--TEST-- Test parse_url() function: Parse a load of URLs without specifying the component --FILE-- $url: "; var_dump(parse_url($url)); } echo "Done"; ?> --EXPECT-- --> array(1) { ["path"]=> string(12) "" } --> array(2) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(12) "" } --> array(3) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(12) "" ["path"]=> string(1) "/" } --> array(1) { ["path"]=> string(13) "" } --> array(3) { ["host"]=> string(12) "" ["port"]=> int(80) ["path"]=> string(1) "/" } --> php.net: array(1) { ["path"]=> string(7) "php.net" } --> php.net/: array(1) { ["path"]=> string(8) "php.net/" } --> http://php.net: array(2) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(7) "php.net" } --> http://php.net/: array(3) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(7) "php.net" ["path"]=> string(1) "/" } --> www.php.net: array(1) { ["path"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" } --> www.php.net/: array(1) { ["path"]=> string(12) "www.php.net/" } --> http://www.php.net: array(2) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" } --> http://www.php.net/: array(3) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["path"]=> string(1) "/" } --> www.php.net:80: array(2) { ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) } --> http://www.php.net:80: array(3) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) } --> http://www.php.net:80/: array(4) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["path"]=> string(1) "/" } --> http://www.php.net/index.php: array(3) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["path"]=> string(10) "/index.php" } --> www.php.net/?: array(2) { ["path"]=> string(12) "www.php.net/" ["query"]=> string(0) "" } --> www.php.net:80/?: array(4) { ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["path"]=> string(1) "/" ["query"]=> string(0) "" } --> http://www.php.net/?: array(4) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["path"]=> string(1) "/" ["query"]=> string(0) "" } --> http://www.php.net:80/?: array(5) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["path"]=> string(1) "/" ["query"]=> string(0) "" } --> http://www.php.net:80/index.php: array(4) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["path"]=> string(10) "/index.php" } --> http://www.php.net:80/foo/bar/index.php: array(4) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["path"]=> string(18) "/foo/bar/index.php" } --> http://www.php.net:80/this/is/a/very/deep/directory/structure/and/file.php: array(4) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["path"]=> string(53) "/this/is/a/very/deep/directory/structure/and/file.php" } --> http://www.php.net:80/this/is/a/very/deep/directory/structure/and/file.php?lots=1&of=2¶meters=3&too=4&here=5: array(5) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["path"]=> string(53) "/this/is/a/very/deep/directory/structure/and/file.php" ["query"]=> string(37) "lots=1&of=2¶meters=3&too=4&here=5" } --> http://www.php.net:80/this/is/a/very/deep/directory/structure/and/: array(4) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["path"]=> string(45) "/this/is/a/very/deep/directory/structure/and/" } --> http://www.php.net:80/this/is/a/very/deep/directory/structure/and/file.php: array(4) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["path"]=> string(53) "/this/is/a/very/deep/directory/structure/and/file.php" } --> http://www.php.net:80/this/../a/../deep/directory: array(4) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["path"]=> string(28) "/this/../a/../deep/directory" } --> http://www.php.net:80/this/../a/../deep/directory/: array(4) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["path"]=> string(29) "/this/../a/../deep/directory/" } --> http://www.php.net:80/this/is/a/very/deep/directory/../file.php: array(4) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["path"]=> string(42) "/this/is/a/very/deep/directory/../file.php" } --> http://www.php.net:80/index.php: array(4) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["path"]=> string(10) "/index.php" } --> http://www.php.net:80/index.php?: array(5) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["path"]=> string(10) "/index.php" ["query"]=> string(0) "" } --> http://www.php.net:80/#foo: array(5) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["path"]=> string(1) "/" ["fragment"]=> string(3) "foo" } --> http://www.php.net:80/?#: array(6) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["path"]=> string(1) "/" ["query"]=> string(0) "" ["fragment"]=> string(0) "" } --> http://www.php.net:80/?test=1: array(5) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["path"]=> string(1) "/" ["query"]=> string(6) "test=1" } --> http://www.php.net/?test=1&: array(4) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["path"]=> string(1) "/" ["query"]=> string(7) "test=1&" } --> http://www.php.net:80/?&: array(5) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["path"]=> string(1) "/" ["query"]=> string(1) "&" } --> http://www.php.net:80/index.php?test=1&: array(5) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["path"]=> string(10) "/index.php" ["query"]=> string(7) "test=1&" } --> http://www.php.net/index.php?&: array(4) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["path"]=> string(10) "/index.php" ["query"]=> string(1) "&" } --> http://www.php.net:80/index.php?foo&: array(5) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["path"]=> string(10) "/index.php" ["query"]=> string(4) "foo&" } --> http://www.php.net/index.php?&foo: array(4) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["path"]=> string(10) "/index.php" ["query"]=> string(4) "&foo" } --> http://www.php.net:80/index.php?test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI: array(5) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["path"]=> string(10) "/index.php" ["query"]=> string(31) "test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI" } --> www.php.net:80/index.php?test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI#some_page_ref123: array(5) { ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["path"]=> string(10) "/index.php" ["query"]=> string(31) "test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI" ["fragment"]=> string(16) "some_page_ref123" } --> http://secret@www.php.net:80/index.php?test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI#some_page_ref123: array(7) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["user"]=> string(6) "secret" ["path"]=> string(10) "/index.php" ["query"]=> string(31) "test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI" ["fragment"]=> string(16) "some_page_ref123" } --> http://secret:@www.php.net/index.php?test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI#some_page_ref123: array(7) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["user"]=> string(6) "secret" ["pass"]=> string(0) "" ["path"]=> string(10) "/index.php" ["query"]=> string(31) "test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI" ["fragment"]=> string(16) "some_page_ref123" } --> http://:hideout@www.php.net:80/index.php?test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI#some_page_ref123: array(8) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["user"]=> string(0) "" ["pass"]=> string(7) "hideout" ["path"]=> string(10) "/index.php" ["query"]=> string(31) "test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI" ["fragment"]=> string(16) "some_page_ref123" } --> http://secret:hideout@www.php.net/index.php?test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI#some_page_ref123: array(7) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["user"]=> string(6) "secret" ["pass"]=> string(7) "hideout" ["path"]=> string(10) "/index.php" ["query"]=> string(31) "test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI" ["fragment"]=> string(16) "some_page_ref123" } --> http://secret@hideout@www.php.net:80/index.php?test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI#some_page_ref123: array(7) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["user"]=> string(14) "secret@hideout" ["path"]=> string(10) "/index.php" ["query"]=> string(31) "test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI" ["fragment"]=> string(16) "some_page_ref123" } --> http://secret:hid:out@www.php.net:80/index.php?test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI#some_page_ref123: array(8) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "www.php.net" ["port"]=> int(80) ["user"]=> string(6) "secret" ["pass"]=> string(7) "hid:out" ["path"]=> string(10) "/index.php" ["query"]=> string(31) "test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI" ["fragment"]=> string(16) "some_page_ref123" } --> nntp://news.php.net: array(2) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "nntp" ["host"]=> string(12) "news.php.net" } --> ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/glic/glibc.tar.gz: array(3) { ["scheme"]=> string(3) "ftp" ["host"]=> string(11) "ftp.gnu.org" ["path"]=> string(22) "/gnu/glic/glibc.tar.gz" } --> zlib:http://foo@bar: array(2) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "zlib" ["path"]=> string(14) "http://foo@bar" } --> zlib:filename.txt: array(2) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "zlib" ["path"]=> string(12) "filename.txt" } --> zlib:/path/to/my/file/file.txt: array(2) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "zlib" ["path"]=> string(25) "/path/to/my/file/file.txt" } --> foo://foo@bar: array(3) { ["scheme"]=> string(3) "foo" ["host"]=> string(3) "bar" ["user"]=> string(3) "foo" } --> mailto:me@mydomain.com: array(2) { ["scheme"]=> string(6) "mailto" ["path"]=> string(15) "me@mydomain.com" } --> /foo.php?a=b&c=d: array(2) { ["path"]=> string(8) "/foo.php" ["query"]=> string(7) "a=b&c=d" } --> foo.php?a=b&c=d: array(2) { ["path"]=> string(7) "foo.php" ["query"]=> string(7) "a=b&c=d" } --> http://user:passwd@www.example.com:8080?bar=1&boom=0: array(6) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(15) "www.example.com" ["port"]=> int(8080) ["user"]=> string(4) "user" ["pass"]=> string(6) "passwd" ["query"]=> string(12) "bar=1&boom=0" } --> http://user_me-you:my_pas-word@www.example.com:8080?bar=1&boom=0: array(6) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(15) "www.example.com" ["port"]=> int(8080) ["user"]=> string(11) "user_me-you" ["pass"]=> string(11) "my_pas-word" ["query"]=> string(12) "bar=1&boom=0" } --> file:///path/to/file: array(2) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "file" ["path"]=> string(13) "/path/to/file" } --> file://path/to/file: array(3) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "file" ["host"]=> string(4) "path" ["path"]=> string(8) "/to/file" } --> file:/path/to/file: array(2) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "file" ["path"]=> string(13) "/path/to/file" } --> array(4) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(7) "" ["path"]=> string(8) "/abc.asp" ["query"]=> string(7) "a=1&b=2" } --> http://foo.com#bar: array(3) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(7) "foo.com" ["fragment"]=> string(3) "bar" } --> scheme:: array(1) { ["scheme"]=> string(6) "scheme" } --> foo+bar://baz@bang/bla: array(4) { ["scheme"]=> string(7) "foo+bar" ["host"]=> string(4) "bang" ["user"]=> string(3) "baz" ["path"]=> string(4) "/bla" } --> gg:9130731: array(2) { ["scheme"]=> string(2) "gg" ["path"]=> string(7) "9130731" } --> http://user:@pass@host/path?argument?value#etc: array(7) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(4) "host" ["user"]=> string(4) "user" ["pass"]=> string(5) "@pass" ["path"]=> string(5) "/path" ["query"]=> string(14) "argument?value" ["fragment"]=> string(3) "etc" } --> array(3) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(11) "" ["path"]=> string(4) "/:80" } --> http://x:?: array(3) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(1) "x" ["query"]=> string(0) "" } --> x:blah.com: array(2) { ["scheme"]=> string(1) "x" ["path"]=> string(8) "blah.com" } --> x:/blah.com: array(2) { ["scheme"]=> string(1) "x" ["path"]=> string(9) "/blah.com" } --> x://::abc/?: bool(false) --> http://::?: array(3) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(1) ":" ["query"]=> string(0) "" } --> http://::#: array(3) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(1) ":" ["fragment"]=> string(0) "" } --> x://::6.5: array(3) { ["scheme"]=> string(1) "x" ["host"]=> string(1) ":" ["port"]=> int(6) } --> http://?:/: bool(false) --> http://@?:/: bool(false) --> file:///:: array(2) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "file" ["path"]=> string(2) "/:" } --> file:///a:/: array(2) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "file" ["path"]=> string(3) "a:/" } --> file:///ab:/: array(2) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "file" ["path"]=> string(5) "/ab:/" } --> file:///a:/: array(2) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "file" ["path"]=> string(3) "a:/" } --> file:///@:/: array(2) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "file" ["path"]=> string(3) "@:/" } --> file:///:80/: array(2) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "file" ["path"]=> string(5) "/:80/" } --> []: array(1) { ["path"]=> string(2) "[]" } --> http://[x:80]/: array(3) { ["scheme"]=> string(4) "http" ["host"]=> string(6) "[x:80]" ["path"]=> string(1) "/" } --> : array(1) { ["path"]=> string(0) "" } --> /: array(1) { ["path"]=> string(1) "/" } --> /rest/Users?filter={"id":"123"}: array(2) { ["path"]=> string(11) "/rest/Users" ["query"]=> string(19) "filter={"id":"123"}" } --> %:x: array(1) { ["path"]=> string(3) "%:x" } --> https://example.com:0/: array(4) { ["scheme"]=> string(5) "https" ["host"]=> string(11) "example.com" ["port"]=> int(0) ["path"]=> string(1) "/" } --> http:///blah.com: bool(false) --> http://:80: bool(false) --> http://user@:80: bool(false) --> http://user:pass@:80: bool(false) --> http://:: bool(false) --> http://@/: bool(false) --> http://@:/: bool(false) --> http://:/: bool(false) --> http://?: bool(false) --> http://#: bool(false) --> http://?:: bool(false) --> http://:?: bool(false) --> http://blah.com:123456: bool(false) --> http://blah.com:abcdef: bool(false) Done