--TEST-- openssl_seal() tests --EXTENSIONS-- openssl --FILE-- getMessage() . \PHP_EOL; } // tests with cert $data = "openssl_open() test"; $pub_key = "file://" . __DIR__ . "/public.key"; $wrong = "wrong"; var_dump(openssl_seal($data, $sealed, $ekeys, array($pub_key), $method)); // no output var_dump(openssl_seal($data, $sealed, $ekeys, array($pub_key, $pub_key), $method)); // no output var_dump(openssl_seal($data, $sealed, $ekeys, array($pub_key, $wrong), $method)); try { var_dump(openssl_seal($data, $sealed, $ekeys, array(), $method)); } catch (\ValueError $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . \PHP_EOL; } var_dump(openssl_seal($data, $sealed, $ekeys, array($wrong), $method)); ?> --EXPECTF-- Warning: openssl_seal(): Not a public key (1th member of pubkeys) in %s on line %d bool(false) openssl_seal(): Argument #4 ($public_key) cannot be empty int(32) int(32) Warning: openssl_seal(): Not a public key (2th member of pubkeys) in %s on line %d bool(false) openssl_seal(): Argument #4 ($public_key) cannot be empty Warning: openssl_seal(): Not a public key (1th member of pubkeys) in %s on line %d bool(false)