--TEST-- SNMPv3 Support (errors) --CREDITS-- Boris Lytochkin --EXTENSIONS-- snmp --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- getMessage() . \PHP_EOL; } try { var_dump(snmp3_get($hostname, $community, 'bugusPriv', '', '', '', '', '.')); } catch (\ValueError $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . \PHP_EOL; } try { var_dump(snmp3_get($hostname, $community, 'authNoPriv', 'TTT', '', '', '', '.')); } catch (\ValueError $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . \PHP_EOL; } var_dump(snmp3_get($hostname, $community, 'authNoPriv', 'MD5', '', '', '', '.')); var_dump(snmp3_get($hostname, $community, 'authNoPriv', 'MD5', 'te', '', '', '.')); try { var_dump(snmp3_get($hostname, $community, 'authPriv', 'MD5', $auth_pass, 'BBB', '', '.')); } catch (\ValueError $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . \PHP_EOL; } var_dump(snmp3_get($hostname, $community, 'authPriv', 'MD5', $auth_pass, 'AES', '', '.')); var_dump(snmp3_get($hostname, $community, 'authPriv', 'MD5', $auth_pass, 'AES', 'ty', '.')); var_dump(snmp3_get($hostname, 'somebogususer', 'authPriv', 'MD5', $auth_pass, 'AES', $priv_pass, '.', $timeout, $retries)); var_dump(snmp3_set($hostname, $rwuser, 'authPriv', 'MD5', $auth_pass, 'AES', $priv_pass, '.', 's', 'ttt', $timeout, $retries)); try { var_dump(snmp3_set($hostname, $rwuser, 'authPriv', 'MD5', $auth_pass, 'AES', $priv_pass, '.', array('s'), 'yyy', $timeout, $retries)); } catch (\TypeError $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . \PHP_EOL; } ?> --EXPECTF-- Checking error handling Security level must be one of "noAuthNoPriv", "authNoPriv", or "authPriv" Security level must be one of "noAuthNoPriv", "authNoPriv", or "authPriv" Authentication protocol must be %s Warning: snmp3_get(): Error generating a key for authentication pass phrase '': Generic error (The supplied password length is too short.) in %s on line %d bool(false) Warning: snmp3_get(): Error generating a key for authentication pass phrase 'te': Generic error (The supplied password length is too short.) in %s on line %d bool(false) Security protocol must be one of "DES", "AES128", or "AES" Warning: snmp3_get(): Error generating a key for privacy pass phrase '': Generic error (The supplied password length is too short.) in %s on line %d bool(false) Warning: snmp3_get(): Error generating a key for privacy pass phrase 'ty': Generic error (The supplied password length is too short.) in %s on line %d bool(false) Warning: snmp3_get(): Fatal error: Unknown user name in %s on line %d bool(false) Warning: snmp3_set(): Invalid object identifier: . in %s on line %d bool(false) Type must be of type string when object ID is a string