notify($worker); } function phpt_wait($worker = WORKER_DEFAULT_NAME, $timeout = null) { ServerClientTestCase::getInstance()->wait($worker, $timeout); } function phpt_has_sslv3() { static $result = null; if (!is_null($result)) { return $result; } $server = @stream_socket_server('sslv3://'); if ($result = !!$server) { fclose($server); } return $result; } function phpt_extract_tls_records($rawData) { $records = []; $offset = 0; $dataLength = strlen($rawData); while ($offset < $dataLength) { // Ensure there's enough data left for the header. if ($offset + 5 > $dataLength) { break; } // Extract the length of the current record. $length = unpack("n", substr($rawData, $offset + 3, 2))[1]; // Check if the total length is within the bounds of the rawData. if ($offset + 5 + $length > $dataLength) { break; } // Extract the record and add it to the records array. $records[] = substr($rawData, $offset, 5 + $length); // Move the offset past the current record. $offset += 5 + $length; } return $records; } /** * This is a singleton to let the wait/notify functions work * I know it's horrible, but it's a means to an end */ class ServerClientTestCase { private $isWorker = false; private $workerHandle = []; private $workerStdIn = []; private $workerStdOut = []; private static $instance; public static function getInstance($isWorker = false) { if (!isset(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new self($isWorker); } return self::$instance; } public function __construct($isWorker = false) { if (!isset(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = $this; } $this->isWorker = $isWorker; } private function spawnWorkerProcess($worker, $code) { if (defined("PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_MAJOR")) { $ini = php_ini_loaded_file(); $cmd = sprintf( '%s %s "%s" %s', PHP_BINARY, $ini ? "-n -c $ini" : "", __FILE__, WORKER_ARGV_VALUE ); } else { $cmd = sprintf( '%s %s "%s" %s %s', PHP_BINARY, getenv('TEST_PHP_EXTRA_ARGS'), __FILE__, WORKER_ARGV_VALUE, $worker ); } $this->workerHandle[$worker] = proc_open( $cmd, [['pipe', 'r'], ['pipe', 'w'], STDERR], $pipes ); $this->workerStdIn[$worker] = $pipes[0]; $this->workerStdOut[$worker] = $pipes[1]; fwrite($this->workerStdIn[$worker], $code . "\n---\n"); } private function cleanupWorkerProcess($worker) { fclose($this->workerStdIn[$worker]); fclose($this->workerStdOut[$worker]); proc_close($this->workerHandle[$worker]); } private function stripPhpTagsFromCode($code) { return preg_replace('/^\s*<\?(?:php)?|\?>\s*$/i', '', $code); } public function runWorker() { $code = ''; while (1) { $line = fgets(STDIN); if (trim($line) === "---") { break; } $code .= $line; } eval($code); } public function run($masterCode, $workerCode) { if (!is_array($workerCode)) { $workerCode = [WORKER_DEFAULT_NAME => $workerCode]; } foreach ($workerCode as $worker => $code) { $this->spawnWorkerProcess($worker, $this->stripPhpTagsFromCode($code)); } eval($this->stripPhpTagsFromCode($masterCode)); foreach ($workerCode as $worker => $code) { $this->cleanupWorkerProcess($worker); } } public function wait($worker, $timeout = null) { $handle = $this->isWorker ? STDIN : $this->workerStdOut[$worker]; if ($timeout === null) { fgets($handle); return true; } stream_set_blocking($handle, false); $read = [$handle]; $result = stream_select($read, $write, $except, $timeout); if (!$result) { return false; } fgets($handle); stream_set_blocking($handle, true); return true; } public function notify($worker) { fwrite($this->isWorker ? STDOUT : $this->workerStdIn[$worker], "\n"); } } if (isset($argv[1]) && $argv[1] === WORKER_ARGV_VALUE) { ServerClientTestCase::getInstance(true)->runWorker(); }