--TEST-- Test copy() function: usage variations - stat after copy --FILE-- "; var_dump( copy($src_file_name, $dest_file_name) ); $stat_after_copy = stat($src_file_name); clearstatcache(); // compare all stat fields except access time $stat_keys_to_compare = array("dev", "ino", "mode", "nlink", "uid", "gid", "rdev", "size", "mtime", "ctime", "blksize", "blocks"); echo "Comparing the stats of file before and after copy operation => "; var_dump( compare_stats($stat_before_copy, $stat_after_copy, $stat_keys_to_compare) ); echo "*** Done ***\n"; ?> --CLEAN-- --EXPECT-- *** Test copy() function: stat of file before and after copy *** Copy operation => bool(true) Comparing the stats of file before and after copy operation => bool(true) *** Done ***