--TEST-- Tests DOMDocument::adoptNode() --EXTENSIONS-- dom --FILE-- loadXML("


"); $doc2 = new DOMDocument(); $doc2->loadXML("
"); $b_tag_element = $doc1->firstChild->firstChild; $i_tag_element = $b_tag_element->lastChild; echo "-- Owner document check before adopting --\n"; var_dump($i_tag_element->ownerDocument === $doc1); var_dump($i_tag_element->ownerDocument === $doc2); echo "-- Trying to append child from other document --\n"; try { $doc2->firstChild->appendChild($b_tag_element); // Should fail because it's another document } catch (\DOMException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } echo "-- Adopting --\n"; $adopted = $doc2->adoptNode($b_tag_element); var_dump($adopted->textContent); var_dump($doc1->saveXML()); var_dump($doc2->saveXML()); echo "-- Appending the adopted node --\n"; $doc2->firstChild->appendChild($adopted); var_dump($doc2->saveXML()); var_dump($i_tag_element->ownerDocument === $doc1); var_dump($i_tag_element->ownerDocument === $doc2); echo "-- Adopt node to the original document --\n"; $adopted = $doc1->adoptNode($doc1->firstChild->firstChild); var_dump($adopted->textContent); var_dump($doc1->saveXML()); echo "-- Adopt a document (strict error on) --\n"; try { $doc1->adoptNode($doc1); } catch (\DOMException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } echo "-- Adopt a document (strict error off) --\n"; $doc1->strictErrorChecking = false; try { $doc1->adoptNode($doc1); } catch (\DOMException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } $doc1->strictErrorChecking = true; echo "-- Adopt an attribute --\n"; $doc3 = new DOMDocument(); $doc3->loadXML('


'); $attribute = $doc3->firstChild->attributes->item(0); var_dump($attribute->parentNode !== NULL); $adopted = $doc3->adoptNode($attribute); var_dump($adopted->parentNode === NULL); echo $doc3->saveXML(); echo "-- Append an attribute from another document --\n"; $doc4 = new DOMDocument(); $doc4->appendChild($doc4->createElement('container')); $doc4->documentElement->appendChild($doc4->adoptNode($adopted)); echo $doc4->saveXML(); echo "-- Adopt an entity reference --\n"; $doc4 = new DOMDocument(); $doc4->loadXML(<<<'XML' hi

'> ]>

XML, LIBXML_NOENT); $p_tag_element = $doc4->firstChild->nextSibling; $entity_reference = $doc4->createEntityReference('my_entity'); $p_tag_element->appendChild($entity_reference); var_dump($doc4->saveXML()); $doc3->adoptNode($entity_reference); var_dump($doc4->saveXML()); $doc3->firstChild->appendChild($entity_reference); var_dump($doc3->saveXML()); echo "-- Adopt a node and destroy the new document --\n"; $doc1 = new DOMDocument(); $doc1->appendChild($doc1->createElement('child')); $doc2 = new DOMDocument(); $doc2->appendChild($doc2->createElement('container')); $doc2->documentElement->appendChild($child = $doc2->adoptNode($doc1->documentElement)); echo $doc1->saveXML(); echo $doc2->saveXML(); // Try to trigger a use-after-free unset($doc2); var_dump($child->nodeName); unset($doc1); var_dump($child->nodeName); ?> --EXPECTF-- -- Owner document check before adopting -- bool(true) bool(false) -- Trying to append child from other document -- Wrong Document Error -- Adopting -- string(3) "hix" string(35) "


" string(29) "
" -- Appending the adopted node -- string(62) "
" bool(false) bool(true) -- Adopt node to the original document -- string(5) "world" string(27) "

" -- Adopt a document (strict error on) -- Not Supported Error -- Adopt a document (strict error off) -- Warning: DOMDocument::adoptNode(): Not Supported Error in %s on line %d -- Adopt an attribute -- bool(true) bool(true)


-- Append an attribute from another document -- -- Adopt an entity reference -- string(202) " hi

"> ]>


" string(188) " hi

"> ]>

" string(43) "


" -- Adopt a node and destroy the new document -- string(5) "child" string(5) "child"