--TEST-- Test ReflectionMethod::getClosure() function : error functionality --FILE-- bar ); } } // Initialize classes $class = new ReflectionClass( 'Example' ); $staticclass = new ReflectionClass( 'StaticExample' ); $method = $class->getMethod( 'foo' ); $staticmethod = $staticclass->getMethod( 'foo' ); $object = new Example(); $fakeobj = new StdClass(); echo "\n-- Testing ReflectionMethod::getClosure() function with invalid object --\n"; try { var_dump( $method->getClosure( $fakeobj ) ); } catch( Exception $e ) { var_dump( $e->getMessage() ); } ?> --EXPECT-- *** Testing ReflectionMethod::getClosure() : error conditions *** -- Testing ReflectionMethod::getClosure() function with invalid object -- string(72) "Given object is not an instance of the class this method was declared in"