--TEST-- Test imap_createmailbox() function : basic functionality --EXTENSIONS-- imap --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- messages . "\n"; echo "Recent: " . $status->recent . "\n"; echo "Unseen: " . $status->unseen . "\n"; echo "UIDnext: " . $status->uidnext . "\n"; echo "UIDvalidity: " . $status->uidvalidity . "\n"; } else { echo "imap_status on new mailbox failed: " . imap_last_error() . "\n"; } if (imap_deletemailbox($imap_stream, $newbox)) { echo "Mailbox '$newname' removed to restore initial state\n"; } else { echo "imap_deletemailbox on new mailbox failed: " . implode("\n", imap_errors()) . "\n"; } } else { echo "could not create new mailbox: " . implode("\n", imap_errors()) . "\n"; } imap_close($imap_stream); ?> --CLEAN-- --EXPECTF-- *** Testing imap_createmailbox() : basic functionality *** Create a temporary mailbox and add 0 msgs New mailbox created Newname will be 'phpnewbox' Add a couple of msgs to 'phpnewbox' mailbox Your new mailbox 'phpnewbox' has the following status: Messages: 2 Recent: 2 Unseen: 2 UIDnext: %d UIDvalidity: %d Mailbox 'phpnewbox' removed to restore initial state