--TEST-- Casting color and opacity to pixel --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- newImage(100, 100, "red"); $im->tintImage("red", "gray(50%)"); echo "Casting color and opacity succeeded\n"; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Casting color and opacity failed: " , $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; } try { $im = new Imagick(); $pixel = new ImagickPixel("red"); $strengthPixel = new ImagickPixel("gray"); $im->newImage(100, 100, $pixel); $im->tintImage($pixel, $strengthPixel); echo "Setting color and opacity without cast succeeded\n"; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Setting color and opacity without cast failed: " , $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; } ?> --EXPECTF-- --- Testing casts Casting color and opacity succeeded Setting color and opacity without cast succeeded