding_num = 1; zval zv; const zend_string *key; ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(sdl->bindings, key, tmp) { sdl_serialize_key(key, out); sdl_serialize_string(tmp->name, out); sdl_serialize_string(tmp->location, out); WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(tmp->bindingType,out); if (tmp->bindingType == BINDING_SOAP && tmp->bindingAttributes != NULL) { sdlSoapBindingPtr binding = (sdlSoapBindingPtr)tmp->bindingAttributes; WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(binding->style, out); WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(binding->transport, out); } else { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(0,out); } ZVAL_LONG(&zv, binding_num); zend_hash_str_add(&tmp_bindings, (char*)&tmp, sizeof(tmp), &zv); binding_num++; } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } /* serialize functions */ i = zend_hash_num_elements(&sdl->functions); WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(i, out); if (i > 0) { sdlFunctionPtr tmp; zval *binding_num, zv; int function_num = 1; const zend_string *key; ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(&sdl->functions, key, tmp) { sdl_serialize_key(key, out); sdl_serialize_string(tmp->functionName, out); sdl_serialize_string(tmp->requestName, out); sdl_serialize_string(tmp->responseName, out); if (tmp->binding) { binding_num = zend_hash_str_find(&tmp_bindings,(char*)&tmp->binding, sizeof(tmp->binding)); if (binding_num) { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(Z_LVAL_P(binding_num), out); if (Z_LVAL_P(binding_num) >= 0) { if (tmp->binding->bindingType == BINDING_SOAP && tmp->bindingAttributes != NULL) { sdlSoapBindingFunctionPtr binding = (sdlSoapBindingFunctionPtr)tmp->bindingAttributes; WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(binding->style, out); sdl_serialize_string(binding->soapAction, out); sdl_serialize_soap_body(&binding->input, &tmp_encoders, &tmp_types, out); sdl_serialize_soap_body(&binding->output, &tmp_encoders, &tmp_types, out); } else { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(0,out); } } } } sdl_serialize_parameters(tmp->requestParameters, &tmp_encoders, &tmp_types, out); sdl_serialize_parameters(tmp->responseParameters, &tmp_encoders, &tmp_types, out); if (tmp->faults) { sdlFaultPtr fault; const zend_string *key_inner; WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(zend_hash_num_elements(tmp->faults), out); ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(tmp->faults, key_inner, fault) { sdl_serialize_key(key_inner, out); sdl_serialize_string(fault->name, out); sdl_serialize_parameters(fault->details, &tmp_encoders, &tmp_types, out); if (tmp->binding->bindingType == BINDING_SOAP && fault->bindingAttributes != NULL) { sdlSoapBindingFunctionFaultPtr binding = (sdlSoapBindingFunctionFaultPtr)fault->bindingAttributes; WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(binding->use, out); if (binding->use == SOAP_ENCODED) { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(binding->encodingStyle, out); } sdl_serialize_string(binding->ns, out); } else { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_1(0, out); } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } else { WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(0, out); } ZVAL_LONG(&zv, function_num); zend_hash_str_add(&tmp_functions, (char*)&tmp, sizeof(tmp), &zv); function_num++; } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } /* serialize requests */ if (sdl->requests) { i = zend_hash_num_elements(sdl->requests); } else { i = 0; } WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(i, out); if (i > 0) { sdlFunctionPtr tmp; zval *function_num; const zend_string *key; ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(sdl->requests, key, tmp) { function_num = zend_hash_str_find(&tmp_functions, (char*)&tmp, sizeof(tmp)); WSDL_CACHE_PUT_INT(Z_LVAL_P(function_num), out); sdl_serialize_key(key, out); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } bool valid_file = write(f, ZSTR_VAL(buf.s), ZSTR_LEN(buf.s)) == ZSTR_LEN(buf.s); close(f); /* Make sure that incomplete files (e.g. due to disk space issues, see bug #66150) are not utilised. */ if (valid_file) { /* This is allowed to fail, this means that another process was raced to create the file. */ if (VCWD_RENAME(ZSTR_VAL(temp_file_path), fn) < 0) { VCWD_UNLINK(ZSTR_VAL(temp_file_path)); } } smart_str_free(&buf); zend_hash_destroy(&tmp_functions); zend_hash_destroy(&tmp_bindings); zend_hash_destroy(&tmp_encoders); zend_hash_destroy(&tmp_types); zend_string_release_ex(temp_file_path, false); } static void make_persistent_restriction_int(void *data) { sdlRestrictionIntPtr *rest = (sdlRestrictionIntPtr *)data; sdlRestrictionIntPtr prest = NULL; prest = malloc(sizeof(sdlRestrictionInt)); *prest = **rest; *rest = prest; } static void make_persistent_restriction_char_int(sdlRestrictionCharPtr *rest) { sdlRestrictionCharPtr prest = NULL; prest = malloc(sizeof(sdlRestrictionChar)); memset(prest, 0, sizeof(sdlRestrictionChar)); prest->value = strdup((*rest)->value); prest->fixed = (*rest)->fixed; *rest = prest; } static void make_persistent_sdl_type_ref(sdlTypePtr *type, HashTable *ptr_map, HashTable *bp_types) { sdlTypePtr tmp; if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(ptr_map, (char *)type, sizeof(sdlTypePtr))) != NULL) { *type = tmp; } else { zend_hash_next_index_insert_ptr(bp_types, *type); } } static void make_persistent_sdl_encoder_ref(encodePtr *enc, HashTable *ptr_map, HashTable *bp_encoders) { encodePtr tmp; /* do not process defaultEncoding's here */ if ((*enc) >= defaultEncoding && (*enc) < defaultEncoding + numDefaultEncodings) { return; } if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(ptr_map, (char *)enc, sizeof(encodePtr))) != NULL) { *enc = tmp; } else { zend_hash_next_index_insert_ptr(bp_encoders, enc); } } static HashTable* make_persistent_sdl_function_headers(HashTable *headers, HashTable *ptr_map) { HashTable *pheaders; sdlSoapBindingFunctionHeaderPtr tmp, pheader; encodePtr penc; sdlTypePtr ptype; zend_string *key; pheaders = malloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(pheaders, zend_hash_num_elements(headers), NULL, delete_header_persistent, 1); ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(headers, key, tmp) { pheader = malloc(sizeof(sdlSoapBindingFunctionHeader)); memset(pheader, 0, sizeof(sdlSoapBindingFunctionHeader)); *pheader = *tmp; if (pheader->name) { pheader->name = strdup(pheader->name); } if (pheader->ns) { pheader->ns = strdup(pheader->ns); } if (pheader->encode && pheader->encode->details.sdl_type) { if ((penc = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(ptr_map, (char*)&pheader->encode, sizeof(encodePtr))) == NULL) { assert(0); } pheader->encode = penc; } if (pheader->element) { if ((ptype = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(ptr_map, (char*)&pheader->element, sizeof(sdlTypePtr))) == NULL) { assert(0); } pheader->element = ptype; } if (pheader->headerfaults) { pheader->headerfaults = make_persistent_sdl_function_headers(pheader->headerfaults, ptr_map); } if (key) { /* We have to duplicate key emalloc->malloc */ zend_hash_str_add_ptr(pheaders, ZSTR_VAL(key), ZSTR_LEN(key), pheader); } else { zend_hash_next_index_insert_ptr(pheaders, pheader); } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); return pheaders; } static void make_persistent_sdl_soap_body(sdlSoapBindingFunctionBodyPtr body, HashTable *ptr_map) { if (body->ns) { body->ns = strdup(body->ns); } if (body->headers) { body->headers = make_persistent_sdl_function_headers(body->headers, ptr_map); } } static HashTable* make_persistent_sdl_parameters(HashTable *params, HashTable *ptr_map) { HashTable *pparams; sdlParamPtr tmp, pparam; sdlTypePtr ptype; encodePtr penc; zend_string *key; pparams = malloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(pparams, zend_hash_num_elements(params), NULL, delete_parameter_persistent, 1); ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(params, key, tmp) { pparam = malloc(sizeof(sdlParam)); memset(pparam, 0, sizeof(sdlParam)); *pparam = *tmp; if (pparam->paramName) { pparam->paramName = strdup(pparam->paramName); } if (pparam->encode && pparam->encode->details.sdl_type) { if ((penc = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(ptr_map, (char*)&pparam->encode, sizeof(encodePtr))) == NULL) { assert(0); } pparam->encode = penc; } if (pparam->element) { if ((ptype = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(ptr_map, (char*)&pparam->element, sizeof(sdlTypePtr))) == NULL) { assert(0); } pparam->element = ptype; } if (key) { /* We have to duplicate key emalloc->malloc */ zend_hash_str_add_ptr(pparams, ZSTR_VAL(key), ZSTR_LEN(key), pparam); } else { zend_hash_next_index_insert_ptr(pparams, pparam); } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); return pparams; } static HashTable* make_persistent_sdl_function_faults(sdlFunctionPtr func, HashTable *faults, HashTable *ptr_map) { HashTable *pfaults; sdlFaultPtr tmp, pfault; zend_string *key; pfaults = malloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(pfaults, zend_hash_num_elements(faults), NULL, delete_fault_persistent, 1); ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(faults, key, tmp) { pfault = malloc(sizeof(sdlFault)); memset(pfault, 0, sizeof(sdlFault)); *pfault = *tmp; if (pfault->name) { pfault->name = strdup(pfault->name); } if (pfault->details) { pfault->details = make_persistent_sdl_parameters(pfault->details, ptr_map); } if (func->binding->bindingType == BINDING_SOAP && pfault->bindingAttributes) { sdlSoapBindingFunctionFaultPtr soap_binding; soap_binding = malloc(sizeof(sdlSoapBindingFunctionFault)); memset(soap_binding, 0, sizeof(sdlSoapBindingFunctionFault)); *soap_binding = *(sdlSoapBindingFunctionFaultPtr)pfault->bindingAttributes; if (soap_binding->ns) { soap_binding->ns = strdup(soap_binding->ns); } pfault->bindingAttributes = soap_binding; } if (key) { /* We have to duplicate key emalloc->malloc */ zend_hash_str_add_ptr(pfaults, ZSTR_VAL(key), ZSTR_LEN(key), pfault); } else { zend_hash_next_index_insert_ptr(pfaults, pfault); } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); return pfaults; } static sdlAttributePtr make_persistent_sdl_attribute(sdlAttributePtr attr, HashTable *ptr_map, HashTable *bp_types, HashTable *bp_encoders) { sdlAttributePtr pattr; zend_string *key; pattr = malloc(sizeof(sdlAttribute)); memset(pattr, 0, sizeof(sdlAttribute)); *pattr = *attr; if (pattr->name) { pattr->name = strdup(pattr->name); } if (pattr->namens) { pattr->namens = strdup(pattr->namens); } if (pattr->ref) { pattr->ref = strdup(pattr->ref); } if (pattr->def) { pattr->def = strdup(pattr->def); } if (pattr->fixed) { pattr->fixed = strdup(pattr->fixed); } /* we do not want to process defaultEncoding's here */ if (pattr->encode) { make_persistent_sdl_encoder_ref(&pattr->encode, ptr_map, bp_encoders); } if (pattr->extraAttributes) { sdlExtraAttributePtr tmp, pextra; pattr->extraAttributes = malloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(pattr->extraAttributes, zend_hash_num_elements(attr->extraAttributes), NULL, delete_extra_attribute_persistent, 1); ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(attr->extraAttributes, key, tmp) { if (key) { pextra = malloc(sizeof(sdlExtraAttribute)); memset(pextra, 0, sizeof(sdlExtraAttribute)); if (tmp->ns) { pextra->ns = strdup(tmp->ns); } if (tmp->val) { pextra->val = strdup(tmp->val); } /* We have to duplicate key emalloc->malloc */ zend_hash_str_add_ptr(pattr->extraAttributes, ZSTR_VAL(key), ZSTR_LEN(key), pextra); } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } return pattr; } static sdlContentModelPtr make_persistent_sdl_model(sdlContentModelPtr model, HashTable *ptr_map, HashTable *bp_types, HashTable *bp_encoders) { sdlContentModelPtr pmodel; sdlContentModelPtr tmp, pcontent; pmodel = malloc(sizeof(sdlContentModel)); memset(pmodel, 0, sizeof(sdlContentModel)); *pmodel = *model; switch (pmodel->kind) { case XSD_CONTENT_ELEMENT: if (pmodel->u.element) { make_persistent_sdl_type_ref(&pmodel->u.element, ptr_map, bp_types); } break; case XSD_CONTENT_SEQUENCE: case XSD_CONTENT_ALL: case XSD_CONTENT_CHOICE: pmodel->u.content = malloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(pmodel->u.content, zend_hash_num_elements(model->u.content), NULL, delete_model_persistent, 1); ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_PTR(model->u.content, tmp) { pcontent = make_persistent_sdl_model(tmp, ptr_map, bp_types, bp_encoders); zend_hash_next_index_insert_ptr(pmodel->u.content, pcontent); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); break; case XSD_CONTENT_GROUP_REF: if (pmodel->u.group_ref) { pmodel->u.group_ref = strdup(pmodel->u.group_ref); } break; case XSD_CONTENT_GROUP: if (pmodel->u.group) { make_persistent_sdl_type_ref(&pmodel->u.group, ptr_map, bp_types); } break; default: break; } return pmodel; } static sdlTypePtr make_persistent_sdl_type(sdlTypePtr type, HashTable *ptr_map, HashTable *bp_types, HashTable *bp_encoders) { zend_string *key; sdlTypePtr ptype = NULL; ptype = malloc(sizeof(sdlType)); memset(ptype, 0, sizeof(sdlType)); *ptype = *type; if (ptype->name) { ptype->name = strdup(ptype->name); } if (ptype->namens) { ptype->namens = strdup(ptype->namens); } if (ptype->def) { ptype->def = strdup(ptype->def); } if (ptype->fixed) { ptype->fixed = strdup(ptype->fixed); } if (ptype->ref) { ptype->ref = strdup(ptype->ref); } /* we do not want to process defaultEncoding's here */ if (ptype->encode) { make_persistent_sdl_encoder_ref(&ptype->encode, ptr_map, bp_encoders); } if (ptype->restrictions) { ptype->restrictions = malloc(sizeof(sdlRestrictions)); memset(ptype->restrictions, 0, sizeof(sdlRestrictions)); *ptype->restrictions = *type->restrictions; if (ptype->restrictions->minExclusive) { make_persistent_restriction_int(&ptype->restrictions->minExclusive); } if (ptype->restrictions->maxExclusive) { make_persistent_restriction_int(&ptype->restrictions->maxExclusive); } if (ptype->restrictions->minInclusive) { make_persistent_restriction_int(&ptype->restrictions->minInclusive); } if (ptype->restrictions->maxInclusive) { make_persistent_restriction_int(&ptype->restrictions->maxInclusive); } if (ptype->restrictions->totalDigits) { make_persistent_restriction_int(&ptype->restrictions->totalDigits); } if (ptype->restrictions->fractionDigits) { make_persistent_restriction_int(&ptype->restrictions->fractionDigits); } if (ptype->restrictions->length) { make_persistent_restriction_int(&ptype->restrictions->length); } if (ptype->restrictions->minLength) { make_persistent_restriction_int(&ptype->restrictions->minLength); } if (ptype->restrictions->maxLength) { make_persistent_restriction_int(&ptype->restrictions->maxLength); } if (ptype->restrictions->whiteSpace) { make_persistent_restriction_char_int(&ptype->restrictions->whiteSpace); } if (ptype->restrictions->pattern) { make_persistent_restriction_char_int(&ptype->restrictions->pattern); } if (type->restrictions->enumeration) { sdlRestrictionCharPtr tmp, penum; ptype->restrictions->enumeration = malloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(ptype->restrictions->enumeration, zend_hash_num_elements(type->restrictions->enumeration), NULL, delete_restriction_var_char_persistent, 1); ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(type->restrictions->enumeration, key, tmp) { penum = tmp; make_persistent_restriction_char_int(&penum); /* We have to duplicate key emalloc->malloc */ zend_hash_str_add_ptr(ptype->restrictions->enumeration, ZSTR_VAL(key), ZSTR_LEN(key), penum); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } } if (ptype->elements) { sdlTypePtr tmp, pelem; ptype->elements = malloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(ptype->elements, zend_hash_num_elements(type->elements), NULL, delete_type_persistent, 1); ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(type->elements, key, tmp) { pelem = make_persistent_sdl_type(tmp, ptr_map, bp_types, bp_encoders); if (key) { /* We have to duplicate key emalloc->malloc */ zend_hash_str_add_ptr(ptype->elements, ZSTR_VAL(key), ZSTR_LEN(key), pelem); } else { zend_hash_next_index_insert_ptr(ptype->elements, pelem); } zend_hash_str_add_ptr(ptr_map, (char*)&tmp, sizeof(tmp), pelem); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } if (ptype->attributes) { sdlAttributePtr tmp, pattr; ptype->attributes = malloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(ptype->attributes, zend_hash_num_elements(type->attributes), NULL, delete_attribute_persistent, 1); ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(type->attributes, key, tmp) { pattr = make_persistent_sdl_attribute(tmp, ptr_map, bp_types, bp_encoders); if (key) { /* We have to duplicate key emalloc->malloc */ zend_hash_str_add_ptr(ptype->attributes, ZSTR_VAL(key), ZSTR_LEN(key), pattr); } else { zend_hash_next_index_insert_ptr(ptype->attributes, pattr); } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } if (type->model) { ptype->model = make_persistent_sdl_model(ptype->model, ptr_map, bp_types, bp_encoders); } return ptype; } static encodePtr make_persistent_sdl_encoder(encodePtr enc, HashTable *ptr_map, HashTable *bp_types, HashTable *bp_encoders) { encodePtr penc = NULL; penc = malloc(sizeof(encode)); memset(penc, 0, sizeof(encode)); *penc = *enc; if (penc->details.type_str) { penc->details.type_str = strdup(penc->details.type_str); } if (penc->details.ns) { penc->details.ns = strdup(penc->details.ns); penc->details.clark_notation = zend_string_dup(penc->details.clark_notation, 1); } if (penc->details.sdl_type) { make_persistent_sdl_type_ref(&penc->details.sdl_type, ptr_map, bp_types); } return penc; } static sdlBindingPtr make_persistent_sdl_binding(sdlBindingPtr bind, HashTable *ptr_map) { sdlBindingPtr pbind = NULL; pbind = malloc(sizeof(sdlBinding)); memset(pbind, 0, sizeof(sdlBinding)); *pbind = *bind; if (pbind->name) { pbind->name = strdup(pbind->name); } if (pbind->location) { pbind->location = strdup(pbind->location); } if (pbind->bindingType == BINDING_SOAP && pbind->bindingAttributes) { sdlSoapBindingPtr soap_binding; soap_binding = malloc(sizeof(sdlSoapBinding)); memset(soap_binding, 0, sizeof(sdlSoapBinding)); *soap_binding = *(sdlSoapBindingPtr)pbind->bindingAttributes; pbind->bindingAttributes = soap_binding; } return pbind; } static sdlFunctionPtr make_persistent_sdl_function(sdlFunctionPtr func, HashTable *ptr_map) { sdlFunctionPtr pfunc = NULL; pfunc = malloc(sizeof(sdlFunction)); memset(pfunc, 0, sizeof(sdlFunction)); *pfunc = *func; if (pfunc->functionName) { pfunc->functionName = strdup(pfunc->functionName); } if (pfunc->requestName) { pfunc->requestName = strdup(pfunc->requestName); } if (pfunc->responseName) { pfunc->responseName = strdup(pfunc->responseName); } if (pfunc->binding) { sdlBindingPtr tmp; if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(ptr_map, (char*)&pfunc->binding, sizeof(pfunc->binding))) == NULL) { assert(0); } pfunc->binding = tmp; if (pfunc->binding->bindingType == BINDING_SOAP && pfunc->bindingAttributes) { sdlSoapBindingFunctionPtr soap_binding; soap_binding = malloc(sizeof(sdlSoapBindingFunction)); memset(soap_binding, 0, sizeof(sdlSoapBindingFunction)); *soap_binding = *(sdlSoapBindingFunctionPtr)pfunc->bindingAttributes; if (soap_binding->soapAction) { soap_binding->soapAction = strdup(soap_binding->soapAction); } make_persistent_sdl_soap_body(&soap_binding->input, ptr_map); make_persistent_sdl_soap_body(&soap_binding->output, ptr_map); pfunc->bindingAttributes = soap_binding; } if (pfunc->requestParameters) { pfunc->requestParameters = make_persistent_sdl_parameters(pfunc->requestParameters, ptr_map); } if (pfunc->responseParameters) { pfunc->responseParameters = make_persistent_sdl_parameters(pfunc->responseParameters, ptr_map); } if (pfunc->faults) { pfunc->faults = make_persistent_sdl_function_faults(pfunc, pfunc->faults, ptr_map); } } return pfunc; } static sdlPtr make_persistent_sdl(sdlPtr sdl) { sdlPtr psdl = NULL; HashTable ptr_map; HashTable bp_types, bp_encoders; zend_string *key; zend_hash_init(&bp_types, 0, NULL, NULL, 0); zend_hash_init(&bp_encoders, 0, NULL, NULL, 0); zend_hash_init(&ptr_map, 0, NULL, NULL, 0); psdl = malloc(sizeof(*sdl)); memset(psdl, 0, sizeof(*sdl)); if (sdl->source) { psdl->source = strdup(sdl->source); } if (sdl->target_ns) { psdl->target_ns = strdup(sdl->target_ns); } if (sdl->groups) { sdlTypePtr tmp; sdlTypePtr ptype; psdl->groups = malloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(psdl->groups, zend_hash_num_elements(sdl->groups), NULL, delete_type_persistent, 1); ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(sdl->groups, key, tmp) { ptype = make_persistent_sdl_type(tmp, &ptr_map, &bp_types, &bp_encoders); if (key) { /* We have to duplicate key emalloc->malloc */ zend_hash_str_add_ptr(psdl->groups, ZSTR_VAL(key), ZSTR_LEN(key), ptype); } else { zend_hash_next_index_insert_ptr(psdl->groups, ptype); } zend_hash_str_add_ptr(&ptr_map, (char*)&tmp, sizeof(tmp), ptype); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } if (sdl->types) { sdlTypePtr tmp; sdlTypePtr ptype; psdl->types = malloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(psdl->types, zend_hash_num_elements(sdl->types), NULL, delete_type_persistent, 1); ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(sdl->types, key, tmp) { ptype = make_persistent_sdl_type(tmp, &ptr_map, &bp_types, &bp_encoders); if (key) { /* We have to duplicate key emalloc->malloc */ zend_hash_str_add_ptr(psdl->types, ZSTR_VAL(key), ZSTR_LEN(key), ptype); } else { zend_hash_next_index_insert_ptr(psdl->types, ptype); } zend_hash_str_add_ptr(&ptr_map, (char*)&tmp, sizeof(tmp), ptype); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } if (sdl->elements) { sdlTypePtr tmp; sdlTypePtr ptype; psdl->elements = malloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(psdl->elements, zend_hash_num_elements(sdl->elements), NULL, delete_type_persistent, 1); ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(sdl->elements, key, tmp) { ptype = make_persistent_sdl_type(tmp, &ptr_map, &bp_types, &bp_encoders); if (key) { /* We have to duplicate key emalloc->malloc */ zend_hash_str_add_ptr(psdl->elements, ZSTR_VAL(key), ZSTR_LEN(key), ptype); } else { zend_hash_next_index_insert_ptr(psdl->elements, ptype); } zend_hash_str_add_ptr(&ptr_map, (char*)&tmp, sizeof(tmp), ptype); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } if (sdl->encoders) { encodePtr tmp; encodePtr penc; psdl->encoders = malloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(psdl->encoders, zend_hash_num_elements(sdl->encoders), NULL, delete_encoder_persistent, 1); ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(sdl->encoders, key, tmp) { penc = make_persistent_sdl_encoder(tmp, &ptr_map, &bp_types, &bp_encoders); if (key) { /* We have to duplicate key emalloc->malloc */ zend_hash_str_add_ptr(psdl->encoders, ZSTR_VAL(key), ZSTR_LEN(key), penc); } else { zend_hash_next_index_insert_ptr(psdl->encoders, penc); } zend_hash_str_add_ptr(&ptr_map, (char*)&tmp, sizeof(tmp), penc); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } /* do backpatching here */ if (zend_hash_num_elements(&bp_types)) { sdlTypePtr *tmp, ptype = NULL; ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_PTR(&bp_types, tmp) { if ((ptype = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(&ptr_map, (char*)tmp, sizeof(*tmp))) == NULL) { assert(0); } *tmp = ptype; } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } if (zend_hash_num_elements(&bp_encoders)) { encodePtr *tmp, penc = NULL; ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_PTR(&bp_encoders, tmp) { if ((penc = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(&ptr_map, (char*)tmp, sizeof(*tmp))) == NULL) { assert(0); } *tmp = penc; } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } if (sdl->bindings) { sdlBindingPtr tmp; sdlBindingPtr pbind; psdl->bindings = malloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(psdl->bindings, zend_hash_num_elements(sdl->bindings), NULL, delete_binding_persistent, 1); ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(sdl->bindings, key, tmp) { pbind = make_persistent_sdl_binding(tmp, &ptr_map); if (key) { /* We have to duplicate key emalloc->malloc */ zend_hash_str_add_ptr(psdl->bindings, ZSTR_VAL(key), ZSTR_LEN(key), pbind); } else { zend_hash_next_index_insert_ptr(psdl->bindings, pbind); } zend_hash_str_add_ptr(&ptr_map, (char*)&tmp, sizeof(tmp), pbind); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } zend_hash_init(&psdl->functions, zend_hash_num_elements(&sdl->functions), NULL, delete_function_persistent, 1); if (zend_hash_num_elements(&sdl->functions)) { sdlFunctionPtr tmp; sdlFunctionPtr pfunc; ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(&sdl->functions, key, tmp) { pfunc = make_persistent_sdl_function(tmp, &ptr_map); if (key) { /* We have to duplicate key emalloc->malloc */ zend_hash_str_add_ptr(&psdl->functions, ZSTR_VAL(key), ZSTR_LEN(key), pfunc); } else { zend_hash_next_index_insert_ptr(&psdl->functions, pfunc); } zend_hash_str_add_ptr(&ptr_map, (char*)&tmp, sizeof(tmp), pfunc); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } if (sdl->requests) { zval *zv; sdlFunctionPtr tmp; sdlFunctionPtr preq; psdl->requests = malloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(psdl->requests, zend_hash_num_elements(sdl->requests), NULL, NULL, 1); ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_STR_KEY_VAL(sdl->requests, key, zv) { tmp = Z_PTR_P(zv); if ((preq = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(&ptr_map, (char*)&tmp, sizeof(tmp))) == NULL) { assert(0); } Z_PTR_P(zv) = preq; if (key) { /* We have to duplicate key emalloc->malloc */ zend_hash_str_add_ptr(psdl->requests, ZSTR_VAL(key), ZSTR_LEN(key), preq); } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } zend_hash_destroy(&ptr_map); zend_hash_destroy(&bp_encoders); zend_hash_destroy(&bp_types); return psdl; } typedef struct _sdl_cache_bucket { sdlPtr sdl; time_t time; } sdl_cache_bucket; static void delete_psdl_int(sdl_cache_bucket *p) { sdlPtr tmp = p->sdl; zend_hash_destroy(&tmp->functions); if (tmp->source) { free(tmp->source); } if (tmp->target_ns) { free(tmp->target_ns); } if (tmp->elements) { zend_hash_destroy(tmp->elements); free(tmp->elements); } if (tmp->encoders) { zend_hash_destroy(tmp->encoders); free(tmp->encoders); } if (tmp->types) { zend_hash_destroy(tmp->types); free(tmp->types); } if (tmp->groups) { zend_hash_destroy(tmp->groups); free(tmp->groups); } if (tmp->bindings) { zend_hash_destroy(tmp->bindings); free(tmp->bindings); } if (tmp->requests) { zend_hash_destroy(tmp->requests); free(tmp->requests); } free(tmp); } static void delete_psdl(zval *zv) { delete_psdl_int(Z_PTR_P(zv)); free(Z_PTR_P(zv)); } sdlPtr get_sdl(zval *this_ptr, char *uri, zend_long cache_wsdl) { char fn[MAXPATHLEN]; sdlPtr sdl = NULL; char* old_error_code = SOAP_GLOBAL(error_code); size_t uri_len = 0; php_stream_context *context=NULL; zval *tmp, orig_context, new_context; smart_str headers = {0}; char* key = NULL; time_t t = time(0); bool has_proxy_authorization = 0; bool has_authorization = 0; ZVAL_UNDEF(&orig_context); ZVAL_UNDEF(&new_context); if (strchr(uri,':') != NULL || IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(uri, uri_len)) { uri_len = strlen(uri); } else if (VCWD_REALPATH(uri, fn) == NULL) { cache_wsdl = WSDL_CACHE_NONE; } else { uri = fn; uri_len = strlen(uri); } if ((cache_wsdl & WSDL_CACHE_MEMORY) && SOAP_GLOBAL(mem_cache)) { sdl_cache_bucket *p; if (NULL != (p = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(SOAP_GLOBAL(mem_cache), uri, uri_len))) { if (p->time < t - SOAP_GLOBAL(cache_ttl)) { /* in-memory cache entry is expired */ zend_hash_str_del(&EG(persistent_list), uri, uri_len); } else { return p->sdl; } } } if ((cache_wsdl & WSDL_CACHE_DISK) && (uri_len < MAXPATHLEN)) { time_t t = time(0); char md5str[33]; PHP_MD5_CTX md5_context; unsigned char digest[16]; size_t len = strlen(SOAP_GLOBAL(cache_dir)); time_t cached; char *user = php_get_current_user(); size_t user_len = user ? strlen(user) + 1 : 0; md5str[0] = '\0'; PHP_MD5Init(&md5_context); PHP_MD5Update(&md5_context, (unsigned char*)uri, uri_len); PHP_MD5Final(digest, &md5_context); make_digest(md5str, digest); key = emalloc(len+sizeof("/wsdl-")-1+user_len+2+sizeof(md5str)); memcpy(key,SOAP_GLOBAL(cache_dir),len); memcpy(key+len,"/wsdl-",sizeof("/wsdl-")-1); len += sizeof("/wsdl-")-1; if (user_len) { memcpy(key+len, user, user_len-1); len += user_len-1; key[len++] = '-'; } if (WSDL_CACHE_VERSION <= 0x9f) { key[len++] = (WSDL_CACHE_VERSION >> 8) + '0'; } else { key[len++] = (WSDL_CACHE_VERSION >> 8) - 10 + 'a'; } if ((WSDL_CACHE_VERSION & 0xf) <= 0x9) { key[len++] = (WSDL_CACHE_VERSION & 0xf) + '0'; } else { key[len++] = (WSDL_CACHE_VERSION & 0xf) - 10 + 'a'; } memcpy(key+len,md5str,sizeof(md5str)); if ((sdl = get_sdl_from_cache(key, uri, uri_len, t-SOAP_GLOBAL(cache_ttl), &cached)) != NULL) { t = cached; efree(key); goto cache_in_memory; } } if (instanceof_function(Z_OBJCE_P(this_ptr), soap_class_entry)) { tmp = Z_CLIENT_STREAM_CONTEXT_P(this_ptr); if (Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_RESOURCE) { context = php_stream_context_from_zval(tmp, 0); /* Share a reference with new_context down below. * For new contexts, the reference is only in new_context so that doesn't need extra refcounting. */ GC_ADDREF(context->res); } tmp = Z_CLIENT_USER_AGENT_P(this_ptr); if (Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING && Z_STRLEN_P(tmp) > 0) { smart_str_appends(&headers, "User-Agent: "); smart_str_appends(&headers, Z_STRVAL_P(tmp)); smart_str_appends(&headers, "\r\n"); } zval *proxy_host = Z_CLIENT_PROXY_HOST_P(this_ptr); zval *proxy_port = Z_CLIENT_PROXY_PORT_P(this_ptr); if (Z_TYPE_P(proxy_host) == IS_STRING && Z_TYPE_P(proxy_port) == IS_LONG) { zval str_proxy; smart_str proxy = {0}; smart_str_appends(&proxy,"tcp://"); smart_str_appends(&proxy,Z_STRVAL_P(proxy_host)); smart_str_appends(&proxy,":"); smart_str_append_long(&proxy,Z_LVAL_P(proxy_port)); ZVAL_STR(&str_proxy, smart_str_extract(&proxy)); if (!context) { context = php_stream_context_alloc(); } php_stream_context_set_option(context, "http", "proxy", &str_proxy); zval_ptr_dtor(&str_proxy); if (uri_len < sizeof("https://")-1 || strncasecmp(uri, "https://", sizeof("https://")-1) != 0) { ZVAL_TRUE(&str_proxy); php_stream_context_set_option(context, "http", "request_fulluri", &str_proxy); } has_proxy_authorization = proxy_authentication(this_ptr, &headers); } has_authorization = basic_authentication(this_ptr, &headers); } if (!context) { context = php_stream_context_alloc(); } /* Use HTTP/1.1 with "Connection: close" by default */ if ((tmp = php_stream_context_get_option(context, "http", "protocol_version")) == NULL) { zval http_version; ZVAL_DOUBLE(&http_version, 1.1); php_stream_context_set_option(context, "http", "protocol_version", &http_version); smart_str_appendl(&headers, "Connection: close\r\n", sizeof("Connection: close\r\n")-1); } if (headers.s && ZSTR_LEN(headers.s) > 0) { zval str_headers; if (!context) { context = php_stream_context_alloc(); } else { http_context_headers(context, has_authorization, has_proxy_authorization, 0, &headers); } ZVAL_STR(&str_headers, smart_str_extract(&headers)); php_stream_context_set_option(context, "http", "header", &str_headers); zval_ptr_dtor(&str_headers); } if (context) { ZVAL_RES(&new_context, context->res); php_libxml_switch_context(&new_context, &orig_context); } SOAP_GLOBAL(error_code) = "WSDL"; sdl = load_wsdl(this_ptr, uri); if (sdl) { sdl->is_persistent = 0; } SOAP_GLOBAL(error_code) = old_error_code; if (context) { php_libxml_switch_context(&orig_context, NULL); zval_ptr_dtor(&new_context); } if ((cache_wsdl & WSDL_CACHE_DISK) && key) { if (sdl) { add_sdl_to_cache(key, uri, t, sdl); } efree(key); } cache_in_memory: if (cache_wsdl & WSDL_CACHE_MEMORY) { if (sdl) { sdlPtr psdl; sdl_cache_bucket p; if (SOAP_GLOBAL(mem_cache) == NULL) { SOAP_GLOBAL(mem_cache) = malloc(sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_init(SOAP_GLOBAL(mem_cache), 0, NULL, delete_psdl, 1); } else if (SOAP_GLOBAL(cache_limit) > 0 && SOAP_GLOBAL(cache_limit) <= (zend_long)zend_hash_num_elements(SOAP_GLOBAL(mem_cache))) { /* in-memory cache overflow */ sdl_cache_bucket *q; time_t latest = t; zend_string *latest_key = NULL, *key; ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(SOAP_GLOBAL(mem_cache), key, q) { if (q->time < latest) { latest = q->time; latest_key = key; } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); if (latest_key) { zend_hash_del(SOAP_GLOBAL(mem_cache), latest_key); } else { return sdl; } } psdl = make_persistent_sdl(sdl); psdl->is_persistent = 1; p.time = t; p.sdl = psdl; zend_hash_str_update_mem(SOAP_GLOBAL(mem_cache), uri, uri_len, &p, sizeof(sdl_cache_bucket)); /* remove non-persitent sdl structure */ delete_sdl_impl(sdl); /* and replace it with persistent one */ sdl = psdl; } } return sdl; } /* Deletes */ void delete_sdl_impl(void *handle) { sdlPtr tmp = (sdlPtr)handle; zend_hash_destroy(&tmp->functions); if (tmp->source) { efree(tmp->source); } if (tmp->target_ns) { efree(tmp->target_ns); } if (tmp->elements) { zend_hash_destroy(tmp->elements); efree(tmp->elements); } if (tmp->encoders) { zend_hash_destroy(tmp->encoders); efree(tmp->encoders); } if (tmp->types) { zend_hash_destroy(tmp->types); efree(tmp->types); } if (tmp->groups) { zend_hash_destroy(tmp->groups); efree(tmp->groups); } if (tmp->bindings) { zend_hash_destroy(tmp->bindings); efree(tmp->bindings); } if (tmp->requests) { zend_hash_destroy(tmp->requests); efree(tmp->requests); } efree(tmp); } void delete_sdl(sdl *handle) { if (!handle->is_persistent) { delete_sdl_impl(handle); } } static void delete_binding_ex(zval *zv, bool persistent) { sdlBindingPtr binding = Z_PTR_P(zv); if (binding->location) { pefree(binding->location, persistent); } if (binding->name) { pefree(binding->name, persistent); } if (binding->bindingType == BINDING_SOAP) { sdlSoapBindingPtr soapBind = binding->bindingAttributes; if (soapBind) { pefree(soapBind, persistent); } } pefree(binding, persistent); } static void delete_binding(zval *zv) { delete_binding_ex(zv, false); } static void delete_binding_persistent(zval *zv) { delete_binding_ex(zv, true); } static void delete_sdl_soap_binding_function_body(sdlSoapBindingFunctionBody body, bool persistent) { if (body.ns) { pefree(body.ns, persistent); } if (body.headers) { zend_hash_destroy(body.headers); pefree(body.headers, persistent); } } static void delete_function_ex(zval *zv, bool persistent) { sdlFunctionPtr function = Z_PTR_P(zv); if (function->functionName) { pefree(function->functionName, persistent); } if (function->requestName) { pefree(function->requestName, persistent); } if (function->responseName) { pefree(function->responseName, persistent); } if (function->requestParameters) { zend_hash_destroy(function->requestParameters); pefree(function->requestParameters, persistent); } if (function->responseParameters) { zend_hash_destroy(function->responseParameters); pefree(function->responseParameters, persistent); } if (function->faults) { zend_hash_destroy(function->faults); pefree(function->faults, persistent); } if (function->bindingAttributes && function->binding && function->binding->bindingType == BINDING_SOAP) { sdlSoapBindingFunctionPtr soapFunction = function->bindingAttributes; if (soapFunction->soapAction) { pefree(soapFunction->soapAction, persistent); } delete_sdl_soap_binding_function_body(soapFunction->input, persistent); delete_sdl_soap_binding_function_body(soapFunction->output, persistent); pefree(soapFunction, persistent); } pefree(function, persistent); } static void delete_function(zval *zv) { delete_function_ex(zv, false); } static void delete_function_persistent(zval *zv) { delete_function_ex(zv, true); } static void delete_parameter_ex(zval *zv, bool persistent) { sdlParamPtr param = Z_PTR_P(zv); if (param->paramName) { pefree(param->paramName, persistent); } pefree(param, persistent); } static void delete_parameter(zval *zv) { delete_parameter_ex(zv, false); } static void delete_parameter_persistent(zval *zv) { delete_parameter_ex(zv, true); } static void delete_header_int_ex(sdlSoapBindingFunctionHeaderPtr hdr, bool persistent) { if (hdr->name) { pefree(hdr->name, persistent); } if (hdr->ns) { pefree(hdr->ns, persistent); } if (hdr->headerfaults) { zend_hash_destroy(hdr->headerfaults); pefree(hdr->headerfaults, persistent); } pefree(hdr, persistent); } static void delete_header_int(sdlSoapBindingFunctionHeaderPtr hdr) { delete_header_int_ex(hdr, false); } static void delete_header(zval *zv) { sdlSoapBindingFunctionHeaderPtr hdr = Z_PTR_P(zv); delete_header_int_ex(hdr, false); } static void delete_header_persistent(zval *zv) { sdlSoapBindingFunctionHeaderPtr hdr = Z_PTR_P(zv); delete_header_int_ex(hdr, true); } static void delete_fault_ex(zval *zv, bool persistent) { sdlFaultPtr fault = Z_PTR_P(zv); if (fault->name) { pefree(fault->name, persistent); } if (fault->details) { zend_hash_destroy(fault->details); pefree(fault->details, persistent); } if (fault->bindingAttributes) { sdlSoapBindingFunctionFaultPtr binding = (sdlSoapBindingFunctionFaultPtr)fault->bindingAttributes; if (binding->ns) { pefree(binding->ns, persistent); } pefree(fault->bindingAttributes, persistent); } pefree(fault, persistent); } static void delete_fault(zval *zv) { delete_fault_ex(zv, false); } static void delete_fault_persistent(zval *zv) { delete_fault_ex(zv, true); } static void delete_document(zval *zv) { xmlDocPtr doc = Z_PTR_P(zv); xmlFreeDoc(doc); }