--TEST-- Test array_sum() function : usage variations - 'input' array with unexpected values as array element --FILE-- value = $value; } } // array of objects $input = array( new MyClass(2), new MyClass(5), new MyClass(10), new MyClass(0) ); echo "-- array with object values --\n"; var_dump( array_sum($input) ); // Mixed values $input = array( 5, -8, 7.2, -1.2, "10", "apple", 'Mango', true, false, null, NULL, array( array(1,2), array(0), array())); echo "-- array with mixed values --\n"; var_dump( array_sum($input) ); echo "Done" ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing array_sum() : array with unexpected entries *** -- array with string values -- Warning: array_sum(): Addition is not supported on type string in %s on line %d Warning: array_sum(): Addition is not supported on type string in %s on line %d Warning: array_sum(): Addition is not supported on type string in %s on line %d Warning: array_sum(): Addition is not supported on type string in %s on line %d Warning: array_sum(): Addition is not supported on type string in %s on line %d int(0) -- array with bool values -- int(3) -- array with null values -- int(0) -- array with subarrays -- Warning: array_sum(): Addition is not supported on type array in %s on line %d Warning: array_sum(): Addition is not supported on type array in %s on line %d Warning: array_sum(): Addition is not supported on type array in %s on line %d int(0) -- array with object values -- Warning: array_sum(): Addition is not supported on type MyClass in %s on line %d Warning: array_sum(): Addition is not supported on type MyClass in %s on line %d Warning: array_sum(): Addition is not supported on type MyClass in %s on line %d Warning: array_sum(): Addition is not supported on type MyClass in %s on line %d int(0) -- array with mixed values -- Warning: array_sum(): Addition is not supported on type string in %s on line %d Warning: array_sum(): Addition is not supported on type string in %s on line %d Warning: array_sum(): Addition is not supported on type array in %s on line %d float(14) Done