--TEST-- Test readdir() function : usage variations - different file names --FILE-- $input) { echo "\n-- Iteration $iterator --\n"; $handle = "fp{$iterator}"; var_dump( $$handle = fopen(@"$dir_path$input.tmp", 'w') ); var_dump( fwrite($$handle, $key)); fclose($$handle); $iterator++; }; echo "\n-- Call to readdir() --\n"; $dir_handle = opendir($dir_path); while(FALSE !== ($file = readdir($dir_handle))){ // different OS order files differently so will // store file names into an array so can use sorted in expected output $contents[] = $file; // remove files while going through directory @unlink($dir_path . $file); } // more important to check that all contents are present than order they are returned in sort($contents); var_dump($contents); closedir($dir_handle); ?> --CLEAN-- --EXPECTF-- *** Testing readdir() : usage variations *** -- Iteration 1 -- resource(%d) of type (stream) int(1) -- Iteration 2 -- resource(%d) of type (stream) int(1) -- Iteration 3 -- resource(%d) of type (stream) int(1) -- Iteration 4 -- resource(%d) of type (stream) int(1) -- Iteration 5 -- resource(%d) of type (stream) int(1) -- Iteration 6 -- resource(%d) of type (stream) int(1) -- Iteration 7 -- resource(%d) of type (stream) int(1) -- Iteration 8 -- resource(%d) of type (stream) int(1) -- Iteration 9 -- resource(%d) of type (stream) int(1) -- Iteration 10 -- resource(%d) of type (stream) int(1) -- Iteration 11 -- resource(%d) of type (stream) int(2) -- Iteration 12 -- resource(%d) of type (stream) int(2) -- Iteration 13 -- resource(%d) of type (stream) int(2) -- Iteration 14 -- resource(%d) of type (stream) int(2) -- Call to readdir() -- array(16) { [0]=> string(9) "-10.5.tmp" [1]=> string(9) "-2345.tmp" [2]=> string(1) "." [3]=> string(2) ".." [4]=> string(4) ".tmp" [5]=> string(7) "0.5.tmp" [6]=> string(5) "0.tmp" [7]=> string(17) "1.23456789E-9.tmp" [8]=> string(5) "1.tmp" [9]=> string(8) "10.5.tmp" [10]=> string(9) "12345.tmp" [11]=> string(16) "123456789000.tmp" [12]=> string(9) "Array.tmp" [13]=> string(15) "double_file.tmp" [14]=> string(11) "hd_file.tmp" [15]=> string(15) "single_file.tmp" }