--TEST-- Directory class behaviour. --FILE-- read()); } catch (\Error $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } ?> --EXPECTF-- Structure of Directory class: Class [ class Directory ] { - Constants [0] { } - Static properties [0] { } - Static methods [0] { } - Properties [2] { Property [ public readonly string $path ] Property [ public readonly mixed $handle ] } - Methods [3] { Method [ public method close ] { - Parameters [0] { } - Tentative return [ void ] } Method [ public method rewind ] { - Parameters [0] { } - Tentative return [ void ] } Method [ public method read ] { - Parameters [0] { } - Tentative return [ string|false ] } } } Cannot instantiate a valid Directory directly: object(Directory)#%d (0) { ["path"]=> uninitialized(string) ["handle"]=> uninitialized(mixed) } Unable to find my handle property