--TEST-- DateTime uninitialised exceptions --INI-- date.timezone=Europe/London --FILE-- getMessage(), "\n"; } } $mdti = new MyDateTimeImmutable(); $dt = new DateTimeImmutable(); $di = DateInterval::createFromDateString("tomorrow"); $dtz = new DateTimeZone("Europe/Kyiv"); check(fn() => DateTimeImmutable::createFromInterface($mdti)); check(fn() => DateTime::createFromImmutable($mdti)); check(fn() => serialize($mdti)); check(fn() => date_format($mdti, DateTime::ISO8601)); check(fn() => $mdti->format(DateTime::ISO8601)); check(fn() => $mdti->modify("+1 day")); check(fn() => $mdti->add($di)); check(fn() => $mdti->sub($di)); check(fn() => date_timezone_get($mdti)); check(fn() => $mdti->getTimeZone()); check(fn() => $mdti->setTimeZone($dtz)); check(fn() => date_offset_get($mdti)); check(fn() => $mdti->getOffset()); check(fn() => $mdti->setTime(17, 59, 53)); check(fn() => $mdti->setDate(2023, 1, 16)); check(fn() => $mdti->setISODate(2023, 3, 1)); check(fn() => $mdti->setTimestamp(time())); check(fn() => date_timestamp_get($mdti)); check(fn() => $mdti->getTimestamp()); check(fn() => date_diff($dt, $mdti)); check(fn() => date_diff($mdti, $dt)); check(fn() => date_diff($mdti, $mdti)); check(fn() => $dt->diff($mdti)); check(fn() => $mdti->diff($dt)); check(fn() => $mdti->diff($mdti)); ?> --EXPECTF-- DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor DateObjectError: Object of type MyDateTimeImmutable (inheriting DateTimeImmutable) has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor