--TEST-- Test debug_zval_dump() function : basic operations --INI-- precision=14 opcache.enable=0 --FILE-- "is_array", 1 => 'One'), array(0), array(-1), array(10.5, 5.6), array("string", "test"), array('string', 'test'), /* resources */ $file_handle ); /* loop to display the variables and its reference count using debug_zval_dump() */ $counter = 1; foreach( $values as $value ) { echo "-- Iteration $counter --\n"; debug_zval_dump( $value ); $counter++; } /* closing resource handle */ fclose($file_handle); echo "Done\n"; ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing debug_zval_dump() on scalar and non-scalar variables *** -- Iteration 1 -- int(0) -- Iteration 2 -- int(83) -- Iteration 3 -- int(123000000) -- Iteration 4 -- int(-83) -- Iteration 5 -- int(-12300000) -- Iteration 6 -- int(16777215) -- Iteration 7 -- int(123456789) -- Iteration 8 -- int(1) -- Iteration 9 -- int(-1) -- Iteration 10 -- float(-0) -- Iteration 11 -- float(0) -- Iteration 12 -- float(1.234) -- Iteration 13 -- float(-1.234) -- Iteration 14 -- float(-2) -- Iteration 15 -- float(2) -- Iteration 16 -- float(-400010) -- Iteration 17 -- float(400010) -- Iteration 18 -- float(6.99999989) -- Iteration 19 -- float(-0.5) -- Iteration 20 -- float(0.567) -- Iteration 21 -- float(-0.00067) -- Iteration 22 -- float(-670) -- Iteration 23 -- float(1.0E-5) -- Iteration 24 -- float(-100000) -- Iteration 25 -- float(100000) -- Iteration 26 -- float(1.0E-5) -- Iteration 27 -- string(0) "" interned -- Iteration 28 -- string(0) "" interned -- Iteration 29 -- string(1) " " interned -- Iteration 30 -- string(1) " " interned -- Iteration 31 -- string(1) "0" interned -- Iteration 32 -- string(1) "%0" interned -- Iteration 33 -- string(2) "\0" interned -- Iteration 34 -- string(1) " " interned -- Iteration 35 -- string(2) "\t" interned -- Iteration 36 -- string(3) "PHP" interned -- Iteration 37 -- string(3) "PHP" interned -- Iteration 38 -- string(34) "1234 5678 9100 abcda%000cdeh%0stuv" interned -- Iteration 39 -- bool(true) -- Iteration 40 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 41 -- bool(true) -- Iteration 42 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 43 -- array(0) interned { } -- Iteration 44 -- array(1) refcount(%d){ [0]=> NULL } -- Iteration 45 -- array(1) refcount(%d){ [0]=> bool(true) } -- Iteration 46 -- array(1) refcount(%d){ [0]=> string(0) "" interned } -- Iteration 47 -- array(1) refcount(%d){ [0]=> string(0) "" interned } -- Iteration 48 -- array(2) refcount(%d){ [0]=> array(2) refcount(%d){ [0]=> int(1) [1]=> int(2) } [1]=> array(2) refcount(%d){ [0]=> string(1) "a" interned [1]=> string(1) "b" interned } } -- Iteration 49 -- array(2) refcount(%d){ ["test"]=> string(8) "is_array" refcount(%d) [1]=> string(3) "One" refcount(%d) } -- Iteration 50 -- array(1) refcount(%d){ [0]=> int(0) } -- Iteration 51 -- array(1) refcount(%d){ [0]=> int(-1) } -- Iteration 52 -- array(2) refcount(%d){ [0]=> float(10.5) [1]=> float(5.6) } -- Iteration 53 -- array(2) refcount(%d){ [0]=> string(6) "string" refcount(%d) [1]=> string(4) "test" refcount(%d) } -- Iteration 54 -- array(2) refcount(%d){ [0]=> string(6) "string" refcount(%d) [1]=> string(4) "test" refcount(%d) } -- Iteration 55 -- resource(%d) of type (stream) refcount(%d) Done