/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | https://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Tim Düsterhus | | | | Based on code from: Frédéric Goualard | | Corrected to handled appropriately random integers larger than 2^53 | | converted to double precision floats, and to avoid overflows for | | large gammas. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "php.h" #include "php_random.h" #include /* This file implements the γ-section algorithm as published in: * * Drawing Random Floating-Point Numbers from an Interval. Frédéric * Goualard, ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul., 32:3, 2022. * https://doi.org/10.1145/3503512 */ static double gamma_low(double x) { return x - nextafter(x, -DBL_MAX); } static double gamma_high(double x) { return nextafter(x, DBL_MAX) - x; } static double gamma_max(double x, double y) { return (fabs(x) > fabs(y)) ? gamma_high(x) : gamma_low(y); } static void splitint64(uint64_t v, double *vhi, double *vlo) { *vhi = v >> 2; *vlo = v & UINT64_C(0x3); } static uint64_t ceilint(double a, double b, double g) { double s = b / g - a / g; double e; if (fabs(a) <= fabs(b)) { e = -a / g - (s - b / g); } else { e = b / g - (s + a / g); } double si = ceil(s); return (s != si) ? (uint64_t)si : (uint64_t)si + (e > 0); } PHPAPI double php_random_gammasection_closed_open(const php_random_algo *algo, php_random_status *status, double min, double max) { double g = gamma_max(min, max); uint64_t hi = ceilint(min, max, g); if (UNEXPECTED(max <= min || hi < 1)) { return NAN; } uint64_t k = 1 + php_random_range64(algo, status, hi - 1); /* [1, hi] */ if (fabs(min) <= fabs(max)) { if (k == hi) { return min; } else { double k_hi, k_lo; splitint64(k, &k_hi, &k_lo); return 0x1p+2 * (max * 0x1p-2 - k_hi * g) - k_lo * g; } } else { double k_hi, k_lo; splitint64(k - 1, &k_hi, &k_lo); return 0x1p+2 * (min * 0x1p-2 + k_hi * g) + k_lo * g; } } PHPAPI double php_random_gammasection_closed_closed(const php_random_algo *algo, php_random_status *status, double min, double max) { double g = gamma_max(min, max); uint64_t hi = ceilint(min, max, g); if (UNEXPECTED(max < min)) { return NAN; } uint64_t k = php_random_range64(algo, status, hi); /* [0, hi] */ if (fabs(min) <= fabs(max)) { if (k == hi) { return min; } else { double k_hi, k_lo; splitint64(k, &k_hi, &k_lo); return 0x1p+2 * (max * 0x1p-2 - k_hi * g) - k_lo * g; } } else { if (k == hi) { return max; } else { double k_hi, k_lo; splitint64(k, &k_hi, &k_lo); return 0x1p+2 * (min * 0x1p-2 + k_hi * g) + k_lo * g; } } } PHPAPI double php_random_gammasection_open_closed(const php_random_algo *algo, php_random_status *status, double min, double max) { double g = gamma_max(min, max); uint64_t hi = ceilint(min, max, g); if (UNEXPECTED(max <= min || hi < 1)) { return NAN; } uint64_t k = php_random_range64(algo, status, hi - 1); /* [0, hi - 1] */ if (fabs(min) <= fabs(max)) { double k_hi, k_lo; splitint64(k, &k_hi, &k_lo); return 0x1p+2 * (max * 0x1p-2 - k_hi * g) - k_lo * g; } else { if (k == (hi - 1)) { return max; } else { double k_hi, k_lo; splitint64(k + 1, &k_hi, &k_lo); return 0x1p+2 * (min * 0x1p-2 + k_hi * g) + k_lo * g; } } } PHPAPI double php_random_gammasection_open_open(const php_random_algo *algo, php_random_status *status, double min, double max) { double g = gamma_max(min, max); uint64_t hi = ceilint(min, max, g); if (UNEXPECTED(max <= min || hi < 2)) { return NAN; } uint64_t k = 1 + php_random_range64(algo, status, hi - 2); /* [1, hi - 1] */ if (fabs(min) <= fabs(max)) { double k_hi, k_lo; splitint64(k, &k_hi, &k_lo); return 0x1p+2 * (max * 0x1p-2 - k_hi * g) - k_lo * g; } else { double k_hi, k_lo; splitint64(k, &k_hi, &k_lo); return 0x1p+2 * (min * 0x1p-2 + k_hi * g) + k_lo * g; } }