/* * "streamable kanji code filter and converter" * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 HappySize, Inc. All rights reserved. * * LICENSE NOTICES * * This file is part of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", * which is distributed under the terms of GNU Lesser General Public * License (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with "streamable kanji code filter and converter"; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * The author of this file: * */ /* * The source code included in this files was separated from mbfilter.c * by moriyoshi koizumi on 4 dec 2002. * */ #include "mbfilter.h" #include "mbfilter_uuencode.h" static size_t mb_uuencode_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state); static void mb_wchar_to_uuencode(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end); const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_uuencode = { mbfl_no_encoding_uuencode, "UUENCODE", "x-uuencode", NULL, NULL, MBFL_ENCTYPE_SBCS, NULL, NULL, mb_uuencode_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_uuencode, NULL, NULL, }; const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_uuencode_8bit = { mbfl_no_encoding_uuencode, mbfl_no_encoding_8bit, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_uudec, mbfl_filt_conv_common_flush, NULL, }; #define CK(statement) do { if ((statement) < 0) return (-1); } while (0) #define UUDEC(c) (char)(((c)-' ') & 077) static const char *uuenc_begin_text = "begin "; enum { uudec_state_ground=0, uudec_state_inbegin, uudec_state_until_newline, uudec_state_size, uudec_state_a, uudec_state_b, uudec_state_c, uudec_state_d, uudec_state_skip_newline }; int mbfl_filt_conv_uudec(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int n; switch(filter->status) { case uudec_state_ground: /* looking for "begin 0666 filename\n" line */ if (filter->cache == 0 && c == 'b') { filter->status = uudec_state_inbegin; filter->cache = 1; /* move to 'e' */ } else if (c == '\n') filter->cache = 0; else filter->cache++; break; case uudec_state_inbegin: if (uuenc_begin_text[filter->cache++] != c) { /* doesn't match pattern */ filter->status = uudec_state_ground; break; } if (filter->cache == 5) { /* that's good enough - wait for a newline */ filter->status = uudec_state_until_newline; filter->cache = 0; } break; case uudec_state_until_newline: if (c == '\n') filter->status = uudec_state_size; break; case uudec_state_size: /* get "size" byte */ n = UUDEC(c); filter->cache = n << 24; filter->status = uudec_state_a; break; case uudec_state_a: /* get "a" byte */ n = UUDEC(c); filter->cache |= (n << 16); filter->status = uudec_state_b; break; case uudec_state_b: /* get "b" byte */ n = UUDEC(c); filter->cache |= (n << 8); filter->status = uudec_state_c; break; case uudec_state_c: /* get "c" byte */ n = UUDEC(c); filter->cache |= n; filter->status = uudec_state_d; break; case uudec_state_d: /* get "d" byte */ { int A, B, C, D = UUDEC(c); A = (filter->cache >> 16) & 0xff; B = (filter->cache >> 8) & 0xff; C = (filter->cache) & 0xff; n = (filter->cache >> 24) & 0xff; if (n-- > 0) CK((*filter->output_function)( (A << 2) | (B >> 4), filter->data)); if (n-- > 0) CK((*filter->output_function)( (B << 4) | (C >> 2), filter->data)); if (n-- > 0) CK((*filter->output_function)( (C << 6) | D, filter->data)); if (n < 0) n = 0; filter->cache = n << 24; if (n == 0) filter->status = uudec_state_skip_newline; /* skip next byte (newline) */ else filter->status = uudec_state_a; /* go back to fetch "A" byte */ } break; case uudec_state_skip_newline: /* skip newline */ filter->status = uudec_state_size; } return 0; } /* Using mbstring to decode UUEncoded text is already deprecated * However, to facilitate the move to the new, faster internal conversion interface, * We will temporarily implement it for UUEncode */ static size_t mb_uuencode_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { ZEND_ASSERT(bufsize >= 3); unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize; unsigned int _state = *state & 0xFF; unsigned int size = *state >> 8; while (p < e && (limit - out) >= 3) { unsigned char c = *p++; switch (_state) { case uudec_state_ground: if (c == 'b') { if ((e - p) >= 5 && memcmp(p, uuenc_begin_text+1, 5) == 0) { p += 5; while (p < e && *p++ != '\n'); /* Consume everything up to newline */ _state = uudec_state_size; } /* We didn't find "begin " */ } break; case uudec_state_size: size = UUDEC(c); _state = uudec_state_a; break; case uudec_state_a: if ((e - p) < 4) { p = e; break; } unsigned int a = UUDEC(c); unsigned int b = UUDEC(*p++); unsigned int c = UUDEC(*p++); unsigned int d = UUDEC(*p++); if (size > 0) { *out++ = ((a << 2) | (b >> 4)) & 0xFF; size--; } if (size > 0) { *out++ = ((b << 4) | (c >> 2)) & 0xFF; size--; } if (size > 0) { *out++ = ((c << 6) | d) & 0xFF; size--; } _state = size ? uudec_state_a : uudec_state_skip_newline; break; case uudec_state_skip_newline: _state = uudec_state_size; break; } } *state = (size << 8) | _state; *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } static unsigned char uuencode_six_bits(unsigned int bits) { if (bits == 0) { return '`'; } else { return bits + 32; } } static void mb_wchar_to_uuencode(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); /* Every 3 bytes of input gets encoded as 4 bytes of output * Additionally, we have a 'length' byte and a newline for each line of output * (Maximum 45 input bytes can be encoded on a single output line) * Make space for two more bytes in case we start close to where a line must end, * and another two if there are cached bits remaining from the previous call */ MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, ((len + 2) * 4 / 3) + (((len + 44) / 45) * 2) + (buf->state ? 0 : sizeof("begin 0644 filename\n")) + 4); unsigned int bytes_encoded = (buf->state >> 1) & 0x7F; /* UUEncode naturally wants to process input bytes in groups of 3, but * our buffer size may not be a multiple of 3 * So there may be data from the previous call which we need to flush out */ unsigned int n_cached_bits = (buf->state >> 8) & 0xFF; unsigned int cached_bits = buf->state >> 16; if (!buf->state) { for (char *s = "begin 0644 filename\n"; *s; s++) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, *s); } out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, MIN(len, 45) + 32); buf->state |= 1; } else if (!len && end && !bytes_encoded && !n_cached_bits) { /* Corner case: under EXTREMELY rare circumstances, it's possible that the * final call to this conversion function will happen with an empty input * buffer, leaving an unwanted trailing len byte in the output buffer. */ buf->out--; return; } else { /* UUEncode starts each line with a byte which indicates how many bytes * are encoded on the line * This can create a problem, since we receive the incoming data one buffer * at a time, and there is no requirement that the buffers should be aligned * with line boundaries * So if a previous line was cut off, we need to go back and fix up * the preceding len byte */ unsigned char *len_byte = out - (bytes_encoded * 4 / 3) - 1; if (n_cached_bits) { len_byte -= (n_cached_bits == 2) ? 1 : 2; } *len_byte = MIN(bytes_encoded + len + (n_cached_bits ? (n_cached_bits == 2 ? 1 : 2) : 0), 45) + 32; if (n_cached_bits) { /* Flush out bits which remained from previous call */ if (n_cached_bits == 2) { uint32_t w = cached_bits; uint32_t w2 = 0, w3 = 0; if (len) { w2 = *in++; len--; } if (len) { w3 = *in++; len--; } out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, uuencode_six_bits((w << 4) + ((w2 >> 4) & 0xF)), uuencode_six_bits(((w2 & 0xF) << 2) + ((w3 >> 6) & 0x3)), uuencode_six_bits(w3 & 0x3F)); } else { uint32_t w2 = cached_bits; uint32_t w3 = 0; if (len) { w3 = *in++; len--; } out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, uuencode_six_bits((w2 << 2) + ((w3 >> 6) & 0x3)), uuencode_six_bits(w3 & 0x3F)); } n_cached_bits = cached_bits = 0; goto possible_line_break; } } while (len--) { uint32_t w = *in++; uint32_t w2 = 0, w3 = 0; if (!len) { if (!end) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, uuencode_six_bits((w >> 2) & 0x3F)); /* Cache 2 remaining bits from 'w' */ cached_bits = w & 0x3; n_cached_bits = 2; break; } } else { w2 = *in++; len--; } if (!len) { if (!end) { out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, uuencode_six_bits((w >> 2) & 0x3F), uuencode_six_bits(((w & 0x3) << 4) + ((w2 >> 4) & 0xF))); /* Cache 4 remaining bits from 'w2' */ cached_bits = w2 & 0xF; n_cached_bits = 4; break; } } else { w3 = *in++; len--; } out = mb_convert_buf_add4(out, uuencode_six_bits((w >> 2) & 0x3F), uuencode_six_bits(((w & 0x3) << 4) + ((w2 >> 4) & 0xF)), uuencode_six_bits(((w2 & 0xF) << 2) + ((w3 >> 6) & 0x3)), uuencode_six_bits(w3 & 0x3F)); possible_line_break: bytes_encoded += 3; if (bytes_encoded >= 45) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, '\n'); if (len || !end) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, MIN(len, 45) + 32); } bytes_encoded = 0; } } if (bytes_encoded && end) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, '\n'); } buf->state = ((cached_bits & 0xFF) << 16) | ((n_cached_bits & 0xFF) << 8) | ((bytes_encoded & 0x7F) << 1) | (buf->state & 1); MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); }