--TEST-- GH-16041 001: Stack overflow in phpdbg --SKIPIF-- --INI-- zend.max_allowed_stack_size=512K --PHPDBG-- set pagination off run continue quit --FILE-- --EXPECTF-- [Successful compilation of %sgh16041_001.php] prompt> prompt> [Uncaught Error in %s on line %d: Maximum call stack size of %d bytes%s >00005: new Canary(); 00006: } 00007: } prompt> [Uncaught Error in %s on line %d] Error: Maximum call stack size of %d bytes (zend.max_allowed_stack_size - zend.reserved_stack_size) reached. Infinite recursion? in %s:%d Stack trace: #0 %s(%d): Canary->__destruct() %a prompt>