--TEST-- PDO PgSQL pgsqlCopyFromArray and pgsqlCopyFromFile --EXTENSIONS-- pdo pdo_pgsql --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES, false); $db->exec('CREATE TABLE test_copy_from (a integer not null primary key, b text, c integer)'); echo "Preparing test file and array for CopyFrom tests\n"; $tableRows = array(); $tableRowsWithDifferentNullValues = array(); for($i=0;$i<3;$i++) { $firstParameter = $i; $secondParameter = "test insert {$i}"; $tableRows[] = "{$firstParameter}\t{$secondParameter}\t\\N"; $tableRowsWithDifferentNullValues[] = "{$firstParameter};{$secondParameter};NULL"; $tableRowsWithDifferentNullValuesAndSelectedFields[] = "{$firstParameter};NULL"; } $filename = 'test_pgsqlCopyFromFile.csv'; $filenameWithDifferentNullValues = 'test_pgsqlCopyFromFileWithDifferentNullValues.csv'; $filenameWithDifferentNullValuesAndSelectedFields = 'test_pgsqlCopyFromFileWithDifferentNullValuesAndSelectedFields.csv'; file_put_contents($filename, implode("\n",$tableRows)); file_put_contents($filenameWithDifferentNullValues, implode("\n",$tableRowsWithDifferentNullValues)); file_put_contents($filenameWithDifferentNullValuesAndSelectedFields, implode("\n",$tableRowsWithDifferentNullValuesAndSelectedFields)); echo "Testing pgsqlCopyFromArray() with default parameters\n"; $db->beginTransaction(); var_dump($db->pgsqlCopyFromArray('test_copy_from',$tableRows)); $stmt = $db->query("select * from test_copy_from"); foreach($stmt as $r) { var_dump($r); } $db->rollback(); echo "Testing pgsqlCopyFromArray() with different field separator and not null indicator\n"; $db->beginTransaction(); var_dump($db->pgsqlCopyFromArray('test_copy_from',$tableRowsWithDifferentNullValues,";","NULL")); $stmt = $db->query("select * from test_copy_from"); foreach($stmt as $r) { var_dump($r); } $db->rollback(); echo "Testing pgsqlCopyFromArray() with only selected fields\n"; $db->beginTransaction(); var_dump($db->pgsqlCopyFromArray('test_copy_from',$tableRowsWithDifferentNullValuesAndSelectedFields,";","NULL",'a,c')); $stmt = $db->query("select * from test_copy_from"); foreach($stmt as $r) { var_dump($r); } $db->rollback(); echo "Testing pgsqlCopyFromArray() with error\n"; $db->beginTransaction(); try { var_dump($db->pgsqlCopyFromArray('test_error',$tableRowsWithDifferentNullValuesAndSelectedFields,";","NULL",'a,c')); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Exception: {$e->getMessage()}\n"; } $db->rollback(); echo "Testing pgsqlCopyFromFile() with default parameters\n"; $db->beginTransaction(); var_dump($db->pgsqlCopyFromFile('test_copy_from',$filename)); $stmt = $db->query("select * from test_copy_from"); foreach($stmt as $r) { var_dump($r); } $db->rollback(); echo "Testing pgsqlCopyFromFile() with different field separator and not null indicator\n"; $db->beginTransaction(); var_dump($db->pgsqlCopyFromFile('test_copy_from',$filenameWithDifferentNullValues,";","NULL")); $stmt = $db->query("select * from test_copy_from"); foreach($stmt as $r) { var_dump($r); } $db->rollback(); echo "Testing pgsqlCopyFromFile() with only selected fields\n"; $db->beginTransaction(); var_dump($db->pgsqlCopyFromFile('test_copy_from',$filenameWithDifferentNullValuesAndSelectedFields,";","NULL",'a,c')); $stmt = $db->query("select * from test_copy_from"); foreach($stmt as $r) { var_dump($r); } $db->rollback(); echo "Testing pgsqlCopyFromFile() with error\n"; $db->beginTransaction(); try { var_dump($db->pgsqlCopyFromFile('test_error',$filenameWithDifferentNullValuesAndSelectedFields,";","NULL",'a,c')); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Exception: {$e->getMessage()}\n"; } $db->rollback(); echo "Testing pgsqlCopyFromFile() with non existing file\n"; $db->beginTransaction(); try { var_dump($db->pgsqlCopyFromFile('test_copy_from',"nonexisting/foo.csv",";","NULL",'a,c')); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Exception: {$e->getMessage()}\n"; } $db->rollback(); // Clean up foreach (array($filename, $filenameWithDifferentNullValues, $filenameWithDifferentNullValuesAndSelectedFields) as $f) { @unlink($f); } ?> --CLEAN-- query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_copy_from CASCADE'); ?> --EXPECTF-- Preparing test file and array for CopyFrom tests Testing pgsqlCopyFromArray() with default parameters bool(true) array(6) { ["a"]=> int(0) [0]=> int(0) ["b"]=> string(13) "test insert 0" [1]=> string(13) "test insert 0" ["c"]=> NULL [2]=> NULL } array(6) { ["a"]=> int(1) [0]=> int(1) ["b"]=> string(13) "test insert 1" [1]=> string(13) "test insert 1" ["c"]=> NULL [2]=> NULL } array(6) { ["a"]=> int(2) [0]=> int(2) ["b"]=> string(13) "test insert 2" [1]=> string(13) "test insert 2" ["c"]=> NULL [2]=> NULL } Testing pgsqlCopyFromArray() with different field separator and not null indicator bool(true) array(6) { ["a"]=> int(0) [0]=> int(0) ["b"]=> string(13) "test insert 0" [1]=> string(13) "test insert 0" ["c"]=> NULL [2]=> NULL } array(6) { ["a"]=> int(1) [0]=> int(1) ["b"]=> string(13) "test insert 1" [1]=> string(13) "test insert 1" ["c"]=> NULL [2]=> NULL } array(6) { ["a"]=> int(2) [0]=> int(2) ["b"]=> string(13) "test insert 2" [1]=> string(13) "test insert 2" ["c"]=> NULL [2]=> NULL } Testing pgsqlCopyFromArray() with only selected fields bool(true) array(6) { ["a"]=> int(0) [0]=> int(0) ["b"]=> NULL [1]=> NULL ["c"]=> NULL [2]=> NULL } array(6) { ["a"]=> int(1) [0]=> int(1) ["b"]=> NULL [1]=> NULL ["c"]=> NULL [2]=> NULL } array(6) { ["a"]=> int(2) [0]=> int(2) ["b"]=> NULL [1]=> NULL ["c"]=> NULL [2]=> NULL } Testing pgsqlCopyFromArray() with error Exception: SQLSTATE[42P01]: Undefined table: 7 %s: %stest_error%s Testing pgsqlCopyFromFile() with default parameters bool(true) array(6) { ["a"]=> int(0) [0]=> int(0) ["b"]=> string(13) "test insert 0" [1]=> string(13) "test insert 0" ["c"]=> NULL [2]=> NULL } array(6) { ["a"]=> int(1) [0]=> int(1) ["b"]=> string(13) "test insert 1" [1]=> string(13) "test insert 1" ["c"]=> NULL [2]=> NULL } array(6) { ["a"]=> int(2) [0]=> int(2) ["b"]=> string(13) "test insert 2" [1]=> string(13) "test insert 2" ["c"]=> NULL [2]=> NULL } Testing pgsqlCopyFromFile() with different field separator and not null indicator bool(true) array(6) { ["a"]=> int(0) [0]=> int(0) ["b"]=> string(13) "test insert 0" [1]=> string(13) "test insert 0" ["c"]=> NULL [2]=> NULL } array(6) { ["a"]=> int(1) [0]=> int(1) ["b"]=> string(13) "test insert 1" [1]=> string(13) "test insert 1" ["c"]=> NULL [2]=> NULL } array(6) { ["a"]=> int(2) [0]=> int(2) ["b"]=> string(13) "test insert 2" [1]=> string(13) "test insert 2" ["c"]=> NULL [2]=> NULL } Testing pgsqlCopyFromFile() with only selected fields bool(true) array(6) { ["a"]=> int(0) [0]=> int(0) ["b"]=> NULL [1]=> NULL ["c"]=> NULL [2]=> NULL } array(6) { ["a"]=> int(1) [0]=> int(1) ["b"]=> NULL [1]=> NULL ["c"]=> NULL [2]=> NULL } array(6) { ["a"]=> int(2) [0]=> int(2) ["b"]=> NULL [1]=> NULL ["c"]=> NULL [2]=> NULL } Testing pgsqlCopyFromFile() with error Exception: SQLSTATE[42P01]: Undefined table: 7 %s: %stest_error%s Testing pgsqlCopyFromFile() with non existing file Exception: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 7 Unable to open the file