0 : Flags * 'byRef' => false : Whether hook returns by reference * 'params' => array(): Parameters * 'attrGroups' => array(): PHP attribute groups * @param array $attributes Additional attributes */ public function __construct($name, $body, array $subNodes = [], array $attributes = []) { $this->attributes = $attributes; $this->name = \is_string($name) ? new Identifier($name) : $name; $this->body = $body; $this->flags = $subNodes['flags'] ?? 0; $this->byRef = $subNodes['byRef'] ?? false; $this->params = $subNodes['params'] ?? []; $this->attrGroups = $subNodes['attrGroups'] ?? []; } public function returnsByRef(): bool { return $this->byRef; } public function getParams(): array { return $this->params; } public function getReturnType() { return null; } /** * Whether the property hook is final. */ public function isFinal(): bool { return (bool) ($this->flags & Modifiers::FINAL); } public function getStmts(): ?array { if ($this->body instanceof Expr) { $name = $this->name->toLowerString(); if ($name === 'get') { return [new Return_($this->body)]; } if ($name === 'set') { if (!$this->hasAttribute('propertyName')) { throw new \LogicException( 'Can only use getStmts() on a "set" hook if the "propertyName" attribute is set'); } $propName = $this->getAttribute('propertyName'); $prop = new PropertyFetch(new Variable('this'), (string) $propName); return [new Expression(new Assign($prop, $this->body))]; } throw new \LogicException('Unknown property hook "' . $name . '"'); } return $this->body; } public function getAttrGroups(): array { return $this->attrGroups; } public function getType(): string { return 'PropertyHook'; } public function getSubNodeNames(): array { return ['attrGroups', 'flags', 'byRef', 'name', 'params', 'body']; } }