--TEST-- MySQL PDO->prepare(), native PS --EXTENSIONS-- pdo_mysql --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- prepare($query); else $stmt = $db->prepare($query); if (is_array($error_info) && isset($error_info['prepare'])) { $tmp = $db->errorInfo(); if (isset($error_info['prepare']['sqlstate']) && ($error_info['prepare']['sqlstate'] !== $tmp[0])) { printf("[%03d] prepare() - expecting SQLSTATE '%s' got '%s'\n", $offset, $error_info['prepare']['sqlstate'], $tmp[0]); return false; } if (isset($error_info['prepare']['mysql']) && ($error_info['prepare']['mysql'] !== $tmp[1])) { printf("[%03d] prepare() - expecting MySQL Code '%s' got '%s'\n", $offset, $error_info['prepare']['mysql'], $tmp[0]); return false; } return false; } if (!is_object($stmt)) return false; if (is_null($input_params)) $input_params = array(); // 5.0.18, 5.1.14 @ 15 // printf("[%03d]\n", $offset); if ($suppress_warning || (is_array($error_info) && isset($error_info['execute']))) $ret = @$stmt->execute($input_params); else $ret = $stmt->execute($input_params); if (!is_bool($ret)) printf("[%03d] PDO::execute() should return a boolean value, got %s/%s\n", var_export($ret, true), $ret); $tmp = $stmt->errorInfo(); if (isset($tmp[1]) && ($tmp[1] == 2030)) { // Trying to hack around MySQL Server version dependent features // 2030 This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet return false; } if (is_array($error_info) && isset($error_info['execute'])) { if (isset($error_info['execute']['sqlstate']) && ($error_info['execute']['sqlstate'] !== $tmp[0])) { printf("[%03d] execute() - expecting SQLSTATE '%s' got '%s'\n", $offset, $error_info['execute']['sqlstate'], $tmp[0]); return false; } if (isset($error_info['execute']['mysql']) && ($error_info['execute']['mysql'] !== $tmp[1])) { printf("[%03d] execute() - expecting MySQL Code '%s' got '%s'\n", $offset, $error_info['execute']['mysql'], $tmp[0]); return false; } return false; } } catch (PDOException $e) { printf("[%03d] %s, [%s} %s\n", $offset, $e->getMessage(), $db->errorCode(), implode(' ', $db->errorInfo())); return false; } return $stmt; } try { $db->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_DIRECT_QUERY, 0); if (0 != $db->getAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_DIRECT_QUERY)) printf("[002] Unable to turn off emulated prepared statements\n"); try { prepex(3, $db, '', [], ['prepare' => ['sqlstate' => '42000']]); } catch (\ValueError $e) { echo $e->getMessage(), \PHP_EOL; } // lets be fair and do the most simple SELECT first $stmt = prepex(4, $db, 'SELECT 1 as "one"'); if (MySQLPDOTest::isPDOMySQLnd()) // native types - int $expected = array('one' => 1); else // always strings, like STRINGIFY flag $expected = array('one' => '1'); $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($row !== $expected) { printf("[004a] Expecting %s got %s\n", var_export($expected, true), var_export($row, true)); } prepex(5, $db, 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test'); prepex(6, $db, sprintf('CREATE TABLE test(id INT, label CHAR(255)) ENGINE=%s', PDO_MYSQL_TEST_ENGINE)); prepex(7, $db, "INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES(1, ':placeholder')"); $stmt = prepex(8, $db, 'SELECT label FROM test ORDER BY id ASC'); var_dump($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)); prepex(9, $db, 'DELETE FROM test'); prepex(10, $db, 'INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES(1, :placeholder)', array(':placeholder' => 'first row')); prepex(11, $db, 'INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES(2, :placeholder)', array(':placeholder' => 'second row')); $stmt = prepex(12, $db, 'SELECT label FROM test ORDER BY id ASC'); var_dump($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)); // Is PDO fun? $stmt = prepex(13, $db, 'SELECT label FROM test WHERE :placeholder > 1', array(':placeholder' => 'id')); var_dump($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)); for ($num_params = 2; $num_params < 100; $num_params++) { $params = array(':placeholder' => 'a'); for ($i = 1; $i < $num_params; $i++) { $params[str_repeat('a', $i)] = 'some data'; } prepex(16, $db, 'SELECT id, label FROM test WHERE label > :placeholder', $params, array('execute' => array('sqlstate' => 'HY093'))); } $stmt = prepex(16, $db, 'SELECT id, label FROM test WHERE :placeholder IS NOT NULL', array(':placeholder' => 1)); if (count(($tmp = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))) != 2) printf("[017] '1' IS NOT NULL evaluates to true, expecting two rows, got %d rows\n", $tmp); $stmt = prepex(18, $db, 'SELECT id, label FROM test WHERE :placeholder IS NULL', array(':placeholder' => 1)); if (count(($tmp = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))) != 0) printf("[019] '1' IS NOT NULL evaluates to true, expecting zero rows, got %d rows\n", $tmp); prepex(20, $db, 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test'); prepex(21, $db, 'CREATE TABLE test(id INT, label CHAR(255)) ENGINE=MyISAM'); // Not every MySQL Server version supports this if (is_object(prepex(22, $db, 'CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX idx1 ON test(label)', null, null, true))) { prepex(23, $db, 'INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES (1, :placeholder)', array(':placeholder' => 'MySQL is the best database in the world!')); prepex(24, $db, 'INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES (2, :placeholder)', array(':placeholder' => 'If I have the freedom to choose, I would always go again for the MySQL Server')); $stmt = prepex(25, $db, 'SELECT id, label FROM test WHERE MATCH label AGAINST (:placeholder)', array(':placeholder' => 'mysql'), null, true); if (is_object($stmt)) { /* Lets ignore this if (count(($tmp = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))) != 2) printf("[033] Expecting two rows, got %d rows\n", $tmp); */ $stmt = prepex(26, $db, 'SELECT id, label FROM test ORDER BY id ASC'); if (count(($tmp = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))) != 2) printf("[027] Expecting two rows, got %d rows\n", $tmp); if ($tmp[0]['label'] !== 'MySQL is the best database in the world!') { printf("[028] INSERT seems to have failed, dumping data, check manually\n"); var_dump($tmp); } } } $db->exec('DELETE FROM test'); $db->exec("INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES (1, 'row1')"); $db->exec("INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES (2, 'row2')"); $sql = sprintf("SELECT id, label FROM test WHERE (label LIKE %s) AND (id = :placeholder)", $db->quote('%ro%')); $stmt = prepex(29, $db, $sql, array('placeholder' => -1)); if (count(($tmp = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))) != 0) printf("[030] Expecting zero rows, got %d rows\n", $tmp); $sql = sprintf("SELECT id, label FROM test WHERE (id = :placeholder) OR (label LIKE %s)", $db->quote('%go%')); $stmt = prepex(31, $db, $sql, array('placeholder' => 1)); if (count(($tmp = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))) != 1) printf("[032] Expecting one row, got %d rows\n", $tmp); // and now, the same with anonymous placeholders... prepex(33, $db, 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test'); prepex(34, $db, sprintf('CREATE TABLE test(id INT, label CHAR(255)) ENGINE=%s', PDO_MYSQL_TEST_ENGINE)); prepex(35, $db, "INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES(1, '?')"); $stmt = prepex(36, $db, 'SELECT label FROM test'); var_dump($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)); prepex(37, $db, 'DELETE FROM test'); prepex(38, $db, 'INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES(1, ?)', array('first row')); prepex(39, $db, 'INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES(2, ?)', array('second row')); $stmt = prepex(40, $db, 'SELECT label FROM test'); var_dump($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)); // Is PDO fun? prepex(40, $db, 'SELECT label FROM test WHERE ? > 1', array('id')); prepex(41, $db, 'SELECT ? FROM test WHERE id > 1', array('id')); prepex(42, $db, 'SELECT ? FROM test WHERE ? > ?', array('id', 'label', 'value')); for ($num_params = 2; $num_params < 100; $num_params++) { $params = array('a'); for ($i = 1; $i < $num_params; $i++) { $params[] = 'some data'; } prepex(43, $db, 'SELECT id, label FROM test WHERE label > ?', $params, array('execute' => array('sqlstate' => 'HY093'))); } prepex(44, $db, 'DELETE FROM test'); prepex(45, $db, 'INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES (1, ?), (2, ?)', array('row', 'row')); $stmt = prepex(46, $db, 'SELECT id, label FROM test ORDER BY id'); $tmp = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $exp = array( 0 => array( "id" => "1", "label" => "row" ), 1 => array( "id" => "2", "label" => "row" ), ); if (MySQLPDOTest::isPDOMySQLnd()) { // mysqlnd returns native types $exp[0]['id'] = 1; $exp[1]['id'] = 2; } if ($tmp !== $exp) { printf("[064] Results seem wrong. Please check dumps manually.\n"); var_dump($exp); var_dump($tmp); } $stmt = prepex(47, $db, 'SELECT id, label FROM test WHERE ? IS NOT NULL', array(1)); if (count(($tmp = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))) != 2) printf("[048] '1' IS NOT NULL evaluates to true, expecting two rows, got %d rows\n", $tmp); $stmt = prepex(49, $db, 'SELECT id, label FROM test WHERE ? IS NULL', array(1)); if (count(($tmp = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))) != 0) printf("[050] '1' IS NOT NULL evaluates to true, expecting zero rows, got %d rows\n", $tmp); prepex(51, $db, 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test'); prepex(52, $db, 'CREATE TABLE test(id INT, label CHAR(255)) ENGINE=MyISAM'); if (is_object(prepex(53, $db, 'CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX idx1 ON test(label)', null, null, true))) { prepex(54, $db, 'INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES (1, ?)', array('MySQL is the best database in the world!')); prepex(55, $db, 'INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES (1, ?)', array('If I have the freedom to choose, I would always go again for the MySQL Server')); $stmt = prepex(56, $db, 'SELECT id, label FROM test WHERE MATCH label AGAINST (?)', array('mysql'), null, true); /* Lets ignore that if (count(($tmp = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))) != 2) printf("[074] Expecting two rows, got %d rows\n", $tmp); */ } prepex(57, $db, 'DELETE FROM test'); prepex(58, $db, 'INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES (1, ?), (2, ?)', array('row1', 'row2')); /* TODO enable after fix $stmt = prepex(37, $db, 'SELECT id, label FROM \'test WHERE MATCH label AGAINST (:placeholder)', array(':placeholder' => 'row'), array('execute' => array('sqlstate' => '42000', 'mysql' => 1064))); */ $stmt = prepex(59, $db, 'SELECT id, label AS "label" FROM test WHERE label = ?', array('row1')); $tmp = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $exp = array( 0 => array("id" => "1", "label" => "row1") ); if (MySQLPDOTest::isPDOMySQLnd()) { // mysqlnd returns native types $exp[0]['id'] = 1; } if ($tmp !== $exp) { printf("[065] Results seem wrong. Please check dumps manually.\n"); var_dump($exp); var_dump($tmp); } $sql = sprintf("SELECT id, label FROM test WHERE (label LIKE %s) AND (id = ?)", $db->quote('%ro%')); $stmt = prepex(60, $db, $sql, array(-1)); if (count(($tmp = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))) != 0) printf("[061] Expecting zero rows, got %d rows\n", $tmp); $sql = sprintf("SELECT id, label FROM test WHERE (id = ?) OR (label LIKE %s)", $db->quote('%ro%')); $stmt = prepex(61, $db, $sql, array(1)); if (count(($tmp = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))) != 2) printf("[062] Expecting two rows, got %d rows\n", $tmp); $sql = "SELECT id, label FROM test WHERE id = ? AND label = (SELECT label AS 'SELECT' FROM test WHERE id = ?)"; $stmt = prepex(63, $db, $sql, array(1, 1)); if (count(($tmp = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))) != 1) printf("[064] Expecting one row, got %d rows\n", $tmp); } catch (PDOException $e) { printf("[001] %s [%s] %s\n", $e->getMessage(), $db->errorCode(), implode(' ', $db->errorInfo())); } print "done!"; ?> --CLEAN-- exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test'); ?> --EXPECT-- PDO::prepare(): Argument #1 ($query) cannot be empty array(1) { [0]=> array(1) { ["label"]=> string(12) ":placeholder" } } array(2) { [0]=> array(1) { ["label"]=> string(9) "first row" } [1]=> array(1) { ["label"]=> string(10) "second row" } } array(0) { } array(1) { [0]=> array(1) { ["label"]=> string(1) "?" } } array(2) { [0]=> array(1) { ["label"]=> string(9) "first row" } [1]=> array(1) { ["label"]=> string(10) "second row" } } done!